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🧵 Finally got my first job, /sci/

Anonymous No. 16171115

>tldr; was a depressed NEET and did bad at high school because I truanted and hated it
>got textbook recommendation from /sci/ to sort my shit out
>passed entrance exams in my country (germoney) to get into uni
>used /sci/ often for help
>graduated with bachelors in engineering
>got a good job
Feels good man.

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Anonymous No. 16171132

Wow you sure do like talking about your....
Ah what the hell, good job anon. Wagmi

Anonymous No. 16171154

Hey man, this is my time. Let me celebrate.

Anonymous No. 16171161

good job, krautanon. what field if engineering?

Anonynous No. 16171172

Are you the same guy who spams the other threads?

Anonymous No. 16171201

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16171242

Today is my day

Anonymous No. 16171243


Anonymous No. 16171360

Don't stop don't stop we're in luck now don't don't stop keep your spirit proud

bodhi No. 16171363

good job germ, now kick out all the Jews and brown invaders and germs may actually have a future

Anonymous No. 16171376

All good and dandy so long as you understand you provide nothing of actual value to society.
I don’t know how it is with mechanical folk, but I know that I understand next to nothing about Electricity that I supposedly studied for four years, I will never invent an electronic device or design a motor and I have no understanding of the grid and anything beyond ohm’s law really. It’s up for a few select geniuses to make the world work, build the grid, design the turbines and the processors.

The rest of us got a degree so we can fill out excel sheets and write unnecessary reports and collect our paycheck.