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Anonymous No. 16172666

I like to know what the actual believes on ghosts are from people who are into them.

Like I talked to some and it is peak bullshit and retardation.
One guy literally debunked himself after I started asking questions since his own model of ghosts and earth was fucken impossible.

Anonymous No. 16172669

ghosts are oscillation "echoes" within energy fields

Anonymous No. 16172670


Anonymous No. 16172672

When you toss a pebble into a pond a wave is created which can interfere with objects in the pond, potentially creating "echoes" (bouncing waves). Ghosts are those "echoes", and the pond is the energy quantum field.

Anonymous No. 16172674

Of course, none of this is verifiable or testable. It's just what I think explains the phenomena.

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Anonymous No. 16172675

>Ghosts are those "echoes", and the pond is the energy quantum field.

Anonymous No. 16172680

I mean that's fine, assuming you are OP you are the one who came here and asked what ghosts are. What sort of answers were you expecting? It's a phenomena that has no actual explanation, other than, "maybe it exists, maybe it doesn't exist." This thread was disingenuous from the start, so I expect you to just attempt to troll further.

Anonymous No. 16172686

>What sort of answers were you expecting?
Give proof of ghosts.
Like what physical evidence is there for them.
You started babbling nonsense about echos and quantum shit.

Anonymous No. 16172698

>Give proof of ghosts.
>Like what physical evidence is there for them.
Then you should go out and try to get some yourself. You won't find any online that doesn't have some sort of subjectivity or doubt behind it. Unfortunately this is a phenomenon that can not be tested or verified within any sort of scientific context. All I did was give my thoughts on what could explain it. Is it wrong? quite possibly. Can it be tested/verified? Absolutely not, and nothing else related to this phenomena can be either. So either go and try to discover it yourself, or live the rest of your life dissatisfied with whatever answers may be given to you as to the source of ghosts.

Anonymous No. 16172724

And what's roughly this oscillation frequency and other characteristics? How does it interact with matter? People have studied interaction of matter and waves for a very long time. From longest to shortest wavelength (radio to gamma) there isn't an obvious "ghost". There's a rich theory of quantum fields and there's nothing either. There are semantic "ghost" fields which are just virtual particles that either fix a fucked up theory or completely fuck up an otherwise consistent theory. Please don't call them actual ghosts, it's purely semantic like red blue green quarks.

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Anonymous No. 16172802

People who believe in dark matter will turn right around and claim that they're 100% certain ghosts don't exist

Anonymous No. 16172847

>ghosts are peak bullshit and retardation
wow it's almost like /sci/ is slowly getting somewhere

Anonymous No. 16172912

I don't know if ghosts exists but I like the ultraterrestrial theory
aliens, ghosts, supernatural phenomena etc. are all interdimensional beings that human brains cannot comprehend

Anonymous No. 16172929

Ghosts are disembodied consciousness, it's not that hard to understand, idiot.

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Anonymous No. 16173505


Anonymous No. 16173608

Does that mean we are ghosts to them?
>Verify you are human

Anonymous No. 16174463

>Ghosts are disembodied consciousness,
WTF am I reading???
Did you interview a ghost?