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Anonymous No. 16172123

So what is exactly stopping nuclear fusion from happening?

Anonymous No. 16172135

Nothing, it was a done deal in the 1950s

Anonymous No. 16172138

I mean nuclear power fusion plants being cost efficient, not fusion bombs.

Anonymous No. 16172166

In all honesty, probably the US government and gay national security concerns.

Anonymous No. 16172168

It's happening in the sun right now

Anonymous No. 16172176

>patent it and make America global energy supplier
No it doesn't make sense
If they had the tech or knew it was possible they would finance it

Anonymous No. 16172211

Fusion is easy, relatively speaking.
Fusion that gets more usable power out than has to be put in is the difficult part.
Inertial confinement fusion is difficult to convert into a sustainable reaction process.
Magnetic confinement fusion suffers from MHD instabilities.
Muon catalyzed fusion requires high efficiency sources of a particle we have no idea how to produce efficiently.

Anonymous No. 16172727

Depends. There are whole lotta parallels between fusion research and nuclear weapons development.

Anonymous No. 16172733

Nothing, it happens all the time in the sun.

Anonymous No. 16172742

The relation between probability of fusion and the factors increasing said probability.
Fusion happens at surprisingly low temperatures and pressures. It's just super rare events at those 'relatively' low pressures and temperatures, which would make it very inefficient for a small scale high power reactor.

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Anonymous No. 16172860


Anonymous No. 16172898

You realize you literally sound like uppity niggers right?

Anonymous No. 16172906

Prove it

Anonymous No. 16172909

There's no evidence fusion is exothermic

Anonymous No. 16172913

The Liquid Metallic Hydrogen model of the Sun is right and we need to focus on Lattic Confinement Fusion.

Anonymous No. 16172916

Actually building the fucking things to see how they work.

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Anonymous No. 16172990

>So what is exactly stopping nuclear fusion from happening?

The technology is too advanced... soon...
Maybe 20 more years

Anonymous No. 16173048

>why don't we have thing
>it costs money to make thing and we don't have money
You are actually retarded

Anonymous No. 16173054

Plasmas are weird and hard to contain

Anonymous No. 16173175

Does it matter? In the end you will still be boiling some fucking water to drive a steam turbine from 1800s

Anonymous No. 16173239

>still inserts a jab at agriculture subsidies
I get that these writers are usually retarded urbanites, but state and federal government spent 4.6 trillions dollars on gibs of all forms.
7% of SNAP funding pays for fucking soda. So for the 183 billion spent on food stamps, 12.8 billion is going to literal slop for the pigs. This doesn't include state spending either, so they number is in reality, quite a bit higher. And they still bitch about farm subsidies instead, the total of which for all crops is 30 billion a year.

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ayy pepe.jpg

Anonymous No. 16173260

That tech is banned by the deep state. >>16172860

Anonymous No. 16173262

This is how you know for sure global warming is a complete scam.

Anonymous No. 16173276

The government already knows how to harness limitless energy from the aether thanks to all the research and plans they stole from Tesla after killing him, but free energy reduces the control of the elite. They WANT people to fight over scarce resources and be caught up in anxiety over running out and fighting amongst themselves about what to do about it because it's an excellent distraction that keeps the slaves in line.

Anonymous No. 16173280

gravitational pressure, we need to get fatter people on the case.

specifically neutron neutron degeneracy pressure. so if those fatties were gender neutral it would probably help.

Anonymous No. 16173286

the vltimate mvther vf all nvclear trvthbvmbs

Anonymous No. 16173387

>In the end you will still be boiling some fucking water to drive a steam turbine from 1800s
Yes but if will be more cost efficient

Anonymous No. 16173534

This is probably unironically the case.

Anonymous No. 16173535

God doesn’t want it

Anonymous No. 16173549

The less tin foil hat way to think about it is like this: You have a family. One of your family provides all the firewood you need by chopping firewood. You are aware that one day all the nearby forest will soon be chopped down, so you look for other wise to get energy. Your youngest son is working on a clever idea but at the moment it doesn't make energy. You are perfectly fine with this since the supply of firewood keeps the family safe and warm. Its cheap, reliable, keeps everyone content, comfortable and doing something. When the nearby supply of firewood runs out then you will get most the family helping working on the youngest son's idea. The rest can help gather firewood from further away. Still plenty of time, why rock the boat before its necessary? If it works, fine, if it doesn't, well you were all fucked anyway. Grandma was getting old anyway.

Anonymous No. 16173568

Physics being almost entirely fake explains why it's not happening.

Anonymous No. 16174001

All fusion research is just a cover for nuke R&D because it is officially banned by treatise.

Fusion reactors working on confined plasma is never going to happen, it just not viable and most likely will never be. Unironocally just dig a huge hole and throw a hydrogen bomb down there and let it evaporate some water and drive some turbines with the pressure. That's the only viable way to do fusion energy.

Anonymous No. 16174030

Who kills the son and steals all his work in this analogy?

Anonymous No. 16174140

The Russians caused Chernobyl when they tried to figure out how to make the bomb. Nobody has the bombs for real.

Anonymous No. 16174146

That is how you get Tzar bombed, you moron.

Anonymous No. 16174149

Your mom
Serious answer: when we abandoned work on stellarators for the dead end that is the tokamak

Anonymous No. 16174152

Probably more like they’re in cahoots with big oil / gas and want to sell off all their oil at current prices before advancing to fusion.

Anonymous No. 16174165

Yes? Go ahead, I want to see it. They don't exist.