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Anonymous No. 16171461

Are they really as bad as people make out? I tapered off my long term SSRI because of all of the scare stories and negative things i've seen associated with them. The thing is my obsessive thoughts and rumination are creeping back now i'm not on them. I felt like they helped me to a degree.

Anonymous No. 16171531

they alter the structure of your brain, while i was on them , i had more confidence, felt great really, but once i came off them it became clear what i had lost, it appears to have damaged my amygdala, emotional instability and blunting , , my sense of smell was wrecked , suffered brain fog and couldnt cum for several years afterward. I never fully recovered from it, and its been over 10 years, all that said , this doesnt happen to everyone, but for me it was ca very bad idea. i was only on them for a year and the dosage wasnt particularly high, all i can say is the longer you take them the greater the risk the side effects are permanent.

Anonymous No. 16171541

>suffered brain fog
This plus your positive effect of confidence is what happened to me, I'm still on them. I like being an oblivious zombie, living with my emotions like they were was too hard so I don't mind the negative side effects.

Anonymous No. 16171556

Team Zombie shout out.
Tomorrow never arrives, yeterday may never have happened. Just being in the moment all the fucking time.
It's all so nice and quiet and relaxing.
Maybe another nap. Better than worrying about bills or oil changes or that cringy thing I said 20 years ago.

Eos !!7Nk2/yfbs86 No. 16171607

When I was on SSRIs they made me borderline narcoleptic fainting constantly and I had to stop taking them when I started to faint while driving.

(also they didn't really help much with anything in the first place)

Anonymous No. 16171655

Ever see the pictures of girls with absolutely soulless eyes? Those are the SSRI eyes. Idk precisely the mechanism that causes their eyes to lose their soul, but it fucking happens and you can spot it with remarkably high accuracy from simple photographs.

Anonymous No. 16171696

tl;dr: yes