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Anonymous No. 16169404


Anonymous No. 16169409

Linux Chads keep winning.

Anonymous No. 16169460

>sucking corporate shovelware cock this hard

Anonymous No. 16169967

Who said I legally own it? At least I am not a distrohopper tranny

Anonymous No. 16170093

this. the only thing MS had going was Office because LibreOffice sucks but now there is OnlyOffice which is kino

Anonymous No. 16170538

i was a linux diehard for years. i really wish win11 wasn't the best option. but it is.

i installed ubuntu the other day and there was so much bullshit to contend with.

1) the wifi profile doesn't connect if you change wifi chip. you have to forget network and re-join. there is no reason why the profile has to be linked to a specific wlan nic. it's just bad design.
2) graphical glitches with window snapping where the snap guide doesn't disappear once snapped, or it randomly appears for no reason.
3) snap gui not being able to update itself. this has been happening for multiple os releases now.

inb4 "just run fedora/arch/debian, bro". those systems have even worse issues. actually, i might try arch next. that is the distro that i have lasted the longest on historically. but i would really prefer to just use the distro with the most ecosystem support (ubuntu).

in the meantime, win11 just chugs along and does its job. no crashes. no weirdness.

Anonymous No. 16170567

Not interested. The only Windows I will even consider touching after Win 2000 Pro (which was peak) is the LTSC channel.
The regular versions are so anti-user, let alone the bloat and spyware, that I'd be better off using a calculator and a typewriter.
I chose Mint and XFCE, but you are right it will never be as "plug and play" as a commercial OS. But when the latter break or don't work as you want them to, you can't do anything about it, while in open source you can modify anything you want. (I did multiple times, to fix things that annoyed me.)
>now there is OnlyOffice which is kino
Thank you, will try it out.

Anonymous No. 16170572

more like Loonix Trannies keep Roping

Anonymous No. 16170583

>not installing Slackware and being free of the curse of systemd

Anonymous No. 16170587

rofl, i'll probably just stay on win11 though because it's actually quite comfy

Anonymous No. 16170595

>still using fickle shell scripts from 1979 full of [ x"$foo" = x"bar" ] as the second most fundamental OS layer after the kernel

Anonymous No. 16170607

>systemd is heckin bad!!!
Jesus again with this bullshit

Anonymous No. 16170654

These low IQ trannies like that type of shit. I am not sure why but I assume this makes them feel smarter or superior despite having 100-110 IQ.
Go to /g/ and you will see many such cases.

Anonymous No. 16171241

>Thank you, will try it out.
i've been using it for a couple weeks. i do recommend installing MS fonts

Anonymous No. 16171244

I want my OS to work out of the box, I don't want to go into the CMD window and type a bunch of shit when I want to do something.

Anonymous No. 16172253
