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Anonymous No. 16170643

What if there is only one atom at the center of the universe and all other atoms are just reflections of this single atom?

This is too advanced to this board and even to modern science. But know you know.

Anonymous No. 16170646

There is only one wave function and all atoms are just approximate factors of that single function.
This is too advanced for you, but not to modern science. But know you know. Also go back to /x/

Anonymous No. 16170650

>What if
Go tell me, what are the implications.

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Anonymous No. 16170655

>all other atoms are just reflections of this single atom
so where are all the mirrors?

bodhi No. 16170889

stats 101 is too advanced for this board. That is how I knew this board was psueds when I first came here, if you dont know stats 101 you arent doing science. You cant publish anything without knowing stats 101 because you have no idea what is statistically significant

Anonymous No. 16170940

>noooo, you need to state your sample size and calculate the chi square test
>look at this study here in the journal of dietary sociology proving that people prefer to eat shit cookies with bugs over chocolate cookies, this is how you do real science! They even made a diagram in excel!
Statistics is cargo cult pseudoscience.

Anonymous No. 16170942

Then why would we have different atoms if theyre all just reflections of the same atom?

Anonymous No. 16171020

Don't respond to namefags

bodhi No. 16171057

again, posts like this is how people who are actual scientists, know that you arent, you are a psued

bodhi No. 16171059

sniffing my asshole isnt going to get you any treats

Anonymous No. 16171069

You're actually a NEET tho

bodhi No. 16171073

but of course

Anonymous No. 16171076

I never took a class called stats 101. I did study statstics but within other topics, mostly within physics, early on we were told how to calculate total errors based on predictable measurement errors and limits, averages, mean, standard deviations, typical statistical distributions, and so on. Enough to be able to process readings and to make lab reports

Anonymous No. 16171101

You're right. I'm not a scientist. I'm a philosophy pilled math maxxer. I'm literally at the top of the intellectual hierarchy.

bodhi No. 16171110

101 is a signifier meaning "entry level." (actually sometimes literal as well but doesnt have to be) are you not american?

you're a fag

Anonymous No. 16171185

regardless of the name i never took an official statistics class, it was just included in lab courses, maybe some of in physics 101

bodhi No. 16171192

ok then you had entry level stats taught to you, I dont know what all the mental gymnastics you are doing is for

Anonymous No. 16171225

This idea is not original, John Wheeler proposed it before you did

Anonymous No. 16171233

What if theres an infinite arrangements of words you can form that start with 'What if...' and resemble a question.
But only a small subset of those hold merrit.
Like: What if schizos stopped being stupid on /sci/ ?
I wonder what the reflections reflect off of and why theres no symmetry etc etc etc

Anonymous No. 16171238

>i will pull something out of my ass and it will be correct!
see above, retard.

bodhi No. 16171240

Much older than that

Plato's Theory of Forms, or Theory of Ideas, states that the material world we perceive is an imperfect reflection of a higher, non-material realm of perfect and eternal Forms. Plato believed that the Forms are objective, eternal, and unchanging, and that they are the true objects of knowledge. He believed that the Forms exist independently of human thought and perception, and that they are the ultimate source of all reality.
Plato believed that there are two worlds: the material world and the real world. The material world is constantly changing and we rely on our senses to understand what is going on. The real world is eternal and unchanging and based on ideas and not senses. It includes perfect forms of objects we know on Earth, such as chairs, tables, and apples.
Plato believed that for any conceivable thing or property there is a corresponding Form, a perfect example of that thing or property. For example, if we can conceive the Idea or Form of a perfect triangle in our mind, then the Idea of Triangle must exist

Anonymous No. 16171252

>John Wheeler proposed it
Original idea was proposed earlier by Baron Ernst Carl Gerlach Stueckelberg von Breidenbach zu Breidenstein und Melsbach

Anonymous No. 16171264

Respectfully, RESPECTFULLY, no. Center is a meaningless designation in a set of one. What are the reflecting elements composed of if there is only one atom? Now obviously, there is only one entity responsible for positron and electron activity and it zips in every direction including forward and backward in time.

Anonymous No. 16172255


Anonymous No. 16172260

that's reminiscent of the one electron hypothesis:

Anonymous No. 16173076

This is just the everett interpretation lol