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Anonymous No. 16172013

How far away are we from longevity escape velocity?
Current techniques only add a few months to a mouse's lifespan, how far away are we to have at least a doubling of a mouse's lifespan?

Anonymous No. 16172014

About 3

Anonymous No. 16172016


Anonymous No. 16172031

We're two or three George Floyds away from civilization collapse. There will be no extraterrestrial exploration bases. There will be no 1000 year life extension therapies. Want to see our future? Look to Liberia because that's as good as it will get.

Anonymous No. 16172044

I don't care if society collapses as long as I own a lab that manufactures resveratrol in my underground bunker

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Anonymous No. 16172063

Aubrey's new foundation are currently undertaking the first real experiment towards Robust Mouse Rejuvenation. He provides monthly updates on Facebook and Twitter. Here are the results thus far.

Anonymous No. 16172115

How far did medicine improved human life-span so far? 0 years.

Anonymous No. 16172323

I've been following Aubrey for 10+ years but even a success of RMR won't mean anything, the public won't care

Also rapamycin won't likely extend lifespan in humans, while senolytics (which are underperfoming in RMR right now) might be much more important

Anonymous No. 16172374

If the public starts to care, it will be bad news, the price of these drugs will increase and only rich people will be able to afford them.

Anonymous No. 16172450

Ask yourself this question, anon... would you really want to be around for 200 years?

Frankly, I'm fucking astonished most people don't eat a gun by 40.

Anonymous No. 16172454

>most people don't eat a gun by 40.
try to have some kids and find meanings in life you degenerate childfree millenial faggot.

Anonymous No. 16172467

Brother I want to. I can't seem to keep my shit together financially long enough to make children a responsible decision. I refuse to raise my children in poverty the way I was raised but all of my efforts to make a better life for myself and my wife seem to be rebuffed by reality.

Anonymous No. 16172470

I don't know, man. This seems to be the first real proof of concept. Aubrey seems to be convinced, and he has been for years, that if this makes waves it will mean to a complete change.

Anonymous No. 16172519

>We're two or three George Floyds away from civilization collapse.
Guess you'd better work to prevent police brutality then

Anonymous No. 16173221

Best that can be done is to stay healthy and exercise to avoid heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, etc. That should allow a healthy person to live to their 90s at best. We're probably a few decades away from any treatments that can significantly extend human lifespan. Anything that is actually found to work will end up going through the FDA approval pipeline and that can take 10 years or more.

Anonymous No. 16173254

>would you really want to be around for 200 years?

Anonymous No. 16174061

I think we're already there.

Anonymous No. 16174078

I think we're close. That's why the vaxx is such a tragedy

Anonymous No. 16174118

Or massively increase it.