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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16169556

Is this shit really destroying fertility how worried should we be?

Anonymous No. 16169559

Similarly worried like we should be about global warming, loss of cohesion in society, behavioural sink theory, AI etc. etc. but people are passive and lethargic.

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Anonymous No. 16169843

literally says retarded in the name

Anonymous No. 16169921

>third world rivers full of plastic
>birth rates through the roof
We will just adapt to the plastic.
>muh sperm count
You only need one swimmer to reach the egg.
>muh shrinking taint size
Lower testosterone due to lower sun exposure because people work inside buildings.

Anonymous No. 16169937

Plastic is not the reason you are a virgin. How many pussies did you cum so far and no baby came out?

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Anonymous No. 16169945

Of course not, that is just ridiculous. The real problem are leftists ideologies and specially feminism. Women should be married at 15 and have kids until they are 25. Anyone who opposes this must be proscribed so it will become the duty of all law abiding citizens to make them harm.

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Anonymous No. 16169953

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Anonymous No. 16169957

This. A lot of the hysteria about muh plastics these days has homophobic and transphobic subtext. It's often a way for people to give the impression of scientific legitimacy to their false and bigoted claims about the proportion of LGBT individuals supposedly increasing - presumably due to "woke" ideology or propaganda or something - when in reality the LGBT community is just becoming more free to publicly express themselves and their true identity.

Conservatives also have an aversion to pretty much anything new or anything that has been developed using modern science and technology, so they're naturally going to oppose things like plastic and opt for shit like paper or aluminum packaging because its sort of a more traditional or classic aesthetic. The current microplastics hysteria is just a reiteration of the atrazine conspiracy theory from 15 years ago. Pic related.

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Anonymous No. 16170071

> wikipedia

Anonynous No. 16170082

Ironically paper straws are something green libs pushed for, so you're obviously something worse than a genuine liberal. You're a jew.

Anonymous No. 16170134

No, obesity and literal birth control substances (is this ironic or not?) is reducing fertility.

Oh and the fact nobody has sex but that's less comfortable to discuss.