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Anonymous No. 16171011

How would have things changed for humanity if Mars and Venus were as habitable as Earth?

Anonymous No. 16171019

At this point things would either be the same or we'd be in a nuclear war with the Martians and the Venusians. I say war, but it's the intergalactic equivalent of cavemen throwing rocks at each other.

Anonymous No. 16171259

Interplanetary wars over stupid idelogical and religious reasons.

Anonymous No. 16171964

Assuming permanent human populations on each world - with limited intermingling but consistent communication - What general stereotypes would each planet have for the population of the other worlds?
> Earth's impression of Martians: ???
> Earth's impression of Venusians: ???
> Mar's impression of Earthlings: ???
> Mar's impression of Venusians: ???
> Venus' impression of Earthlings: ???
> Venus' impression of Martians: ???

Anonymous No. 16172035

E->M: ungrateful skellies
E->V: good slaves
M->E: fatty control freaks
M->V: earther's dogs
V->E: amazing masters
V->M: who?

Anonymous No. 16172363

how would you even terraform venus?

Anonymous No. 16172456

Put a sun shade in between Venus and the Sun. It doesn't have to be 1 big large one, you could scatter a bunch of dust in an area or launch a lot of micro SATs with huge aluminum foil shields or whatever.
It won't cost that much and we have the tech now to do manufacturing on mercury autonomously.
It would take a while but after Venus cools the pressures and temps should be similar to earth.

Anonymous No. 16172633

Still quite toxic.

Anonymous No. 16172637

A Birch ring around Venus low orbit will also help make trips to the upper clouds easier, and help cooling the place.
Indeed. I recommend not terraforming Venus but sticking with floating cities.

Anonymous No. 16172715

>Birch ring
A ring literally made out of birch or some kind of concept ring thought up by someone named Birch? I did a quick search and came up with nothing but wood rings.

Anonymous No. 16173625

NTA but seems based on this

Barkon No. 16173629

You'll never do this to Mars. Retards who believe this is possible for current humans, are doopid

Anonymous No. 16173639

Mars will never be "terraformed" in that we can live there as we live on Earth. Gravity too weak, will inevitably mess us up on ways that, even if we could live there, we could never return to Earth.
No, Venus is where we should have a 10, 000 year plan of terraforming. Let people try any crazy shit they can, and if their efforts are deemed to aid terraforming, they are awarded a share of the planet.

Anonymous No. 16173645

Engineer extremophile microbes of all kinds on Earth in simulated High-Venusian altitude chambers. Develop replicators that will act as scaffolding for the microbes, allowing them to float high in the Venusian atmosphere, up where the temperatures are below 100c and the pressure is around 1000mbar. The microbes will photosynthesise with the abdunant CO2 and water vapour.
Meanwhile, experiment with weather manipulation technology to try and disrupt the storm and clouds that wrap the planet, to try and allow more heat to escape as you gradually reduce the CO2 levels.

Anonymous No. 16173653

Imagine the scramble for africa but no niggers

Anonymous No. 16173670

>Techbro weaklings (secretly seething at the superior Martian space economy)
>Like sweatier and somehow more sunburned australians

>Physically powerful but with the mental hardiness of a child, "they can barely handle the tunnel habitats for a month lmao"
>Physically powerful but even dumber than earthers, "you mean they escaped that heavy gravity well just to immediately dive down another one closer to the Sun and they don't even have a low gravity moon?? ishygddt"

>Old and tired & stuck in their ancient wars, "On good old venus we're all one race!" (the race is Han chinese)
>Eccentric space weirdos, "orbitals are fake technology anyway" (secretly knows they are a permanent backwater but are betting on wealthy earthers buying Venusian real estate at high prices to get away from the night sky views of the increasingly developed orbital infrastructure of Earth, making them basically space Florida)

Anonymous No. 16173737

Venus' 91% strength gravity makes everyone a bit lighter than on earth, but probably still close enough to go back and forth.