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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172660

China is collapsing hard. Their real estate market and economy is basically dead in the water. Their demographics are fucked. It's over. This is the Japanese asset bubble, but a hundred time worse. China might not see positive GDP growth for another 30 years. Failed state by 2030 probably

Anonymous No. 16172664

How does China work exactly? Do you go to a job and get paid like in the USA? Then you save that money and buy stuff with it?

Anonymous No. 16172696

Why does it matter if some number goes down? You doomongers can never explain why these things are bad, you only talk in vague and eerie terms and never explain the actual consequences of anything.
All this can do is reduce investment in construction in China, this doesnt cause anything catastrophic, it just reduces investment in construction in China. The chinese have plenty of buildings and a shrinking population, so it is ok and super rational in fact

Anonymous No. 16172699

Is'n't house prices going down a good thing? I wish they went down here too. Maybe I could own my own home before I turn 60.

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Anonymous No. 16172710


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Anonymous No. 16172719

Hi Peter, you going to post this thread on every board?

Anonymous No. 16172779

>Is'n't house prices going down a good thing?
Its not bad nor good for prices to go up or down, at least not in a market economy. Prices are just signals to regulate production, the idea being that you produce more of what is more expensive until it gets cheap.
So houses getting cheap in China is an indication that their house problem is more or less solved. The houses have been built

Anonymous No. 16172810

It's only a problem when people use housing as an asset and take loans out against the value of the house.
Which should be discouraged anyway because shelter is a requirement for life.

Anonymous No. 16172878

>China is collapsing because people can afford to buy homes
This has got to be the stupidest reason for China collapsing I've ever read.

Anonymous No. 16173016

why is this pajeet so obsessed with China?

Anonymous No. 16173241

>It's only a problem when people use housing as an asset and take loans out against the value of the house.
Who gives a fuck? Some people make money, others lose it. It doesnt mean some economy will collapse because some company or person lost money once.

Anonymous No. 16173246

Imagine seething this long across this many board

Anonymous No. 16173253

Yeah. China is fairly capitalist all things considered.

Anonymous No. 16173274

Sorry, but the housing speculation will stop.

Anonymous No. 16173339

china will collapse any day now says increasingly nervous boomer for the 20th time

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Anonymous No. 16173432


Anonymous No. 16173551

>Their demographics are fucked.

South Korea and Japan are demographically collapsing. India is below replacement fertility too.

The west "corrected" its demographics with masses of non-white third worlders.

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Anonymous No. 16173611

Whatever you do, don't put money in Xi's pockets