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Anonymous No. 16172189

If the world is about to experience a complete demographics collapse in this century then why not invest into the creation of factories of artificial wombs to just get a sustainable population?
The factory produced kids would them be collectively raised by specialised nurses.
This seems a solution Japan, Korea and China would find no problems with, especially communist China.
Hopefully the west doesn't get blocked by Cuckstianity.

Anonymous No. 16172216

This happens in The Verity Key
Children are raised by government schools

Anonymous No. 16172229

>Children are raised by government schools
So basically like modern Europe

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Anonymous No. 16172267

>If the world is about to experience a complete demographics collapse in this century

Anonymous No. 16172278

If life isn't worth living why don't antinatalists just kill themselves?

Anonymous No. 16172280

>why not invest into the creation of factories of artificial wombs
have we invented artificial wombs already? I was not notified of this development.

Anonymous No. 16172283

>If life isn't worth living why don't antinatalists just kill themselves?
because the question of whether it's worth coming into existence is different from the question of whether it is worth to remain in existence.

Anonymous No. 16172294

Just flood the developed world with sub 70 IQ jeets. It’s a way better solution.

Barkon No. 16172315

Quick, it's been a million years and the poo giant is returning for its revenge. To arms! Mouf.

Anonymous No. 16172318

Jeets are currently almost below replacement fertility
Only subsaharan Africa still has extremely high fertility

Anonymous No. 16172321

Anything over 3 bn is too much. Plenty of time before that happens.

Anonymous No. 16172406

To name just the most glaringly obvious problem with that idea, even if you threw unlimited money at it and magically quelled all impeding moralfagging about the issue today, all of the countries slated for demographic collapse will have already gone through it by the time you get your first crop of working-age adults.

Anonymous No. 16172423

How about just fixing the root cause? How about women not being brainwashed from birth to become a corporate drone above everything else?

And even if subsaharan Africa didn't have high fertility (which some pretend is the case just because they went from a fertility of 8 to *only* 5) it still has a much lower average age

Anonymous No. 16172503

>How about women not being brainwashed from birth to become a corporate drone above everything else?
I think being pregnant and giving birth is pretty annoying. Furthermore being a parent takes a lot of effort and time for both parents and is of no use value, like it was during agricultural society times were you could use kids as slave labour from around 8 years old.

Anonymous No. 16172508

The alternative for it is to abolish retirement and mandatory euthanasia after 60.
But i think even for the worst of countries like south korea the collapse will take half a century.

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Anonymous No. 16172521

I don't think anyone knows what the alternatives are at this point. Things will be trial-and-errored in real time by the canary-states like South Korea while the rest of the world watches and takes notes for themselves. Half a century seems more than a little optimistic for those guys, though.

Anonymous No. 16172530

meh, they'll live.
robots, AI and UBI will keep it all afloat.

Anonymous No. 16172532

>is it worth it to come into existence?
>is it wort it to stay in existence AFTER coming into it?

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Anonymous No. 16172540

Pic related was an antinatalist that actually did.

>I’m an antinatalist. I think it’s unforgivable to bring new people into this world given that there is suffering. The thing is that lately I’ve been thinking and feeling that people aren’t real. This would partially solve the problem of evil. There is just my suffering and everyone else is a simulation designed to spite me. This should cause me to not feel so antinatalist since the breeders are disgusting alien mockeries of a true human being, namely myself. Yet somehow I still feel very antinatalist. When I see children with their parents I am disgusted at the entire concept. They are probably just facets of the simulation and not souls brimming with the inner light of awareness like myself. And yet they still move me enough to cause disgust. I suppose that was the intention of the designer(s), to create something that appeared so real that it was actually disturbing. Dr. Miller says I have some sort of syndrome after finding out about my solipsism. I think he’s an imbecile who deserves to be burned on a stake. But out of my bodhisattva-like compassion I would instead grant him a consciousness and send him to heaven forever.

Anonymous No. 16172543

that's a very good question and I still don't know why I haven't kms yet

Anonymous No. 16172546

>robots and ai
Just meaningless buzzwords

Anonymous No. 16172547

You wot m8

Anonymous No. 16172581

Ai is just a websearch and word processor
Robotics is cost ineffective and energy demanding

Anonymous No. 16172592

It would certainly be a better pathway than the one Europe is currently going down with large scale immigration leading to the decline of social cohesion. Never going to happen though because it's too out there. It's in a similar bracket as eugenics, playing god with humans is just inherently off putting to us

Anonymous No. 16172597

Imagine you get dragged into someplace you don't want to go to, say, a bar. There you are, you can't go back. Now you evaluate things again, whether you should leave or not, that's all. Maybe just stick around a bit until you're truly ready to leave.

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Anonymous No. 16172603

like modern everywhere

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Anonymous No. 16172607

I'm thinking 750 million myself, and living in the tropics only, that's what we evolved for, never cold, never hot, always chillin'.

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Anonymous No. 16172609

so you rather brainwash them into being breeding cattle?

Anonymous No. 16172621

Yeah the tropics are fantastic for insects and parasites

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Anonymous No. 16172626

>so you rather brainwash them into being breeding cattle?
Yes, tis both the natural and preferable mode of existence for the inferior masses.

Anonymous No. 16172630

I think the factory grown kids would also be discriminated and this would create social tensions.
I expect factory born to have higher suicide rate due to bullying despite being genetically superior to the woman born.
However this is still preferable to negroes

Anonymous No. 16173415

Well not all countries have public education

Anonymous No. 16173502

Not really, those who don't want to breed will be naturally weeded out, what worries me is the powerful using that as an excuse to import foreigners who breed more, effectively replacing locals.
And talking about morals: those who reach 40 and then have an existential crisis when they realize they are alone and their pug will never be a kid cannot ask society for help, their choices their consrquences

Anonymous No. 16173503

>never hot
Your brain development sure is typical of the tropics

Anonymous No. 16173522

Yeah, just chuck in a sci fi concept to resolve a complicated geopolitical issue. Great work.

Anonymous No. 16173604

It's not a geopolitical issue
It's a biological reproductive and cultural issue
Unless you think it's some enemy nation that is brainwashing women to not have kids

Anonymous No. 16173613

That's alright, we have bug repellent and you can always eat lots of garlic.
As far as parasites, that's just basic higiene and proper meal cooking
Never cold, never hot, perfect for humans, where we evolved to be.

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Anonymous No. 16173614


Anonymous No. 16173622

well, I've lived in the tropics for almost a decade, and I didn't feel hot. It's nice and warm all year round, and even "hot" days are perfectly manageable with shade, hydration, and light fibers, like linen.
It's like perpetual summer, that's all.