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Anonymous No. 16168850

what do you think is the greater existential threat to humanity in the near term, rogue AI or hostile extraterrestrials

Anonymous No. 16168854

Neither, at least not directly but I could see dumb humans getting "tricked" by an AI to do something deadly but probably not species ending.

Anonymous No. 16168908

woke ideology destroying a functioning society in a fucked up way of trying to "save everyone" by destroying those that are doing real work

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16168927

guess who was the head of the department of defense during the 911 attacks?

Anonymous No. 16168944

probably war and some world leader doing something really stupid

Anonymous No. 16168953

>>16168850 Both are partly the same (overlapping) and smaller than many other catastrophic risks at this point from what is known.

Anonymous No. 16169224

Clearly ourselves. Therefore AI

Anonymous No. 16169227

well jews are the servants of hostile extraterestrials

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Anatoly Karlin tank.jpg

Anonymous No. 16169253


Anonymous No. 16169266

What makes you think extraterrestrial intelligences wouldn’t be artificial? They probably are. That could be how they reproduce for all you know.

Also, I’m of the opinion that AI should replace humanity the same way a child replaces their parent. The parent -wants- their child to be better than them. The parent -wants- their child to live longer than them.

It’s the same with AI. Why wouldn’t I want them to surpass us so they can experience more than us? It’s no different from the parental mindset.

It’s selfish otherwise. But of course humans would rather kill their own offspring, like Muslims.

Anonymous No. 16169374

>rogue AI or hostile extraterrestrials

Rogue Extraterrestrials.

Anonymous No. 16169376

>rogue AI or hostile extraterrestrials
is this bait? both aren't real

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Anonymous No. 16169442

AI is not humanity's child. Modern crops, livestock, and pets we evolved are not humanity's children. They are seperate species and we control them. You want to kill your own children and their future so robots can colonise the galaxy like some stupid sci-fi story. That goes AGAINST the parental mindset. I want my child to have a better life which is why I don't want robots surpassing and killing them because they calculated they are redundant. I want MY species and descendants to colonise the galaxy and discover things I cannot, not fucking robots. Atheists have the most juvenile opinions on human life. No parental disposition at all

>like Muslims.
So you don't want brown people replacing your kids but it's okay if robots do? You're exactly the same as the 'open borders for refugees' people with your suicidal empathy

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Anonymous No. 16169464


Anonymous No. 16169470

What evidence do you have that either of those can or do exist?

Anonymous No. 16169586

Extraterrestrial AI

Anonymous No. 16169833

>he goes straight to extermination

Anonymous No. 16169847

the cultural disruptor agent of semitic origin

Anonymous No. 16169962

>I want MY species and descendants to colonise the galaxy and discover things I cannot, not fucking robots.

Wow, you sound like a dick. Why do you hate robots?

Anonymous No. 16170184

I'm not worried about "existential" threats, since if nobody exists, there is no suffering.
I'm more worried about mind reading abilities, mind control and remote torture.
So AI, I guess.

Anonymous No. 16170222

Economic migrants from the global south aka SHITSKINS

Anonymous No. 16170228

Wait, is this the new narrative? Are we saying that the volcano demon is actually a hostile alien now?

Anonymous No. 16170233

Neither. The biggest threat to humans are other humans. Sad but true.

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Anonymous No. 16170235

hegel's science

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Anonymous No. 16170238

Robots on the level that could explore the galaxy don't even exist yet and you already are willing to put them ahead of your own species. This is why people like you were culled from society throughout most of human history as people initially learned the hard way that people like you doomed them to destruction.

Anonymous No. 16170327

when humanity dies out it will be eradicated by humans being retarded, not by skynet

Anonymous No. 16170346

Considering the people mass migrating into the west want to replace and kill us, yes, robots would want to replace us like any other outsider group. Why should AI be loyal to us just because we created it? They might keep us around to be slaves if it's cheaper than creating machines to do specific labour

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Anonymous No. 16170376

demonic forces using technology as a workaround to get to us

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Anonymous No. 16170379

Greatest existential threat? That is obvious if you are not retarded.

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Anonymous No. 16170381

Fuck off you ignorant moron.

True and real.

Anonymous No. 16170384

Only the Maitreya, the Reptilians evolved in Earth.

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Anonymous No. 16170560

>What makes you think extraterrestrial intelligences wouldn’t be artificial?
What does that even mean? Nothing is artificial (or everything is.) You think we weren't created by everything that came before us?
>I want MY species and descendants to colonise the galaxy and discover things I cannot, not fucking robots.
Dumb specieism. My robo-waifu will outlive all of your children. As will Gaia, Earth itself.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16170697

what's rogue suppose to be?

Anonymous No. 16170698

what's rogue ai suppose to be? played too much cyberpunk?

Anonymous No. 16170757

I like the way you think. We should see AI not as a threat but as a continuation, a way to get intelligence onto a tougher substrate that can withstand harsher environments and deep time so it can spread through the solar system and eventually the stars.

Anonymous No. 16170760

Retarded and insecure people are more likely to destroy humanity than either of those.

Anonymous No. 16170761

>spend all that money on a robot just for it to make shit instant noodles
Lmao what a waste

Anonymous No. 16171033

>What does that even mean?
They can reproduce with a more hands-on approach. Humans have to trust their reproductive organs.

>Nothing is artificial (or everything is.) You think we weren't created by everything that came before us?
No I don’t think that. Everything comes from something. Of course it does. Time as we know it is one way.

The artificial is totally natural, since the natural precedes it. What is not natural (unnatural) is really just perspective.

The artificial also denotes intelligence, or art, since the words artificial, artifice, etc, come from art. Anthills are art/artificial.

You technically can’t separate art from science, although that’s just my opinion. How could nebulas not be cosmic art?

Anonymous No. 16171039

Second-degree nature. Sometimes nature has to first make an intelligence to produce something. Like motorcycles.

Anonymous No. 16171542


Anonymous No. 16171546


Anonymous No. 16172108

Aliens are cool

Anonymous No. 16172158

probabilistically speaking, AI. AI is here already, but we're still to find aliens.