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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172120

>watching some random video
>a female "scientist" starts talking
>immediately close the video and never watch it again
who /based/ here?
also why tf do women "scientists" appear so condescending?

Anonymous No. 16172127

>also why tf do women "scientists" appear so condescending?
It's because incels feel threatened and inferior when they see women become proficient at something incels pretend to value

Anonymous No. 16172152

>>immediately close the video and never watch it again
Therapy, now. Don't waste another decade with that shit attitude of yours.

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Anonymous No. 16172164

>see I support womens retardness online. now may I please have a whiff of your pussy

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Anonymous No. 16172279

>Therapy, now

Anonymous No. 16172299

I do the same except with the mute button in online games.
>tee hee im a woman playing a popular FPS
>wow all these guys simping in the server
>check scoreboard
>woman is in the bottom 3 rows
Every fucking time

Anonymous No. 16172427

Incel, I too was an incel, for about 4 decades. Don't be like me.

Anonymous No. 16172643

so you finally married a used up hag after 40 years lmao that roastie toastie beef juice ruined this nigga
I've fucked older women too, it's not as loose as they say lol

Anonymous No. 16172649

You just know they're gonna throw out the most tedious midwit takes imaginable. Not worth the time to engage.

Anonymous No. 16172651

Some videos with female scientists are actually pretty good. Just don't focus on the fact they are female and do weird female shit. Although it doesn't help that they are constantly talking about it and are probably into some fucked up DEI cult.

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Anonymous No. 16172652

>used up hag
here's my 41 year old girlfriend. I won't show you her body since this isn't /b/, but it's as perfect an e. asian body as you can imagine, and as tight as I've ever come across in my life. hmm, hmm
farewell, and good luck to you as well, is what I wish.

Anonymous No. 16172661

I'm not the incel you're talking to, but you're definitely part of some pig butchering scam

Anonymous No. 16172665

congrats anon, I hope she love you long time

Anonymous No. 16172705

Ok sorry she cute I'll give you that.
But, if you're Asian it's ok. If you're other race, you're still a honorary incel cus your race women didn't like you. That being said, I still wouldn't hear a single thing from women lmao

Anonymous No. 16172726

>>watching some random video
>>a female "scientist" starts talking
>>immediately close the video and never watch it again

Only is she has annoying voice. Or language, I was watching some documentary lately and realised I absolutely can't stand bitches speaking french.

Anonymous No. 16172729

Name one, asking out of curiosity. I was watching some other long documentary on martian life and a female "scientist" came along to explain shit. She sounded extremely condescending and arrogant. Other male scientists in the documentary were rather calm and pleasant.

Anonymous No. 16172739

>speaking french
I don't even watch anything other than English, but I'd imagine they'd be equally retarded. French do have some good bakery items tho (with longass french name of course!) which is extremely tasty with milk tea.

Anonymous No. 16172762

>pig butchering scam
oh, first thing I thought as well when I met her online, lol, but no, fortunately she is legit

Anonymous No. 16172773

Hold up. So you were an incel for forty years. Ended up with a FOB Asian that you likely traveled across seas to meet, and now claim it's the tightest you ever had as if you're some kind of male slut? Not adding up.

Anonymous No. 16173064

The first half of this video is pretty good at shitting on violin plots:
If we left it at that, the video would be pretty entertaining and reasonable.
For the other half of it, she seems like she is getting off on the fantasy of humiliating an autistic guy struggling to socialize, which I admit is off putting. But if you can get past that, a lot of her videos feature good discussions coming from her.

Anonymous No. 16173082

I only watch acollieralso because she's so kissable

Anonymous No. 16173106

Too bad she's a cunt

Anonymous No. 16173706

>Not adding up.
I don't care much, I'm not giving you a detailed account of my life. Take what I wrote and do whatever you want with it.
Good luck with everything.

Anonymous No. 16174535

Pseud and annoying

Anonymous No. 16174556

>posting your gf in 4chuds so you can win an anonymous argument

seek help

Anonymous No. 16174578

>also why tf do women "scientists" appear so condescending?
"scientist" has been propped up by our institutions to be something of an elevated priestly brahmin class, so most people who self-describe that way deep down truly do think they're better than the unanointed peasants and boorish riff raff

Anonymous No. 16174596

He has to prove he has sex with someone else anons would think he's an incel. What an absolute shame lmao

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Anonymous No. 16174606

I only watch Tibees.

Anonymous No. 16174623

she really walled hard didn't she

Anonymous No. 16174627

Women with and undergrad or those who go the full way and get a Phd are far more pleasant than women with a masters. I don't know what it is, but I suppose that small bit of extra education just amplifies the entitlement and false sense of superiority.

Anonymous No. 16174632

Brutal head on collision.

Anonymous No. 16174754

It's because they usually aren't proficient whatsoever in reality, but they also get puffed up by any and everyone all the time for nothing. Can't do your job going to fucking women ERG meetings.

Anonymous No. 16175132

Well, these kids keep on insisting that it's the women's fault to blame for their own shit loser attitudes, always blaming others they are, furthermore, accusing me of lying to them.
Well, there it is, it's not a lie, now they need to go and work on themselves.

Anonymous No. 16175168

What's wrong with you lmao? I fuck hoes all the time. I don't have a gf now cus I don't want to listen their bs. you racemixer got a hoe and you're suddenly superior lol? My life is miles better than you

Anonymous No. 16175173

why do you even give these people (pronounced morons) the opportunity?

Anonymous No. 16175813

>also why tf do women "scientists" appear so condescending?
They have to deal with sweaty nerds trying to fuck them everyday so they have to overdo the bitchface/bitchvoice so its evident for the autists(the majority of them)

Anonymous No. 16175817

>What's wrong with you lmao?
>I fuck hoes all the time.
it sounds like something is wrong with you and you don't know it yet.
All the best, is what I wish.

Anonymous No. 16175819

>why do you even give these people (pronounced morons) the opportunity?
because they are stuck, and mocking them or shutting them down only makes it worse. That's not how you undo their trauma.

Anonymous No. 16175857

Nope, Im a high IQ doctorate in theoretical physics. Having a hoe is least of my concerns rn lmao

Anonymous No. 16176107

not really. Those sweaty nerds don't even have the courage to talk to them. Even if they do, it's just a single sentence type autist talk on very specific topics because autists can't talk more. It's the overly inflated ego of midwit hoes that makes them obnoxious.

Anonymous No. 16176149

Yep, broken male and and unaware, typical. I see them everywhere, everyday.

Anonymous No. 16176612

Your argument is worthless considering that you married:
A) A foreigner
B) An old, washed up, infertile foreigner after a lifetime of celibacy

Anonymous No. 16176683

Seethe and cope, incel

Anonymous No. 16176713


Anonymous No. 16176780

same except for all pop-goytubers, coloreds, and women.

Anonymous No. 16176806

That's very kind of you, old anon. Maybe I'll be like that when I'm older too

Anonymous No. 16177267

I don't watch any of the poptards especially if they're making a video on my field. I'm much much educated then any of those. Since they're retarded on my field of expertise, they'll likely be retarded on other topics too. So no point watching their nonsense

Anonymous No. 16177377

where is that written?

Anonymous No. 16177382

>a lifetime of celibacy
that too, where is that written?

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Anonymous No. 16177395


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Anonymous No. 16177400

That is why women must be married at 15 to have kids until 25. Beyond that is not necessary for women to be attractive, they must take care of the kids.