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magenta and white.png

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Anonymous No. 16172507

>Science still hasn't discovered what wavelength correspond to Magenta and White
>People still believe that colors are absolutely related to wavelengths
When will we get out of this phase?

Anonymous No. 16172511

you forgot to add, black is not a color, because it is the absence of any color

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Anonymous No. 16172516

>Science still hasn't discovered what wavelength correspond to Magenta and White
The combined wavelengths of base wavelengths? They still behave as a singular wave and the varying wavelength can be mapped as a wavefunction of the change of the oscillation through time, as to where the association with a specific colour comes from, and why it is qualitatively expressed as it is, is a different question entirely.

Anonymous No. 16172518

define "base wavelength"
yellow is perceived as a mix of red and green light, yet do we still define it as a "singular wave"?
what make it any different from magenta at all?

Anonymous No. 16172536

black lights matter

Anonymous No. 16172549

Doesn't matter if it's a constituent wave or if the base wavelengths are made from any wavelengths, it's the specific combination of electromagnetic oscillations which elicits the reaction, more specifically the rate of energy flow in a certain pattern is what elicits the reaction as all electromagnetic radiation is the same thing just dilated/contracted such that the energy transfer rate is increased/reduced, so colour perception is more accurately related to the energy transfer rate per unit of time

Barkon No. 16172553

Magneta is pure wavelength

Anonymous No. 16172578

White and magenta both can only be displayed through a combination of wavelengths.

Anonymous No. 16172613

What we interpret as white light is any light consisting of a near-uniform superposition of visible wavelengths. The sun's emitted spectrum is not uniform, but when you factor in Rayleigh scattering and absorption lines in the atmosphere, the intensity distribution of the incident spectrum from the Sun (at least the part our eyes our sensitive to) flattens out pretty significantly.

We have three types of retinal cones that correspond to peak absorptions of about 420, 530, and 560 nm (all with different standard deviations in absorption). We interpret color based on relative difference in the absorbed light from the different cones: The bigger the difference, the more saturated the particular color our brain interprets, and the smaller the difference the more desaturated the color. So white light is just what we interpret when the distinction in intensity across the absorbed bands of wavelengths is negligible.

Anonymous No. 16172642

>OP showing off the colors for his feather boa again

Anonymous No. 16172922

color of love and color of benevolence
they're both special so they were made that way to highlight that

Anonymous No. 16172948

>People still believe that colors are absolutely related to wavelengths
They are absolutely related to wavelengths. A color is a distribution over wavelengths, and the distributions corresponding to magenta and white are very well understood.

Anonymous No. 16172972

The schizopost is stale as fuck, fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16172981

Thanks for effortpost

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Anonymous No. 16172995

Black is the color the mind uses to represent the absence of photons hitting the eyes. Thus, color is in the mind, not in the world.

The only people who are confused by color are people who still believe in naive realism.

Anonymous No. 16173000

black is not a color idiot, what are you talking about? i didnt understand jackshit of what you were saying with that naive realism

Anonymous No. 16173002

>i didnt understand jackshit of what you were saying with that naive realism
Take that as a sign that you're out of your depth.

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Anonymous No. 16173006

We see magenta when our red and blue cones respond simultaneously. However there is no "simple" wavelength that will do so, only combinations of multiple waves (see the low overlap of S and L cones). The same is not true of yellow, which as you mention is caused by responses in red and green, M and L cones. But because of the overlap photons with only specific wavelengths (~570-590 nm) such as those emitted by lasers, will stimulate both of those cones so we will perceive the color yellow.

Anonymous No. 16173058

magenta is because your receptors are too pussy to see there are more types of brown and it's a shade of diminished spectra peaking before the high end

Anonymous No. 16173328

>durr chords can't be isolated to single wavelengths, therefore sound isn't related to pressure waves.

Anonymous No. 16173355

>representing a sequence of events from right to left
Disregarded, did not read. I don't value the opinions of people too stupid to understand that all sequences should be represented from left to right when communicating in English.

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Anonymous No. 16173550

buy a spectrometer instead of shitposting this board over and over

Anonymous No. 16173593

>>People still believe that colors are absolutely related to wavelengths

What else would it be you fucking faggot. Do you randomly see magenta out of fucking nowhere? No? Then its your retarted brain interpreting signals that it is recieving. Particular wavelenghts or some combination of them, certain interactions of photons, doesn't matter, its basically the same thing. If producers of the screens that we look at your retarted picture at knew how to make them show magenta, then guess what, magenta isn't some kind of unsolved mystery.

Anonymous No. 16173664

>This amount of sperging
Looks like you felt called out by this thread, it takes one to know one.

Anonymous No. 16173794

There is a difference between colors being caused by wavelengths and wavelengths BEING color. That's the key question.

This is really a philosophical discussion, which is why it goes by so many stem bro's heads.

Anonymous No. 16173799

equations exist for superposition of waves though. should be able to write some composite wavelength of the superposition of two waves

Anonymous No. 16174032

Magenta light didn't exist before the RGB system was created

Anonymous No. 16174413


Anonymous No. 16174737

Sure, but that's the difference between magenta/white and yellow/cyan. The latter don't require that composition, while the former do.

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Anonymous No. 16174758


Anonymous No. 16174940


Anonymous No. 16175112

There is no magenta light here, only pigment
Retard schizo

Anonymous No. 16175341

The only way you can see it is through light bouncing off it. That's how the camera which took the photo saw it, too.

Anonymous No. 16175352

There's something wrong about it

Anonymous No. 16175374

Honestly the science behind purple is absolutely fascinating. The blend of low/high wavelengths to create a continuous colour wheel is the closest evidence I've seen to intelligent design.

Anonymous No. 16175577

Magenta is the color of love, you'd bet that God would give a special quality to that color.

Anonymous No. 16175946

Computers have always used 3 numbers to represent colors.
That should tell you that 1 number cannot do it (easily, without some advanced math fuckery) otherwise programmers would not waste the additional memory and complexity.
Wavelength is 1 number.

Anonymous No. 16175951

among the six colors that a computer's rgb produces (red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta), magenta is the only one whose FF are separate from each other (FF00FF)

Anonymous No. 16176945

That is almost as insightful as pointing out that of all the words you used in your post, "is" is the only two letter word.

Anonymous No. 16176990

Woah, it's a hole in the middle

Anonymous No. 16177006

Sure they have. It's the interference pattern between 700nm and 400nm light.

Anonynous No. 16177018

Filtered retard. It didn't even occur to me.

Anonymous No. 16177055

Probably two color receptors vs three color receptors being excited?

Anonymous No. 16177096

color is a mental construct. light sources just excite different part of the mental state related to color. anyone who tell you otherwise is an NPC.
try to do a DMT trip and tell me that light creates colors.
lol, lmao even.

Anonymous No. 16177124

Hue color and temperature are different.
Hue can be a psychiatric definition of color, color is the definition of either temperature or Hue, temperature is in related to the spectral decomposition of black body radiation. Color is seen as the composition of various spectra, and Hue therefore is the qualitative scattering of light which gives those colors

Anonymous No. 16177211

Red is for hot temperature
Green is for temperate temperature
Blue is for cold temperature

So what is Magenta then?

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Anonymous No. 16177223

>Red is for hot temperature
>Blue is for cold temperature

Anonymous No. 16177227

Cot temperature. Or hold temperature if you prefer.

Anonymous No. 16178186


Anonymous No. 16178920

Apparently not a lot of animals are capable of seeing the color Red, as they mostly specialize in seeing UV colors instead

Nature has deemed Red not so important to be seen, for some reason

Anonymous No. 16179143

>Nature has deemed Red not so important to be seen, for some reason

If you are a deer, moving at dusk/dawn mostlly, why would you care about red. You don't really eat anything red.

UV is highest at dusk/dawn so it would make sense for most animals that utilize that to specialize in that light. For predators too.

There is also a trade off for light sensitivity and seeing color. Movement detection in low light crucial compared to red.

That said, primates that pick berries and/or watch for red fertile asses to fuck would care about red....