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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Bruh

Anonymous No. 16171885

> goes to /sci/ because I love space
> scrolls through posts
> sees dumbass antivax bullshit

Fucking really? If you wanna go on and on about vaxs like a retard go back to /pol/

Science is meant for space shit not bitching about vaxs

Anonymous No. 16171888

The political side of science does matter, but I agree that it is tiresome. Hang in there brother. Not a big space person myself, but I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Anonymous No. 16171895

Come and seethe in here, what's your personal cope about taking it? the thread is already hilarious but can always do with more

Anonymous No. 16171896

Forgot link

Anonymous No. 16171900

NTA but I didn't take it and still find the vax-posting tiresome. It made sense 2 years ago when people were actually being compelled to take them else they lose their profession/enrollment/medical eligibility.

It makes a lot less sense now, when COVID is all but entirely a spectre, nobody except the extremely indoctrinated/Ill are getting boosters and there's no bravery involved in proudly holding either position. Instead you just look like a boomer who is repeating 2 year old Facebook memes to win one over on people who have no connection to the other side of the argument. A lot of people believed the vaccine mandates were messed up and counterproductive, including a lot of progressives and doctors. Nothing will happen as a result of this.

Anonymous No. 16171904

I'm not interested in politics, if I fucking wanted politics I would go to /pol

Anonymous No. 16171907

That makes sense. That's why I said I feel your pain and wish you luck. I dislike (as an example) that the probability and statistics thread has just been /pol/ shit-posting for the last week or so.

I'm sure you'll get to talk about space at some point with people who also want to talk about space.

Anonymous No. 16171938

Far too little has been discussed about the utter failure of The Science ยฉ in regards to COVID-19 and the delusion of those right here that believe the scientific method has not been corrupted by financial interest needs the reality check, so the blind trust and suppression of truth does not continue to destroy by actual sciences.

I'm sorry that means your space chat are being pushed to the back by this necessity..

Anonymous No. 16171948

This so much this.
Spacefags can only larp, but science and politics is very related and now more than ever. Most people today even believe vax measures were rational and there was nothing wrong with children ratting out their parents etc. clown world. Clown world

Anonymous No. 16171981

really wish these midwits would stay in their containment thread >>16170159

Anonymous No. 16172009

/sfg/ is not scifi soicuck thread, not even close.

Anonymous No. 16172036

It's called soi

Anonymous No. 16172041

Ever since the pandemic this board has turned into a mix of /x/ and /pol/
Only redeeming quality is the generals still, like /mg/

Barkon No. 16172046

The vax is killing people

Anonymous No. 16172055

So what?

Anonymous No. 16172130

If you like space, go check out space flight general. It's wall to wall Elon Musk cultists who scream at you if you do anything EXCEPT suck Elon's cock nonstop. /sci/ is the best board on all of 4Chins because it's got the most retards of any board and they always think they are giga genius 1199 level IQ's but fall to basic logical fallacies and can't do basic maths. I love this place!

No cap, /sci/ is the stupidest board on this entire website and it's the hubris and dogma that does it. You are all brainwashed parrots screaming about "muh scientific method" yet do ZERO amounts of real research or critical thinking via the scientific method yourselves. Instead you "appeal to authority" and follow your scientific masters(jews) off a cliff day after day. Doesn't matter what the subject is you fags REPEATEDLY fail to grasp basic concepts or ideas that haven't been spoon feed to you previously by jews. You are literally robots pretending to be humans interested in science.

Anonymous No. 16172151

stick around, make our ranks stronger
t. scientist (geologist)

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Anonymous No. 16172199

>Science is meant for space shit not bitching about vaxs