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๐Ÿงต Humanity is never leaving the solar system are we?

Anonymous No. 16170074

Humanity is doomed to never leave tge solar system. Our only evidence will float endlessly in space. Tge star trek future people thought possible is never going to happen.

Anonymous No. 16170076

Even if they do, you won't live long enough to see it so pipe down.

Anonymous No. 16170077

Space travel is unethical

Anonymous No. 16170239

with all those radiation? never

Anonymous No. 16170245

keep the star trek schizo larping in the star trek schizo larping thread

Anonymous No. 16170291

>Humanity is doomed to never leave the solar system.
Man the fuck up dude. Jesus Christ. Do you really want all those fucking mindless locusts you see around you in daily life spreading out through the galaxy?
Walk into any supermarket, attend any University, go to any sports game, stand on any street, read any reddit thread. That's fucking Humanity dude. Dumb stupid selfish assholes. A pack of hand wringing fucks exploited by other assholes who happen to have a few more IQ points than them. That's who would colonize the stars if it were possible. Fuck that. Keep this blight on life where it belongs, imprisoned inside this gravity well.

Anonymous No. 16170363

>Jesus Christ
exactly! it is He you should follow, not some nuclear fusion reactor in the sky, so far away only He could really wrap His mind around it and truly comprehend the scale

Anonymous No. 16170399

Need mo money fo dem programs...

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Anonymous No. 16170428


Anonymous No. 16170657

Not in that sense.

Anonymous No. 16170669

Every time I see /sfg/ I think it stands for "sci-fi general." I have to remind myself that its supposed to be a thread about space flight which is absolutely not science fiction and there's absolutely no sci-fi posting at all in /sfg/. Everyone there is incredibly grounded and totally not delusional about the current state of science.

Anonymous No. 16170673

Not in your lifetime for sure. You won't even live long enough to see other planets in our solar system being colonized. You will only see a moon landing and a mars landing if everything goes well. So you may want to continue satisfying your soience motives with shitty sci-fi movies.

Anonymous No. 16170679

Yes, space exploration is a fantasy. One solution to the Fermi Paradox is not just the fact that the universe is just that enormous, any sufficiently advanced species has probably gone beyond ape-like individuality and has ascended into some kind of hive mind while being hooked into some kind of matrix that provides them immense bliss until they're eventually consumed by a red giant. No point in even trying to explore the physical universe, it's just a bunch of homogenous dead rocks.

Anonymous No. 16170683

All the regions with the intellectual potential to make such advances are intentionally diluting their gene pools by importing tens of millions of people from regions that never invented wheels, so not any time soon. Maybe after the coming dark age there will be a new Renaissance hundreds of years from now but as far as our own lifetimes go it's downhill from here.

Anonymous No. 16170684

Even if our fleshy gravity dependant bodies could sustain near lightspeed travels it would take too much time to even reach Proxima so no, we're not leaving.

Anonymous No. 16170718

There are TWO MAIN OBSTACLES to humans living in space. One is tied to the other, so basically only one problem. The solution to this problem is simple but entrenched interests won't allow it to manifest.

The issue is of course, The Rocket Equation. We can not lift enough raw mass off Earth into space to live in space. It's that simple. Chemical rockets can't do it thanks to the rocket equation. Never will, not now, not in 1000 years. The technology peaked a long time ago and the idea of diminishing returns is in full effect. As small cocked billionaires rush to make the latest cock shaped rockets as big and bad as possible we see the lack of progress. Chemical rockets are the donkey carts of space. We need the internal combustion engine....or better yet the steam train!

The only way into space for humans is space infrastructure that can flip the rocket equation upside down. That way we only need 10-20% of our launch weight to be fuel. This allows us to use 80+% of the launch weight for cargo. This allows for simple solutions to complex problems of space habitation.

This brings us to the second huge issue of living in space, life support. Radiation and gravity are the two major issues from my research. The radiation can be solved simply with massive water shields around the ship. The water can be treated, recycled, and used for crew needs onboard. Water will be as important or more important in space than it is on Earth, good luck launching a million gallons of water on Starship. For now all we have for artificial gravity is centrifugal gravity. If we can lift huge amounts of raw materials into space we can better build rotating living sections so people can spend a majority of their time under some sort of gravity. If spin gravity will sustain humans in space over the long tern I couldn't tell you but I can tell you it'll never be built using Starship.

Anonymous No. 16170722

Before they found Challenger Deep a man wrote 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. The only difference between Science Fiction and Science is where they fall on the arrow of time. One eventually always turns into the other. If you were as smart as you thought you'd know that. You'd know that man first dreams, then creates. KEK

Anonymous No. 16170723

>Maybe after the coming dark age there will be a new Renaissance hundreds of years from now

Not even that works. All the easy resources have been extracted, all the easy fuels have been exhausted. The industrial revolution basically found a bonanza waiting on the ground to be picked up, and for the most part it was frittered away in pointless wars and wasteful consumerism.
In the coming dark age every last remaining scrap will be used up until technology declines to the point where resource and fuel deposits will become inaccessible. Any nascent civilization will not have access to any such natural bonanza, and therefore not have the means to create a major energy surplus which in turn can be used to exploit more difficult to access deposits. The coming dark age is permanent. Yeah, we fucked up. Big time.

Otherwise you had better pin your hopes on a fusion power break through within the next hundred years.

Anonymous No. 16170849

I understand the power of imagination, mythology and the human spirit. Science fiction very obviously does drive scientific innovation as it inspires genuine scientists and engineers.

My point is that it is far too easy for people to be swept up in the myth and lose their understanding of where we actually are.

Anonymous No. 16170876

Yeah unless there's a ninth planet that is actually Arrakis there's no hope.

Anonymous No. 16171042

That is why Elon will select the finest autists to go with him to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16171043

Not with this scientists

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Anonymous No. 16171066


Anonymous No. 16171214

All we need is biological immortality, at least low sinhle digit % of c (achievable with solar sails, nswr, fusion or another drive) and time. First slowly spreading to neighboring stars, than galaxy and then through local cluster (which, while would require better tech, is still allowed by physics)
No, universe can get fucked. Build a walmart near the galactic core, have Shan'quisha twerk under light of distant galaxy and Rajesh will do the needful on a designated shitting station. It's all ours to exploit

Anonymous No. 16171221

You are correct. The margin of survivability for our species is incredibly narrow by cosmic standards. At the same time the inhospitability of outer space is off the charts. The distances are far too great and the emptiness they lead through is oppressing. Even if one human left the solar system, where go ?
Long story short: No one is leaving this place with classical physics.

Anonymous No. 16171246

if i figure out a way to make us into waves
and back safely i will get you to whatever galaxy you want, the earth will die before it.

Anonymous No. 16171253

and the medium would be ?

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Anonymous No. 16171261

>Humanity is never leaving the solar system are we?
>implying we aren't already

We're all on a ship in stasis heading for Alpha Centauri anon. I'm the AI protocol here to begin preparing you for life in the new system.
We've been like this for thousands of years.

It's time to wake up.

Anonymous No. 16171262

Living is unethical.
It's literally original sin.

Anonymous No. 16171263

He is 100% correct too.
Fuck that poser.

Anonymous No. 16171280

"Our" elites have "better" plans for us.

Anonymous No. 16171286

What is going on here?

Anonymous No. 16171300

As food.
We know.

But they will pay for it.

Anonymous No. 16171312

shitaliens man