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🧵 Blackholes totally exist bros

Anonymous No. 16169540

Here's the proof

Anonymous No. 16169542

Nice. That must have taken a lot of work to compose, anon. Good job.

Anonymous No. 16169555

Actually you can never see a black hole. What you see in picrel is the accretion disc.

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totally real blac....jpg

Anonymous No. 16169557

Blackholes totally exist bros Here's the proof

Anonymous No. 16169575

Who cares

Anonymous No. 16170064

use AI to reconstruct the image instead of interns.

Anonymous No. 16170067

How do I know this isn't just a picture of the burner on your electric stove

Anonymous No. 16170073

That is a vagina.

Anonymous No. 16170098

Pretty much sums up how disconnected scientists are from the general public. What idiot thought it was a good idea to release an actual picture of a black like this to the peasants?
>Lol, its a blurry picture of nothing! Those scientists, wasting all my tax money on this bullshit!
Now what they should have done was release an "artist's impression" instead. With shit happening , like spaceships getting torn apart, some aliens becoming turned into spaghetti and being dragged down, screaming, to their hideous deaths, explosions going off everywhere, lasers blasting everywhere, and some hyperbolic title about weird shit going on with time and space and stuff. Then shoehorned in some emotional shit involving a black man and a white woman having sex and fighting an evil robot for some fucking reason.
(Just prompt an AI to make such a scene.)
Now that would have sold the normies and ensured future funding for decades to come.
>Oh wow! Black holes! Man! Oh wow! Here take my tax money. Take my wife, kids, car, and dog too. Gimme more!

Anonymous No. 16170415

If they wanted /sci/ users to believe it, they definitely should have publish an image like that.

Anonymous No. 16170418

Interstellar was the artist impression release, then this was the “real” release.

Anonymous No. 16170440

what is it about black holes that makes them the number one most popular popsci topic of discussion amongst the brainlet soience fangoys?
is it the comic bookish aspects of the spectacular, unrealistic and completely non disprovable conjectures which go along with the topic that make black holes so popular amongst the scientist posers and wannabes?

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Anonymous No. 16170472

Most people consider this to be ample proof. Stars moving in incredibly rapid orbits around a (mostly) dark compact object. A few million solar masses crammed into something smaller than the Solar System.

Anonymous No. 16170478

It's what won a Nobel prize, and no Nobel prize in physics has ever later been been shown to be wrong. However in this case the prize was worded very carefully, it was for measuring a super-compact massive object at the center of the galaxy. The only thing we know of which theoretically that could be is a black-hole but that word was never used in the award description since it was not a direct observation.

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Sun Motion Around....jpg

Anonymous No. 16170506

there must be a black hole at the center of the solar system too, look at how the sun orbits it

Anonymous No. 16170534

today i learned that planets don't orbit the sun

Anonymous No. 16170542

I think you misread the pic anon. It shows the barycenter constantly moving as well and that most of the time it's inside the Sun.

Anonymous No. 16170543

meant for >>16170506

Anonymous No. 16170544

Lets treat the barycenter the same as the black hole.
Assume Keplarian orbits around a central mass, what is the central mass. T = 2 pi sqrt(a^3/GM)
The Sun orbits the barycenter every 11.8 (ish) years because of Jupiter. It has a semi-major axis of about 780,000 km.
Assuming circular orbits and Newtonian physics the central mass comes out as 5x10^20 kg. Or 3x10^-10 solar masses, one 3 billionth of the mass of the Sun.

What is going on? With the black hole the enclosed mass is consistent and huge, whereas with the Solar system the enclosed mass is tiny. Negligible. Because the latter is not a Keplerian orbit. The barycenter isn't magical, it doesn't behave like Galactic Center.
If the Sun was orbiting the barycenter like the planets (same enclosed mass) it would orbit 34,000 times faster. It would orbit the barycenter every 3 hours. It doesn't. This difference shows the mass is extended, not central.

The dynamics of the Galactic Center is nothing like the solar system barycenter. It is also active from time to time, visible in x-ray, radio and infrared wavelengths. It's not nothing.

They often do that. For example the prize wasn't awarded for Higgs, but for predicting the results at the LHC.

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Anonymous No. 16170557


Anonymous No. 16170564

They must of saw lord of the rings.

Anonymous No. 16170565

is that some sort of sex toy

Anonymous No. 16170604

They're the fermi bubbles.

Anonymous No. 16170705

When you look into the story of how they got all that "data" to make that "picture" it really makes you wonder if it's all bullshit or not. Spoiler, it is.

Can anyone prove to me all this "data" we get from "deep space" isn't just some malevolent hyper advanced aliens feeding us what they want us to see? There is literally no way to tell the difference except go see it in person which is impossible. Space outside our own solar system is an unfalsifiable theory at best. For all you know it's all just on the fly generated data streams that mean nothing. An AI powered abstract "space art" generation program. Even in person could be simulated but it's less likely and simulating these "observations" we make would be trivially simple.

Anonymous No. 16170715

>Space outside our own solar system is an unfalsifiable theory at best.
Objects of galactic and intergalactic space have been observed before the radio was invented.

Anonymous No. 16170747

>Can anyone prove to me all this "data" we get from "deep space" isn't just some malevolent hyper advanced aliens feeding us what they want us to see?
By construction this is unfalsifiable. And about as meaningful as saying "god painted a magic sky carpet".
The difference is that aliens or God has no predictive value. For example one can predict the transits of exoplanets across their stars, a prediction based on the model that space is real. So you predict the time, profile, duration and depth of this drop in brightness. You can go test this.
But what does the alien hypothesis predict? Literally anything could be observed. The stars could move to spell out your name. A model which is consistent with anything has no predictive value, it's not testable much falsifiable.

Anonymous No. 16170748

That's the radiation pattern of a galaxy. The points on the violet surface with longer distance from the center means the galaxy radiates more gamma rays in that direction

Anonymous No. 16170764

It's a pattern of radiation from when the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy was a quasar.

Anonymous No. 16170768

Fuck I didn't expect this to be true. I was just bullshitting with my antenna theory knowledge kek

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Anonymous No. 16170795

Well your theoretical knowledge is applicable and correct here. Gas in an accretion disc around a black hole that is falling towards the center of mass heats up and emits radiation.

Anonymous No. 16170854

IIRC, it's hypothesized to be a remnant of the last time SagA* was active, or the last time it "ate". there have been observations implying that most galaxies have, or have the capacity for, fermi bubbles.

Anonymous No. 16170871

>I don't understand what the image or the aim of the project was
>therefore it's bad

Anonymous No. 16171270

It makes sense. Every black hole has the possibility to be a quasar.

Anonymous No. 16171920

nice anus, man

Anonymous No. 16172468

>Here's the proof
there's much more than that, but yes.

Anonymous No. 16172472

>Lol, its a blurry picture of nothing! Those scientists, wasting all my tax money on this bullshit!
of the countless laypeople I spoke to about that, none had that reaction. You'd have to be a really dumb, cynical, paranoid idiot to even spit out such words.
>what they should have done was release an "artist's impression" instead
if there's one thing that is not in short offer online are imaginary and model renditions of black holes, so I'm not sure what it is that you speak of.

Anonymous No. 16172476

>They must HAVE SEEN lord of the rings

Anonymous No. 16172616

Is there a possibility center of galaxies are some sort of hyper massive dark object that is NOT a black hole?

I believe in black holes btw.

Anonymous No. 16173010

Rude! :p

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black hole.jpg

Anonymous No. 16173026

Anonymous No. 16173061

Good question. Is there any supermassive, dense, black object with an accretion disk that isn't a black hole, and is there a reason for it to be at the center of a galaxy that would be better than the reasons we currently have for why there are black holes at the center of galaxies?

Anonymous No. 16173072

You'd think the /pol/ anti-science flat earther static universe contrarians would be for the existence of black holes, as they literally prove Einstein, who insisted that they couldn't possibly exist and there must be a mechanism to prevent them from forming, wrong.

Are you saying Einstein, a Jew, was right all along? So relativity suddenly is real, and you can squash 3 solar masses into an area the size of the moon without anything weird happening?

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Anonymous No. 16173079


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Anonymous No. 16173115

>find a spot in space where a large body is eclipsing a star from our perspective
>measure the radiation from the star that makes its way around the body eclipsing it
>create a graphical representation of it
>call it a black hole
Voila, now black holes exist and we have proof. Pic related, it's a "black hole" photographed from the Earth's surface in 2017.

Anonymous No. 16173133

Totally explains why everything orbiting around it is acting as if it's circling a mass several hundred times larger than any star.

Anonymous No. 16173179

how would you know that? you've never even passed even a basic physics class and you aren't capable of making orbital calculations or generating ephemerides

Anonymous No. 16173480

This >>16170472 is how they know that.

Anonymous No. 16173485

>we dont have any pictures
>the pictures are not good enough
>the pictures are too good and look fake

is arguing with religious people just about tricking them into doubting their side? because that's what they seem to constantly do which creates endless fractional divisions among them and everyone else. seems pathological, reminds of the tower of babel story.

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Anonymous No. 16173497

>What idiot thought it was a good idea to release an actual picture of a black like this to the peasants?
>>Lol, its a blurry picture of nothing! Those scientists, wasting all my tax money on this bullshit!
Daily reminder when all the astrophysicists will be put against the wall they literally only have themselves to blame.

All you have you retarded fucks are blurry videos of dots moving around.
This is literally all you will ever have unless you invent FTL and go there to see what is really happening.

Oh wait you are only some fagot who literally burns tax money on useless shit.

>Now what they should have done was release an "artist's impression" instead. With shit happening
No please continue doing this, this is why flat earthers are laughing at you fucks. Please post more cartoons. This sure will not make more people laugh at you harder.

Your theories are a retarded religion fueled by delusions and CGI cartoons.

Defund science!

Anonymous No. 16173627

Sorry anon, that's a step too far to be believable. even I know you're baiting.

Anonymous No. 16173669

No one said anything about flat earth, retard.

Anonymous No. 16173682

Exactly my question yes.

Anonymous No. 16173843

My answer to that question would probably be no, then; at least right now. I don't think we have any hypothetical objects that would look nearly identical to a black hole without simply going through the process of becoming a black hole. except maybe a naked singularity, which is basically the same thing anyway.

Anonymous No. 16173874

Where's the trillion kelvin accretion disk

Anonymous No. 16173894

Obviously the yellow part.

Anonymous No. 16174134

I see. How about a white hole? Are they hypothetically "massive" ? Could they "sustain" a galactic pattern or are they just something else? (I know they're hypothetical)

Anonymous No. 16174139

Completing: I'd guess they wouldn't be dark since they're supposed to have hairs?

Anonymous No. 16174143

could just be your mom

Anonymous No. 16174157

Does twuntum mechanics predict this!?

Anonymous No. 16174224

you have no idea what that means because you've never even passed even a basic physics class and you aren't capable of making orbital calculations or generating ephemerides

Anonymous No. 16174238

Ah, but I know people who do, and that there are millions of undergrad students doing that shit for shiggles every day.

Anonymous No. 16174249

>is arguing with religious people just about tricking them into doubting their side?
There's not really anything about black holes that contradicts religion, these are just people who think disagreeing with random things makes them smart.