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Anonymous No. 16172481

Russia has found vast oil and gas reserves in the Antarctic, much of it in areas claimed by the UK.

Reserves totalling 511bn barrels of oil – about 10 times the North Sea’s entire 50-year output – have been reported to Moscow by Russian research ships, according to evidence given to the Commons Environment Audit Committee (EAC) last week.

It follows a series of surveys by the Alexander Karpinsky vessel, operated by Rosgeo – the Russian agency charged with finding mineral reserves for commercial exploitation.

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Anonymous No. 16172482

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Anonymous No. 16172658

Antarctica now? Fucking oil, fucking cancer, they'll ruin everything for that fucking substance, fuck

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Anonymous No. 16172671

Yeah no that entire continent belongs to the United States. Everyone else can go fly a kite.

Anonymous No. 16172678

>entire world against you except random cunts like iran and china
>let everyone know where a fuckton of oil is
why is russia letting this info out?? you'd think they'd keep it secret for strategic purposes surely

Anonymous No. 16172684

becuase it's a lie
there were no dinosaurs in Antarctica
it's too cold

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Anonymous No. 16172689


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Anonymous No. 16172721


Anonymous No. 16172725

If the rest of the world is fighting over oil in Antarctica, they can't be united against you.

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Anonymous No. 16172793

>b-b-but muh peak oil!!!
>what about muh peak oil!!!!!
looks like real scientists and engineers are a lot more knowledgeable about the oil supply than envrio green whackos are

Anonymous No. 16173494

They're the only ones with the technical capabilities in arctic operations to take advantage.

Anonymous No. 16173500

Has it occurred to you that the Russian government is dumb as fuck? (like the past few years have proven)

Anonymous No. 16173618

the peak oil prediction was for peak oil production. and I remember the paper leaning heavily on $ per barrel as the key metric. and he's been right so far.

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antarctica empero....jpg

Anonymous No. 16173644

>there were no dinosaurs in Antarctica
>it's too cold
Agreed. Just like it is too cold for birds, AMIRITE?

Anonymous No. 16173657

Lmao all the expertise that created and maintained Russia's Arctic fossil fuel exploitation is all Western or at least non-Russian.
Its why sanctions have been enough to stop Russia's new LNG facility.

Anonymous No. 16173716

>about 10 times the North Sea’s entire 50-year output
Sounds like a lot,until you realize it's not due to exponential growth

Anonymous No. 16174469

You mean the Argentine-Chilean-Brazillian territory?

Anonymous No. 16174473

Falklands were occupied by Britain before Argentina existed.

Anonymous No. 16174493

There were occupied by the Spanish territory that later would become Argentina before the British took them over by military force.

Anonymous No. 16174496

Russia and the Soviet Union before them have long been the world leader in nuclear powered ice breakers.

Anonymous No. 16174582

That was only after pumping knowhow from naive Norwegian companies hoping to work the Stackman fields.

Anonymous No. 16174597

Your daily reminder: Ukraine is losing.

Anonymous No. 16174610

Actually it was first occupied by the French

Anonymous No. 16174659

not a valid source of information

Anonymous No. 16174778

Some day you're going to realize this isn't a good thing, and at this rate, yes, it'll be the hard way.

Anonymous No. 16175820
