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Anonymous No. 16172359

Why didnt humans evolve to find protein tasty? Isn't protein the most important macronutrient? So how come fat and sugar taste great to us, but pure protein tastes like ass?

Barkon No. 16172361


Anonymous No. 16172364

>Isn't protein the most important macronutrient

Anonymous No. 16172407

glucose is the body's preferred energy source (and for every living thing on the planet) that's about it really. proteins are still important, though.

Anonymous No. 16172430

Whey protein isn't pure. Pure gelatin is closer to pure protein.

Pure fat is revolting.

Try eating +50 grams and you'll find it revolting too.

Anonymous No. 16172439


Anonymous No. 16172501

Fat taste awful by itself.
Sugar is fine until you eat about bazillion of it at once. Its a matter of portions and how you're able to blend ingredients to make it tasteful. You can add whey protein to just about anything and turn it into a protein based meal.

Anonymous No. 16172528

What protein are you eating? Fresh chicken, turkey, and even beef is pretty damn delicious with good protein macros.

Anonymous No. 16172561

>Why didnt humans evolve
Because evolution doesn't optimize. Organisms that survive long enough to have offspring pass on their traits. Those that don't, don't. That's all evolution is.

Anonymous No. 16172572

Protein is not the most important macronutrient. The macronutrient that is arguably 'most useful' for the human organism is carbohydrates. Humans depend on EAAs in very limited amounts.

Anonymous No. 16172604

Carbs were not even available to prehistoric humans. Where would we get them? Uncultivated roots and berries that has 10% of modern oranges and bananas? The reason why we're so sensitive to sugar is precisely because our diets had very little of it. Early humans were carnivores and their diets were mostly protein-rich meat. You can easily gobble 100g worth of protein in steak, now try eating 100g of sugar is one sitting. We didnt need to be sensitive to protein because it was already our staple.

Anonymous No. 16172610

Evolution isn't a straight line with planned goals, it's just trail and error with fucking.

Anonymous No. 16172629

Early human diets were high in volume compared to the recommended serving sizes nowadays. The low caloric density and the low concentration of nutrients naturally found in wild fruits and foraged roots allowed them to simply eat more and reach their needed sugar/carbs intake without having any repercussions on their overall health. You can try by yourself to forage for your own greens, roots, and any kind of edible flora in your region for a sufficiently long time and you may even start seeing your weight to drop even when you are physically full. Cross-bred and genetically modified crops have been selectively grown in order to maximize their palatability (up to the industrial era) then their caloric density.

Anonymous No. 16172648

One of the oldest sources of human hunter gatherer societies for concentrated simple sugars is honey. The last few remaining traditional hunter gatherers eben to this day consume honey regularly. In addition to that you named it: Most primates tend to take advantage of fruit when available, some year round.
I wonder where you got this idea from that carbohydrates weren't available to early man.
>100g vs 100g
Brainlet take. Do you even understand that the primary purpose of nutrition is to cover the bodies demand for energy ? As such one might believe you should base such comparisons on equal energy. In which case sugar will provide what, 4 times the energy of steak maybe ? As such you would want to compare 25 or 30 g sugar to 100 g steak. (On a sidenote the idea of 'steak' being representative of a primitive carnivore diet is poor reasoning at best.)
Add to that the unexplicably common idea of 'primitive nutrition' / 'nutrition prevalent during arbitarily selected periods of human evolution' being best for you is intuitive at best, as long as you do not provide an actual argument beyond intuition.
>we're so sensitive to sugar
Fun thing: Humans are actually known to be extremely flexible regarding nutritional requirements and indifferent when it comes to malnutrition. Hardly any other mammal exhibits the same resiliance, much more so primates in particular are known for drastically reduced lifespans when on any common human diet. They are sensitive. Meanwhile humans adapted to be perfect omnivores through a very recent and varied evolutionary history.

Anonymous No. 16172656

I absolutely do get protein hunger, you just don't need more protein. Eat sugar, make sure that it's just sugar, no fat or anything much else with it. Something like very sweet tea.

Anonymous No. 16172750

>Pure fat is revolting.
not, it's quite nice actually , depends a lot on the type of fat and its temperature. it's pretty much neutral taste wise.

Anonymous No. 16172752

>The macronutrient that is arguably 'most useful' for the human organism is carbohydrates.
dumb carb-brain actually thinks this

Anonymous No. 16172756

>provides 0 arguments
>insults people
ketoschizo detected

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Anonymous No. 16172771

I would explain it to you, but retards like you just can't understand anything. I will burn you to cinders instead.

Anonymous No. 16172780

>Pure fat is revolting.
Nigga the fuck you're on. Fat is what gives meat its flavor. Butter is delicious, olive oil is delicious, duck fat is delicious, coocnut oil is delicious

Anonymous No. 16173915

>Fat is what gives meat its flavor.
No, salt/seasoning is what gives meat its flavor.

Anonymous No. 16173919

Because qualitative experience is preset

Anonymous No. 16173980

>seasoning is what gives meat its flavor

Anonymous No. 16173991

Yeah how come water doesn't taste good like coca cola, when water is the most important substance for a human?

Anonymous No. 16173996

>Why didnt humans evolve to find protein tasty?
how do you explain female hunger for cum then?

Anonymous No. 16174013

>Why didnt humans evolve to find protein tasty?
Because we evolved to find MEAT tasty, not industrially isolated and concentrated protein powders.

Anonymous No. 16174018

absolute nigger detected
>wypipo dont seazun dey food

Anonymous No. 16174020

>no arguments
I accept your concession.

Anonymous No. 16174023

(you) haven't presented one either
it is factually incorrect that fat lends taste to something, fat is the vehicle of taste
its actually haem that gives red meat its distinctive taste but as many flavours it piggybacks on fat.
>you loose and sorry to inform phenotype is for life.

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Anonymous No. 16174025

>you loose

Anonymous No. 16174035

>no arguments

Anonymous No. 16175159

>Pure fat is revolting.
animal fat, yes, vegetable fat, not really.

Anonymous No. 16175160

>Fresh chicken, turkey, and even beef is pretty damn delicious
Raw animal meat isn't the tastiest thing around. I much rather go for fruit.

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the real paleodiet.jpg

Anonymous No. 16175161

>Uncultivated roots and berries that has 10% of modern oranges and bananas?
Relevant video is relevant:

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Anonymous No. 16175162

Thank you for doing the good work anon.

Anonymous No. 16175164

slow digesting

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Anonymous No. 16175165

are you retarded? protein is tasty, especially combined with fat, carbs, salt etc, really they all complement eachother...

Anonymous No. 16175166

What, so you enjoy drinking pure oil? Or do you just completely lack reading comprehension? Which is it????

Anonymous No. 16175557

Protein is usually accompanied by msg

Anonymous No. 16175573

That's entirely subjective. I much prefer meat to carbs

Anonymous No. 16175623

you really don't like butter?

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Anonymous No. 16175632

Have you actually tried it?

Anonymous No. 16175700

NTA, but I have. It's some of the most bland and textureless food imaginable.

Anonymous No. 16175704

So you agree that fat isn't what gives meat its flavor. Glad we could reach a consensus.

Anonymous No. 16176143

"Protein" is a rather broad term, and you just can't make a sweeping statement like that. Lactose in pure form tastes like ass, apparently. Cellulose doesn't taste like anything, yet both are carbohydrates. Pure fat doesn't really taste like anything either, the "buttery" taste comes from acetoin and diacetyl, which are not fats.
And partially hydrolysed protein has a rather rich and strong flavor. Individual amino acids span the entire range of basic tastes (from sweet to disgustingly bitter to umami).

Anonymous No. 16176374

>"No, ..."
Yes we agree fat is not what lends flavour to meat. I am of the opinion fat provides intensity to many flavours.
>"... salt/seasoning is what gives meat its flavor."
This is where we do not agree.

Anonymous No. 16176442

>I don't want to loose you
Your image contains a valid sentence as loose can also mean to set free.

Anonymous No. 16176448

Yes, but it's rarely used like that in a modern context and still has a different meaning from, "I don't want to lose you." If you say, "I don't want to loose you," it means you're in a position where you need to let someone physically free but don't want to, which is different from a desire for someone not to slip away from you figuratively.