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๐Ÿงต Unscientific American

Anonymous No. 16172487
>Unscientific American
>Science journalism surrenders to progressive ideology.
have you read this text? thoughts?

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Anonymous No. 16172497

they're in it for the money.
they'll stop when there's no money in it.

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Anonymous No. 16172524

>al gore
he got honoris causa phd from the most gay university of poland xD

Anonymous No. 16172571

But all the money is in business. In fact, if you suck corporate dick you can make millions as a scientist. History is replete with scientists who sold their souls to corporations from Thomas Midgley Jr who lied about the dangers of leaded gasoline to all the researchers who lied about cigarettes for decades.

You dumbfucks have to twist yourselves into absolute knots in order to not only ignore the mountains of evidence about climate science but to conjure up the most ludicrous conspiracies imaginable just to suck oil company dick. Oil companies who know the science is against them so badly, they now openly admit it

Anonymous No. 16172582

>As Shermer observed, many science journalists see their role not as neutral reporters but as advocates for noble causes. This is especially true in reporting about the climate. Many publications now have reporters on a permanent โ€œclimate beat,โ€ and several nonprofit organizations offer grants to help fund climate coverage. Climate science is an important field, worthy of thoughtful, balanced coverage. Unfortunately, too many climate reporters seem especially prone to common fallacies, including base-rate neglect, and to hyping tenuous data.

Anonymous No. 16173008


Anonymous No. 16173020

Scientific American became complete garbage around 5 years ago. Unreadable.

Anonymous No. 16173548


Anonymous No. 16173595

It's been garbage for at least 20 years. I'm not sure what changed 5 years ago, but I can only imagine DEI authors and gender nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16173606

>have you read this text? thoughts?
I read about halfway through. I would have to read the columns that Michael Shermer submitted to properly comment on it.

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Anonymous No. 16173607

well, we're done here.

Anonymous No. 16174203

its been trash for decades

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16175060

Its owned by German WEF members

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Anonymous No. 16176281

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16176843

He is a massive fatso these days. He probably ate that PhD

Anonymous No. 16176857

National Geographics got destroyed the same way. Did Popular Mechanics?

Anonymous No. 16177679

all those media outlets are owned by the same people

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Anonymous No. 16178816


Anonymous No. 16179424

its manipulative popsci trash, always has been. those kind of publications strongly appeal to the type of people who prone to dunning krugerism, they read a two page article and presume they're then as expert as people who've been in their field for decades

Anonymous No. 16180645

its just another political propaganda rag thinly disguised as a science publication, everything in there is a lie

Anonymous No. 16181103

Same goes for Nature

Anonymous No. 16182127

its true for just about every major publication, its necessary effect of having a monopolized media, they all shill the same lies

Anonymous No. 16182771

scientific american has never been a scientific journal, it has always been pop-sci
prove me wrong

Anonymous No. 16182849

>scientific american
>popular science
>popular mechanics
>national geographic
All of these were once based publications, maybe better for teenagers than for grownups but still perfectly respectable. They usually stayed away from politics. Sometime between 1994 and 2024 one by one they nosedived into the absolute faggot field and are thoroughly pozzed and monkeypoxxed

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Anonymous No. 16182904

check this out XD

Anonymous No. 16183415

big freeze 1973 cover was about oil crisis
big freeze 1977 cover was about icy winter

they are not about climate. This is a chud pic

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16184972

who indeed

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16185664

Sciam is one of those publications that triggers to Gel-Mann amnesia effect in low IQ individuals who've had a specialty education in a scientific field and triggers being thrown into the garbage by everyone else who has had a specialty education in a scientific field. If you read any of their articles about whatever it is you majored in, you will immediately presume the publication is trash unless you're stupid

Anonymous No. 16187036

once i read an article in there about my field i never read that publication again. you can learn more reading used toilet paper

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Anonymous No. 16188088


Anonymous No. 16188111

the usual incoming deboonk will be that nobody in the 70s actually believed in global cooling, it was like a fringe 2% of fake scientists

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Anonymous No. 16188927


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Anonymous No. 16189130


Anonymous No. 16189159

Most of them not only have had complete turnovers in their staffs, but are now owned by completely different entities. The only thing they have in common with their pre-2000 editions is the name on the masthead. They use that name's credibility inertia to squeeze out a few decades of relevance for their propaganda message.
Most of these magazines have fallen into deep declines in readership but the credibility of the name built up in the last century is worth the cost of production to get their message out into the world. They don't need people to read their articles if they can get others to repeat the message and use the name's credibility as the source. Wikipedia considers all of them as valid sources while Bob's substack page might have ten times the quality, it's not considered a valid source even if Bob is a top researcher in his field.

Anonymous No. 16189292

who is Bob?

Anonymous No. 16190253

>Most of these magazines have fallen into deep declines in readership
yet somehow or other they still stay afloat and continue to sell advertising. does this disprove the theory that we live in a capitalist society?

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Anonymous No. 16190577

Jeff Bezos didn't buy the Washington Post for the advertising revenue, it just helps defray some of the cost. Same for many of these "science" magazines. They exist to push messages and give them the veneer of legitimate science. Subscription fees and advertising money is a nice way to lower some of the costs involved but aren't actually necessary.
He's a big boy.

Anonymous No. 16191745

Bezos bought the post because he can use it as a means to lobby congress to give money to his other businesses, since everyone in DC, including members of congress. reads the post every day.

Anonymous No. 16192292

He made $20 billion in defense department contracts for Amazon within a year of paying $250 million for the post

Anonymous No. 16192506

>everyone in DC, including members of congress. reads the post every day.
how do you know?

Anonymous No. 16193308

Thats where I live and work

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Anonymous No. 16193824

those ones on the left are correct, the current interglacial period peaked thousands of years ago and we've been cooling off ever since

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Anonymous No. 16194279

are you a cia-glow-in-the-dark-nigger?

Anonymous No. 16195549

No, but I know a lot of those people. They're mostly jewish, the CIA is strange for a government agency in that very few blacks work there if any. I can't remember ever encountering anyone black connected to the CIA. Terry's epithet is inaccurate in that way

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Anonymous No. 16196197

doesnt CIA have DEI department?

Anonymous No. 16196453

Ice age incoming

Anonymous No. 16196468

Unironically until humans started warming the planet with our waste heat. A warmer, wetter world is better for humanity anyway. New deaths from extreme heat will be dwarfed by cold weather death reduction. Climate change is a net positive, as is higher CO2.

Anonymous No. 16197244

No, they're exempt from all domestic laws.

Anonymous No. 16197264

Something like HALF of Tesla's life time earnings are from selling scam carbon credits, just like Al Gore does. Let that sink in, half of Tesla profits are worthless greenwashing certificates that mean nothing. The other half is free gibs from the US government.

Anonymous No. 16197287

>cold weather death reduction
Almost nobody was dying of the cold. Unless you mean starvation? But almost nobody was dying of tha either.

Anonymous No. 16197293

>put up $$$$ for Green Energy companies
>Green Energy company accepts the $$$$
This is surprising because..? The only shocking thing here is that Tesla actually makes the items they were promising. Most of these companies just pocket (โ€œspendโ€) the money and then go out of business

Anonymous No. 16197616

Deaths due to cold weather and dying from cold are not the same thing.
A fatal car crash due to ice on the road is a death caused by cold weather, but is not a death cause by coldness.

Anonymous No. 16198515

>but is not a death cause by coldness.
yes it is, coldness caused the road to freeze

Anonymous No. 16199138

no way

Anonymous No. 16199165

Did anybody read the article?
>jewish writer wants to downplay the harmfulness of jewish sexual abuse
>gets told no
many such cases

Anonymous No. 16199769

When have you ever heard about one of them being arrested or convicted of anything?

Anonymous No. 16200367

Has the ADL moved in to shut them down yet?

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Anonymous No. 16201477


Anonymous No. 16202105

They get arrested when they're caught acting as double agents for other countries

Anonymous No. 16202893

except when the other country is israel

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Anonymous No. 16203788


Anonymous No. 16203859

It started around 2000 or so, a much younger me had a subscription back in the days when you got these things called "magazines" in your mailbox every month, so I got to see it in real time.
They quickly went what we today would call "woke" on climate shit. I saw an interview of the editor (or whoever the guy in charge was) on Charlie Rose (remember him?) on PBS a few years later where he admitted it.
I would not be surprised if it has been getting continually shittier since then.

Anonymous No. 16203861

i figured that this was the case.
i was going to look this up but glad you got there first.
here's your +1.

Anonymous No. 16204625


Anonymous No. 16204728



opinion ignored and is probably a shit tabloid like the sun. Give me a verifiable resource.

Anonymous No. 16204879

when was the last case it happened?

Anonymous No. 16205522


Anonymous No. 16206180


Anonymous No. 16206182


Anonymous No. 16207111

sup reddit

Anonymous No. 16208075

You need to read the Washington Post every day to function in D.C. soiciety.

Anonymous No. 16208447

how so?

Anonymous No. 16209181

Thats just how it is there, the Washington Post is their baseline for truth

Anonymous No. 16210373

sounds like some sort of extremely stupid religious cult

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Anonymous No. 16211071

Thats a good article, the scientism cultist schizos will never read it because picrel

Anonymous No. 16211529

scientism is good
being sjw is bad

Anonymous No. 16213255

>scientism is good
no, its bad. being a scientismist is part of being a sjw

Anonymous No. 16218552

good pic

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16220386

Its not funny, its disgusting. Anime erpers are repulsively nasty.

Anonymous No. 16221442

>have you read this text?
not yet

Anonymous No. 16222825

He keeps announcing "The Washington Post lost $100million last year" but somehow or other the publication never goes out of business even though it never turns a profit. Clearly he is lying, it turns a massive profit for him because he uses it as a lobbying tool, the profits just aren't credited to The Washington Post, they're credited to one of his other businesses.

Anonymous No. 16222882

He isn't the first to do it and he isn't even the last, you can look at X or that one site Dorsey made. Don't even remember what it is called. This is standard MO.

Anonymous No. 16223968

elaborate pls

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Anonymous No. 16225574


Anonymous No. 16227098

>Science journalism surrenders to progressive ideology.
that happened over 50 years ago

Anonymous No. 16227934

>A warmer, wetter world is better for humanity anyway
Too bad CO2 doesn't cause global warming

Anonymous No. 16229166

wait what

Anonymous No. 16230589

CO2 plainly doesn't cause global warming, if it did then the weather would have changed by now

Anonymous No. 16231724

there is no evidence that co2 cause "muh greenhouse effect" and theres lots of evidence that it doesn't

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Anonymous No. 16232958


Anonymous No. 16234010

Water vapor accounts for far, far more than 95% if the greenhouse effect on Earth. 100% is a much more accurate figure than 95% is.

Anonymous No. 16234272


Anonymous No. 16235345

He just gets a different kind of advertising revenue.
$50 billion dollar military contracts for Amazon, more gigabit contracts and subsidies for Blue Origin.

Anonymous No. 16236621

Retarded. Money is just a means to an end for them. They create it out of nothing.

Anonymous No. 16236730

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