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Anonymous No. 16170427

is /sci/ not worried about the northern lights being visible much further south than usual? this shouldn't be happening

Anonymous No. 16170516

No, I saw them in my kitchen last week

Anonymous No. 16170519

the current geomagnetic storm is unusually strong though

Anonymous No. 16170523

Take the cutlery out of your microwave

Anonymous No. 16170527

What's there to be worried about? It's the first G5 level solar storm in 20 years, this has happened before just not for a while.

Anonymous No. 16170528

>omg wow the northern lights are unusually strong
>should i go outside and actually look at them?
>no i think i'll sit inside using them as an opportunity to attention whore on social media and post GPTgoyslop pics
is this the activity of someone that is legitimately interested in the topic?

Cult of Passion No. 16170529

>this shouldn't be happening

Anonymous No. 16170535

>projecting this hard

Anonymous No. 16170536

Next to the steamed hams?

Anonymous No. 16170537

Didn't see anything here in Michigan and my wi-fi signal is as strong as ever. Seems like a nothing burger so far.

Anonymous No. 16170606

im the opposite of worried about northern lights. Northern lights show me the planet is still doing its usual thing and I'm safe.

Anonymous No. 16170752

I think a lot of people are bullshitting on social media. I couldn't see shit in Mass last night. Yet if you go on twitter there are people claiming to have seen BRIGHT lights in Florida. I think a lot of these photos, at least the ones from states south of MA, are fake. People just want their photo to get on local news. Even a lot of the ones from northern states are long exposure shots, and the aurora wasn't visible with the naked eye

Anonymous No. 16171062

I took some photos with my phone last night and they turned out much brighter than what you could see with the naked eye. So the pictures make it look way more intense than it was. (At least, the ones from phones with good night vision -- my other phone couldn't capture it at all.)
Half the sky was glowing purple though, in the mediterranean sea. That seems pretty far south to me.

bodhi No. 16171065

I have enough shit on my plate, I will let you handle this one homie, you got this. keep me updated mkay

Anonymous No. 16171075

Do you not understand what this mean?

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Anonymous No. 16171144

Will they be stronger tonight or did it already peak?

Anonymous No. 16171184

Possibly, SWPC has issued an extremely rare Category G5 extreme magnetic storm forecast for May 12 as additional CME impacts are expected, including after today's X5.8-class flare

Anonymous No. 16171219

Are proper northern lights close to the arctic actually like the images then or have we been duped all these years by photo tricks?
I drove out last night to probably the best spot around, got super lucky with the timing, but all I saw was some lines in the sky, greyish streaks and a little bit of red glow. It was cool to have seen, but every single sunrise or sunset is a million times more beautiful

Anonymous No. 16171237

any source for this shit? Any timings?

Anonymous No. 16171250

Got it from here, you can google translate it.
Dude keeps track of this and updates this article with current developments, but the terminology is strictly scientific, so it may not tell you much.

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Anonymous No. 16171251

Anonymous No. 16171260

While the green was a bit hazy while looking at with naked eye, the red streaks were properly visible here.

Anonymous No. 16171278

I'm in Warsaw and I haven't seen shit. Maybe it's the light pollution. Should I still be worried about my computers being affected?

Anonymous No. 16171282

Also worth noting we did have a ton of haze and a cloud layer the other night too. Maybe I could see some pinkish tint in the sky but it's barely perceptible.

Anonymous No. 16171294

I fucked your mother further south that ever before and she loves it. Too bad your dad couldn’t ever get your mom to experience an explosion of color like never before, that lazy sack of shit tradie.

Anonymous No. 16171296

>clear night
>perfect viewing direction out back
>boomer neighbour has a fucking million candela security light

Anonymous No. 16171299

Go for a walk, fat ass.

Anonymous No. 16171315

But I'm in my jammies.

Anonymous No. 16171317


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Anonymous No. 16171370

I walked around my neighborhood in nothing but a robe and slippers, get on my level.

Anonymous No. 16171391

Yeah, I'm thinking about it, but realistically I'd have to walk for miles to get away from the light pollution here, I can barely even see Polaris tonight.

Anonymous No. 16171394

If you haven’t seen the northern lights before then its worth the effort.

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Anonymous No. 16171417

/pol/tard here, is it finally happening??

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Anonymous No. 16171428

That’s a sight to behold in and of itself.

Anonymous No. 16171578

the pole shift is happening in 2 weeks, and hence marks the great tribulation

Anonymous No. 16171599

Here in Chiraq Northwest suburbs I can't even see it.

Anonymous No. 16171608

>The schizotard doomsday finally happens
>Nobody gets so much as a lost frame on their video streams
Way lamer than y2k ever was

Anonymous No. 16171636

>tfw raining this night
Hopefully the storms mean there will be clear patches tomorrow night.....

Anonymous No. 16171677

may I see it?

Anonymous No. 16171767

amazing. imagine being on mushrooms

Anonymous No. 16171884

You sadly gotta use a phone camera to actually see the colors :/

Anonymous No. 16171945

>this shouldn't be happening
care to explain why?

Anonymous No. 16172206

>hear about northern lights
>look outside
>don't see any
>go back into my house after 3 minutes because of no gf and no lights in the sky

There are no northern lights outside you morons.

Anonymous No. 16172210

It would be extremely painful

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Anonymous No. 16172256

Equatorial Aurora looks a bit more worrying

Anonymous No. 16172259

>is /sci/ not worried about the northern lights being visible much further south than usual?
not really, it happens sometimes.

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Cult of Passion No. 16172269

Based and "controller of the center of the world"-pilled.

Cult of Passion No. 16172271

>it happens sometimes

Anonymous No. 16172424

Yes but y2k was lame only because computer geeks and nerds did what they did. If they didn't fix the problem, it would have been a shitstorm.

Cult of Passion No. 16172431

Meh, I stand to gain more than I could lose should "the world ends" today.

Anonymous No. 16172437

yep, it does happen sometimes

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Earth's magn....gif

Anonymous No. 16172451

apologies, I did not understand what you meant. You mean that you are concerned about the weakening of the magnetic field and how it leaves us exposed to further future storms. Sure, in that way I am, what I meant to say is that the solar storm itself and the flares, though powerful, they aren't that unusual.
You know, maybe what we do need is a colossal flare to wipe out all our technology and "fix" CO2 emissions once and for all, lol, that'd be one way.

Anonymous No. 16172638

i know its beautiful and shit but, i don't give a fuck
is it normal or should i see a therapist?

Anonymous No. 16172673

No, just accept that you're an uninteresting person.

Anonymous No. 16173768

>i don't give a fuck
maybe you don't because you had no way to see yourself it where you live? That's understandable, Otherwise, yes, I agree that you are an uninteresting person. Sorry

Anonymous No. 16173884

>i know its beautiful and shit but, i don't give a fuck