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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172786

Dr. Jordan Peterson says that global warming is a big lie and that it is fake and gay

Anonymous No. 16172804

>literally a coal and oil corp payed shill

Anonymous No. 16172807

Yeah well he also got brain damage from a self-induced coma to help him quit his benzo addiction cold turkey so I don't know if you should take his advice on anything

Anonymous No. 16172841

Broken clock etc

Anonymous No. 16172845

Why the antisemitism?

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Anonymous No. 16172850

what's his expertise on the subject ?

Anonymous No. 16172867

>personal attack/ad hominem/appeal to authority
Seriously, what evidence can you provide of mande CO2 affecting climate change, except some laughable modeling that doesn't even consider water evaporation?

I don't care about the guy saying the message, but glad someone who gets attention is saying it. Who can a fraction of a percent of the atmospheric gases cause widespread climate change rather than solar activity and distance fluctuations (the massive elephant in the room, never accounted for)?

Anonymous No. 16172879

What's that got to do with the position "The extensive CO2 induced global greening is a profound NET good"?
What's wrong with that statement? It concedes at least the possibility of there being drawbacks to higher CO2, in principle.

Anonymous No. 16172884

What makes climate scientists an authority on the concept of "how do we rank order the benefits and drawbacks of higher CO2 levels"?
I'm pretty sure that the poor, starving and cold people that still eke out a miserable subsistence would agree that they have the right to lift themselves out of deprivation with the most effective, reliable, versatile and, potentially profitable for them, technologies.

Anonymous No. 16172885

>I don't care about the guy saying the message
well obviously you do, otherwise you wouldn't have bothered us with your thread. So what, if I find a more popular celebrity saying the opposite, I win ? how about you post scientific research or even your own analysis of the subject instead of sharing some layman's opinion on it like a drone

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Anonymous No. 16172919


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Anonymous No. 16172923

True and real. Only complete morons believe that crapshit is anything but a massive scam.

Anonymous No. 16172933

Wow! This astroturf looks so natural!

Anonymous No. 16172957

This is the video in question.

Anonymous No. 16172984

Schizo, nice

Not my thread, new to sci and hoping someone attempts to make an argument why we need to reduce man-made CO2 release that doesn't just appeal to authority.

The climate change being driven by mm CO2 "argument" is laughable and clearly pushed as a diversion from real pollution by those responsible. The greening thing is a fact, the benefits in places like Japan debatable as nature is already overtaking everything, but clearly results in reabsorption of CO2 in due course without any measurable change in terms of greenhouse effect theory because the numbers are just too small and atmosphere is too vast the higher up you go.

Are my missing some reason why I shouldn't run my wood burning stove next to my well maintained forest and garden?

Anonymous No. 16172988

>Schizo, nice
I think it's a coping mechanism. It's easier for them to believe that "Big Oil" pays people to FUD than to believe that "otherwise reasonable" people can have their own thoughts about the relative benefits and drawbacks of more CO2.

Anonymous No. 16172997

CO2 has been below 300 ppm for all of human history up to the 20th century. It's now over 400 ppm. The numbers are not too small, the atmosphere is not too vast, and you shriek "appeal to authority" because all the authorities on the subject know things you don't.

Anonymous No. 16173003

When does human history start?

Anonymous No. 16173028

The climate changes, but we will accustom to it. It’s overblown.

Anonymous No. 16173075

imagine random people with no education in the topic giving their strong opinions about chemistry, biology, astronomy, math etc Opinions that strongly disagree with the established science. Everyone would think those people are retards and we do think that with Terrence Howard and his own version of math, for example. But when it's climate science this type of stupidity became normalized

Anonymous No. 16173077

you're not saying this based on your knowledge about climate science because you have none. This is your le gut feeling, completely unfounded, but you're saying this with such a certainty as if you had 100 peer revieved papers backing it.

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Anonymous No. 16173080


Anonymous No. 16173081

Fuck off you moron, you don't even know what is a woman, you stupid piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 16173090

>Equations describing Brownian Motion are wrong. Boltzmann constant is completely overblown
- random guy on the internet
- Jordan Peterson, psychologist, self help book author

you see now how insane that is?

Anonymous No. 16173105

>CO2 has been below 300 ppm for all of human history up to the 20th century.
Wow, cavemen were measuring the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere 200,000 years ago?

Anonymous No. 16173197

They drill out sections of antarctic ice and measure the composition to draw conclusions about the atmosphere

Anonymous No. 16173213

What a fucking joke.

Anonymous No. 16173459

>It's now over 400 ppm
So what? That's a good thing.

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Anonymous No. 16173512

If you're not a vitriolic anti-natilist death cultist, consider becoming a humanist today. It is not incompatible with other belief systems.

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Anonymous No. 16173555

"I'm just here to make money"

Anonymous No. 16173575

Still no answer to when human history started. Why are you so scared to putting some dates to your assertions?

Anonymous No. 16173585

The two-hundred-thousand other parts per million of oxygen (a highly reactive gas) seem like less of a rounding error than your 400 co2 molecules.

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fuck off into the....jpg

Anonymous No. 16173609

>Jordan Peterson

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beautifully equip....png

Anonymous No. 16173626

Proles will have reduced mental acuity and labor in the abundant green fields of future earth. We elites will live in glass towers with perfectly controlled pre-industrial CO2 concentrations, and rule over the disgusting hordes with an iron fist. All of (You) will be equal. All of (You) will be diverse!

The future is bright for the truly great among us!

Anonymous No. 16173704

Please demonstrate in since sort of coherent manner how these 400 parts per million could have a measurable impact on earth temperatures and weather in ways that are not instantly offset by water evaporation.
The authority you appeal to is an embarrassingly inept model of the atmosphere that doesn't consider cloud cover, moisture etc because that would be too difficult. It's literally retarded, just because it cost millions in funding and is massively over-hyped doesn't make it any less so.

Just like mRNA injections, there is a forgone conclusion about what the problem and answer must be, and that has been created by said funding and so called authority receiving it.

I suspect you actually don't want to research and form and independent thought on the matter, you just want to be told you are right and have people you can attack and judge for being wrong. Otherwise, do explain how 400 ppm, it rather 50 or so of it being reduced are going to change our climate. Do you dismiss the fact that solar cycles exist? Does that not make you wonder which might be proportionally more to blame for the change in climate we are experiencing?

Anonymous No. 16173717

it's the jeets, they all write woman for plural and payed for paid and nothing can ever dissuade them because they learn from each other

Anonymous No. 16173736

While reading this thread on 4chans /sci/-board it is obvious that the woke mind virus has taken over here as well. Let's meme these climatescammers away from here. For the glory of KEK! Who is with me? Reply to this post and give me (You)

Anonymous No. 16173776

Homophones are common typos that everyone does occasionally, especially when on 4ch
It's cope to pretend they are significant errors

Green is good. CO2 from God.
Cope harder.

Anonymous No. 16173846

The only homophone you should be concerned about is the one your Grindr matches text you on.

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Anonymous No. 16173940

Anonymous No. 16173956

What's going on with them authorities and wouldn't you immediately step into crisis mode if this was true? It's almost like those authorities are paid by the authorities who are the only ones treated with any real agency in solving the problem. Why'd the scientists let a teenage girl be their mouthpiece? Or, why do the powers that be promoting this thing (and the 'decrease net carbon by 20xx' thing) put a teenage girl there at the forefront? Greta, if you are reading this... you might've been barking up the wrong tree with them there conferences.

Anonymous No. 16173964


Anonymous No. 16173986


Well yeah, it's either overblown and can be dealt with calmly or we die

Imagine somebody who is not a philosopher giving their strong opinions about what qualifies somebody to make up their mind about complex social, economic and environmental issues, the causes and prescribed solutions being relevant to multiple disciplines who, being in their isolated silos of expertise, focus on their professional careers instead of solving a problem common to humanity. Imagine having an opinion on something so blown up in the media that fosters a diffuse sense of helplessness and dependency and austerity. Imagine not being so overwhelmed by it all that you say something that makes sense according to basic knowledge of plants and realise that people are just idolising and sacrificing their children to a system that is evil and neglects simplicity and common sense. They don't care about you Greta, they applaud you after you berate them all as adults who didn't do enough. Why? They think they're doing the right thing just by 'accepting' climate change and 'supporting' the reigning in of industry at this convenient point for them while driving their Teslas and renting out their multiple apartments and selling carbon credits or whatever. The other side of the coin of the 'let it burn, I will be dead anyway' crowd. JP at least seems to give a fuck about the working class and isn't cowering or depressed in his little conformist silo

Tell me about these scientists and what they do all day - are they looking for the one key that will convince the public to vote Greens? Are they looking for the next grant? The next PhD proposal wilderness trip? Do they tweet madly? Who is supposed to change in this economy?

Anonymous No. 16174019

Does Oxygen concentration deviate from the global average meaningfully in areas of dense foliage?

Anonymous No. 16174056

Another old person who'll never see the catastrophe that climate change will cause
Another grave for me to shit on

Anonymous No. 16174057

We know. That's why it's hilarious.

Anonymous No. 16174058

>Using cell phone apps
Fucking zoomers cant even get buttsex without an app

Anonymous No. 16174267

No surprise, he's obviously more of a muppets guy

Anonymous No. 16174339

you talk like a homophone

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Anonymous No. 16174347

>fossil fuel smoke in air is bad for our health
>high concentration of CO2 is bad for our health
>nuclear energy is clean and our best energy source
this is what i know

Anonymous No. 16174428

third post best post

Anonymous No. 16174431

>0.003% vs 0.004%
it's literally nothing

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consensus says gl....jpg

Anonymous No. 16174434

Everyone with an IQ above 90 has long since figured out that global warming is fake

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Anonymous No. 16174500

>>high concentration of CO2 is bad for our health
Buy a CO2 monitor and see what it gets to overnight even with a window ajar
Picrel my window has been slightly open all evening and Ive only spent half an hour in here this evening. By the morning it will be nearly 2000, even with the window ajar. To get it below 500 you need windows on either side of the house open pretty much non stop. If you spend most of your waking life indoors, like most urbanites, most people, on Earth, you are almost never breathing the background level of CO2. You're almost always breathing Precambrian levels of CO2 every 24 hours, and 2300AD ambient levels for most of the day.

Anonymous No. 16174507

As long as oxygen remains around 20%, we're extremely tolerant of heightened CO2.

Anonymous No. 16174609

>like most urbanites
So the most unhealthy people on the planet?

Anonymous No. 16174622

How about we get the rural obesity levels down before we start talking about health

Anonymous No. 16174680

Like the majority of the population. The point is that almost the entire human population is exposed to 800ppm or higher for most of the day, most of their lives.

Anonymous No. 16174776

>f-fresh air will make me fat
holy cope

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16175831

NASA sets the maximum safe long term average level for CO2 on it's space station at 5500ppm. Astronauts have to live and work in that environment, so if they can do their extremely difficult and technical work at 5500ppm then it seems unlikely that 2000ppm is going to negatively affect people who mostly lead far less challenging lives.

Anonymous No. 16176523

CO2 monitors are fun toys to have. People who claim that they're concerned about CO2 and who don't buy a monitor are lying about their CO2 related concerns

Anonymous No. 16176532

It's not that it's fake and gay.
It's that it doesn't matter, even if it is fake and gay.

Anonymous No. 16176557

Our core environmental problem is not climate change, it is ecological overshoot.

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Anonymous No. 16176558


Anonymous No. 16176562


Anonymous No. 16176564


Anonymous No. 16176721

Yes well you see global warming or the climat hoax as I like to call it is obviously designed to inhibit autistic alpha males from taking everything back (we had everything before but....jews). The system fears high test mongoloid omega males.

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Anonymous No. 16177619

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16178103

>t. vaxmaxx'd urban metrosexual
most of those "overweight" rural folks who trigger you so badly have high BMIs due to muscle mass
pic shows bodyfat percentages of a real big man and a sissy like you

Anonymous No. 16178106

Retard take

Anonymous No. 16178110

12000 years ago with the first domestication of plants and the advent of agriculture

Anonymous No. 16178986

>attacking the source because you can't refute the central point of the argument

Anonymous No. 16179518

wrong, archaeology goes back way further than that

Anonymous No. 16179709

>Dr. (in psychology) Jordan Peterson says...

Anonymous No. 16180178

>Attacking the source because you're incapable of disputing the central argument being made
Its as much as admitting you're wrong

Anonymous No. 16180213

UHH Did you know the eugenicist nazi elite wants to make sure the turd world is depopulated??? Just ask Jordan Peterson and Alex Jones!

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Anonymous No. 16180242

Well, he has more authority on this subject than you do.

Anonymous No. 16181029

who cares what this faggot says

Anonymous No. 16181050

Can't do anything about it. Such sociological pressure is only honed in from radical evolutionary pruning. Anybody with concerns about overshoot should just build some bunkers with recorded history and discoveries of Earth. In front, set giant stone tablets with many different languages on them and their alphabets.
Caveman V2 discovering schizo shitposting would be quite kino.

Anonymous No. 16181946

But the impacts of global warming on humans are mostly on agriculture and our cities, so that's the relevant period.

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404 global warmin....jpg

Anonymous No. 16181975

global warming doesn't exist, its just a meme

Anonymous No. 16181978

>dr of psychology
>druggie degen
opinion disregarded

Anonymous No. 16181982

There's a lot of annual variation in the climate, so of course you can find shorter periods of time like your graph of 20 years where there's no change, but the long-term trend is unambiguously an increase in temperatures.

Anonymous No. 16182129

I'm 35 years old and I still have no fucking clue what El Nino and La Nina actually are. It's just some meaningless babble weathermen said when I was a kid any time they failed to predict the weather correctly.

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16183063

no it isn't, the 1930s is the warmest period on record and its been generally cooling off since then

Anonymous No. 16183161

Is your implication that since the 1999 graph shows 1934 as warmer than 1998, and the 2019 graph shows the opposite, that NASA is faking this data? That's nonsense. Reanalyses using better data, more data, and newer methods are the norm in all of science. The newer graph should be expected to be more accurate. There has also been very significant warming since 1998.

Anonymous No. 16183376

sauce for this graph? Yeah, that's what i thought. Every schizo claim collapses when you ask for sauce

Anonymous No. 16183398

>the 1930s is the warmest period on record and its been generally cooling off since then

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Anonymous No. 16183417

Interesting that most of the records for highest temperature in the US were from over seven decades ago. Most of the recent records were ties with older records or in the case of New Mexico, happened after the weather station was moved to the site of a nuclear waste dump.

Anonymous No. 16183517

Not sure about the others, but the balance of the evidence from from later observations points to the Death Valley record almost certainly being an error. It's an extreme outlier, and measurements from days with perfect conditions for reaching maximum temperatures all cluster a few degrees cooler than that. It's very easy to to make a mistake or measure a temperature incorrectly in a way that gives a warmer reading, and many record high readings from a century ago before modern automated weather stations have turned out to be errors.

Anonymous No. 16184047

how is any of this antisemitic lol

Anonymous No. 16184060

This is dismissive of the general climate around the time of those measurements. 1930s in particular. Don't be so hasty.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16185137

Whats yours?

Anonymous No. 16185805

none whatsoever, why do you ask?

Anonymous No. 16185815

Ecelebrity faggots are not math or science
being given the title "doctor" by a piss-shit institution doesn't really mean shit and is not deserving of respect at all
>uhm actually it's doctor cuckold-faggot-pants
Even computers can read books now. I'm really not impressed.

Anonymous No. 16187029

>being given the title "doctor" by a piss-shit institution
as opposed to black soiyence man who got his title from an ivy league school, right? sure hope you're not casting aspersions on black soiyence man's phd, that would be hate speech and hate speech is illegal

Anonymous No. 16187181

He's right. co2 levels before the 1800s were really life support level for most plants, now it's 50% higher and it ideally should it should be around 100%. Also the hotter and wetter climate will make much of the world closer to the amazon rain forest. We are on the cusp of new life explosion

Anonymous No. 16187224

oy vey block all antisemitic content creators

Anonymous No. 16187774

Retard takes

Anonymous No. 16188495

>and it ideally should it should be around 100%
1500-2000ppm is where it should be for the healthiest atmosphere

Anonymous No. 16189158

At the rate we're going it will be half a dozen centuries before we get to that level

Anonymous No. 16190215

it'll be longer than that because as atmospheric CO2 levels increase, the ability of plants to sequester CO2 also increases, so we're more like a few thousand years away from 1500ppm.

Anonymous No. 16190366

Dr. Jordan Peterson is a retarded faggot

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16190416

This philosemite is as tedious as he is impotent. How many years now has he done this "oh, you keep this up and you'll be in trouble real fast! You can't get away with this forever bucko!" Meanwhile the woke side just gets stronger. He should just move to Israel and shut up.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16190422

Retard takes

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Anonymous No. 16190456


Anonymous No. 16191720

i wish i could be around to see it. i have a greenhouse that i maintain at 1500ppm during daylight hours, but thats just not the same thing. i want to see what nature is like at 1500ppm with plants growing 4x faster on 25% the water.

Anonymous No. 16192025

Retard takes

Anonymous No. 16192274


πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16192288

shabbos goy

Anonymous No. 16193316

It would be shittier. Plants growing 400% faster would mean that there would be 400% more wildlife and wildlife shits all over the place.

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Anonymous No. 16193827

Gretchen doesn't even care about global warming anymore, global warming is like 3 correct things ago for her, she was a coronavirus activist and now she is a palestine one

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Anonymous No. 16194836

shes trans now too, she calls herself greg now

Anonymous No. 16195127

I agree with him, but he's so unhinge it makes me wonder if maybe the climate change fearmongers may be into something.

Anonymous No. 16195201

>psychologist says something

Anonymous No. 16196364

Are there any mainstream professional protester causes she isn't simping for?

Anonymous No. 16196366

Not just any psychologist, a Jungian dream-interpreter

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16197179

>t. I'm an expert on psychology, my qualifications are zero education and no professional experience whatsoever
Thanks for your input, Professor Dunning Kruger

Anonymous No. 16197182

Does being on /sci/ elevate your sexual archetype?

Anonymous No. 16197187

How does being a Jungian psychologist make you an expert on climate sciences?

Anonymous No. 16198264


Anonymous No. 16198390

Honestly who even cares school fucking sucks.
The real point of science is to help me make a cool physics engine in my game using their equations.

Like when did becoming a school nerd become cool?

Anonymous No. 16198415

He's a retard. Any video about climate change gets that warning. I've seen it on woke cultists videos who fully promote the green scam and believe in climate change, opposition research. The AI just scans the audio for key words as well as the title+description. If you trigger the keyword "climate change" you get the warning.

You'd think a doctor would have noticed that.

Anonymous No. 16198419

Ah yes, but have you considered that the man is just an entertainer who intentionally says provocative shit to generate an audience?

Anonymous No. 16198434

>How does being a Jungian psychologist make you an expert on climate sciences?
The climate science is revealed to Jungian psychologists in dreams.

Anonymous No. 16198804

Understanding human motivations makes it easy to understand when people are lying

Anonymous No. 16198815


Anonymous No. 16199618

>t. I'm an expert on psychology, my qualifications are zero education and no professional experience whatsoever
Thanks for your input, Professor Dunning Kruger

Anonymous No. 16200313

i say ur woman with fat boobies but that is not reality

Anonymous No. 16200325

>Like when did becoming a school nerd become cool?
The media promotes it as a means of promoting the degenerate atheist religion they're trying to shill on everyone in order to separate the goyims from their traditional belief systems

Anonymous No. 16201383

You consider yourself an expert on the topic and you have no qualifications whatsoever, explain how that works

Anonymous No. 16201816

just a wanker making a political statement to get cachet with his market base, he knows he is talking bullshit lol

Anonymous No. 16202782

He is right about that

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Anonymous No. 16203577

They have dozens of other made up boogeymen they use for that same purpose. Theres the Pacific decadal oscillation, the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation, the Pacific–North American teleconnection pattern, etc. Theres no information about cause and effect for any of them, you can just go fishing for any sort of large scale temperature change over any vague region over whatever period of time and declare a new pattern after you've detected half a cycle of an imaginary pattern.
And the same people who are "discovering" all these imaginary patterns and oscillations are all somehow incapable of presuming that global temperatures also oscillate. With global temperatures if they see a slight downward trend then its "OMG THE NEW ICE AGE IS HERE!!!" and if theres an upward trend "EARTH WILL EVENTUALLY BE AS HOT AS VENUS!!!"

Anonymous No. 16204025

Jordan Peterson would also tell that global warming is real if someone paid him. He has no real opinions.

Anonymous No. 16205301

No he wouldn't, you're just projecting your own greedy, dishonest personality onto him because you're too egotistical to understand that there are people with more integrity than yourself

Anonymous No. 16205324

>water evaporation
Since you're an expert on climate change please explain how water vapor with a 1 week residence time can cause climate change.

Please also explain how the climate continues to rise despite lower solar activity.

Anonymous No. 16206024

Does another 100 parts CO2 per 1000,000 other parts really have that big an effect?
I'm all for clean industrial practices but I just don't buy the fear mongering. It's been far too politicized.
The climate may be changing but it's never been static

Anonymous No. 16206034

Why would you trust a psychologist in the matters of climate change?

Anonymous No. 16206874

Understanding human motivations makes it easy to understand when people are lying
or when they're coping, like you're doing right now

Anonymous No. 16206887

3 month average maximum? What about the year round average temperature?

Anonymous No. 16207150

They will never attempt to justify the metrics they cherrypick.

Anonymous No. 16207347

What's the source of that image? I would like to try to recreate it.

Anonymous No. 16208187


Anonymous No. 16209002

How come it was so much hotter in the 1930s & 1940s if global warming is real?

Anonymous No. 16210121

If CO2 really causes the greenhouse effect then how could it possibly have been so much warmer back then when there was far less CO2 in the atmosphere than there is now?

Anonymous No. 16210501

Fuck off faggot, do we really need 8 threads about this, ffs it's like bbc threads on /gif/

Anonymous No. 16210546


Anonymous No. 16210683

>the climate continues to rise
Does sea level continue to rise?
Your antiscientific theory failed all its predictions, why don't you address this?
And I knew it was antiscientific long before the timeline of your predictions arrived, simply on the basis of the argumentation its proponents used.

Anonymous No. 16212143

scientists have no explanation for this phenomenon

Anonymous No. 16212150

Plant researcher here
He is right, it's net positive

Anonymous No. 16212156

Lol no.

Anonymous No. 16212709

Jordan Peepee Peterson also says that atheists and agnostics can't get over alcoholic addiction without assistance from a belief in god. Also the picture you posted just shows that he thinks that 'CO2 induced global warming' is an overwhelmingly net good.

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Anonymous No. 16213227

no anon, he's just a broken manbaby

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Anonymous No. 16217354

CO2 doesn't cause global warming

Anonymous No. 16217373

Since you seem to be well versed in the field, please explain how do the methods the author used work

Anonymous No. 16218793

>please help me understand radiative transfer in under 2000 characters
you're incapable of understanding what you're reading because you're too low IQ or too intellectually lazy to pass a physics class.
if you want to try to read the full text of the document it's here's_Atmosphere
but it will all just go over your head

Anonymous No. 16218953

The oil magnates aren't "poor, starving and miserable", you disgusting shill.

Anonymous No. 16218971

Is it really this fun to make up a person in your head an get mad at him?

Anonymous No. 16218972

Wow, it's almost like the atmosphere's CO2 levels have increased to unhealthy levels even when outdoors :^)

Anonymous No. 16218980

poltards will scream about muh appeal to authority and fear mongering but then proceed to appeal to alternative news media that fear monger and get their pay checks from being contrarians. Also something something trannies I guess.

Anonymous No. 16218989

Isn't this the same guy who got addicted to benzos, drove himself into a coma with a carnivore diet and cries every time he's on air?
Should have cleaned his room lmao

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Anonymous No. 16219795

How do you guys feel about the fact that we only have 38 years of oil left at current consumption rates?

Anonymous No. 16219812

That's how much oil is in reserve, not how much is left in the world.

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Anonymous No. 16219819

>put a lot of plastic trash in a big vat
>remove all oxygen
>heat it up
>yfw it turns into crude oil

Anonymous No. 16219820

Jordan Peepoorson can go fuck himself. The man's a shill by day and a clown by night

Anonymous No. 16219840

This guy is a retarded nigger worshipping drug addict, why would I care about his delusional opinions?
Why are you making shit up? None of the 'gotchas' you're alluding to are actual issues, just retarded fantasies made up by boomers who don't know shit. Go read the ipcc reports and the studies they cite yourself rather than role-playing, assuming you can read more than a paragraph a day.

Anonymous No. 16219841

>What makes climate scientists an authority on the concept of "how do we rank order the benefits and drawbacks of higher CO2 levels"?
... the fact that they're the experts in the primary field that studies the impact of atmospheric CO2 on the world?

Anonymous No. 16219861

Big oil actually does pay people to shill anti climate change arguments via advertising. Seeing their dishonest ads on boomer TV shows and the way it manipulated my older family members is what made me stop paying attention to the mountains of copium coming from retards like you.

>otherwise reasonable
You and the other denial copers on this board aren't reasonable at all. You are emotionally isomorphic to the leftists that have legitimate panic attacks and mental crises when they hear someone say "nigger." You refuse to engage with arguments in good faith (let alone examine the research for yourself, you demand everyone spoon feed you and reject anything that isn't a schizo blog post that reinforces your beliefs. You are a mental subhuman, regardless of your raw intelligence (or the lack thereof).

Anonymous No. 16219879

The former is a consequence of the latter and both are looming catastrophes that must be addressed

Anonymous No. 16219915

How much oil are you going to need for the machines that harvest the coal and wood?

Vard No. 16219917


Anonymous No. 16219921

peterson is fake and gay
his daughter was fucked by nigger tate

Anonymous No. 16219946

>How much oil are you going to need for the machines that harvest the coal and wood?
Humans don't eat oil

We'd need an "app" where you register, find the nearest pile of trash and then take it to a pyrolysis plant, then you're rewarded.

Anonymous No. 16219950

>big oil did bad thing 20 years ago so everyone who is skeptical of death cult climate alarmism is a mental subhuman
What a nuanced and mature position, where do I sign up?

Anonymous No. 16219975

The recycling center won't have any wood or coal to burn once the logs are farther away than the humans can carry it.

Anonymous No. 16220055

Do you know what is produced by pyrolysing plastic? One of the items is coal

Anonymous No. 16220378

>the censorial midwits
Jordan Peterson is THE midwit. He clearly discovered the term recently and is using it to deflect from everybody pointing out that he is what everybody thinks about when they think of a midwit.
>antihuman authoritarian plot
Jordan Peterson is a Christian Right dysgenics apologist life affirmation cultist type who thinks a child being born with extreme deformites and disabilities is a virtue for the parents.

Anonymous No. 16220444

At the euthanasia center so that we can eliminate mental retardation from the genepool.

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Anonymous No. 16221327


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Anonymous No. 16221353

Jordan Peterson thinks the Holocaust happened, but global warming is a hoax? Who the hell takes this man seriously?

Anonymous No. 16221613

>people put a warning saying that what i posted is absolute nonsense to protect them from lawsuits due to misinformation

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Anonymous No. 16221636

Anonymous No. 16221649

This. Where can I download more this

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πŸ—‘οΈ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16221652


Anonymous No. 16221653


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Anonymous No. 16221681

>the argument

Anonymous No. 16222917

go to >>>/pol/ if you're obsessed with trump

Anonymous No. 16222940

jordan peterson has no credentials in any field even remotely related to the study of the climate.
lobster boy needs to stay in his lane. he is a psychologist, he has no business discussing hard sciences

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Anonymous No. 16224019

you have no credentials, yet here you are trying to act authoritative. peterson understands human motivations so its easy for him to extrapolate a well reasoned opinion from watching the behavior of global warming activists.

Anonymous No. 16224035

>drug addict
>spends all his day on twitter
>been on JRE multiple times
>literally funded by oil industry
why would I give a fuck about his opinions

Anonymous No. 16225367

you're right
you're wrong

Anonymous No. 16226262

>The extensive CO2 induced global greening is a
>profound net good.
Based. Nice to see someone who actually likes nature and sees it as something other than a tool to be leveraged against ideological enemies

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Anonymous No. 16227844


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Anonymous No. 16227849


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Anonymous No. 16227923

Retard here and this is a genuine question.

How do we extrapolate the last 200 years or so of climate data to the last million years and say that things are catastrophically awful? Aren't the time frames too different to really come to any sort of conclusion about the rate of heating or anything?

Anonymous No. 16227929

In this case, the broken clock is WRONG ^_^

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Anonymous No. 16229210


πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16229270

You're retarded

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Anonymous No. 16230639

Humanity is dramatically and measurably improving nature on this planet by geoengineering the atmosphere to be more nutritious for plant life.
Plants in turn feed all the other forms of life. The 450Gt on this picrel will grow in proportion with atmospheric CO2

Anonymous No. 16230641

>The 450Gt on this picrel will grow in proportion with atmospheric CO2
Really? That's awesome! There's no limit to how much plant food we can put into the atmosphere?

Anonymous No. 16230938


Anonymous No. 16230944

It's odd that leftists deride him so much over prescription drug usage. Like 99% of you are drug addicts and inevitably overdose on cheap, low quality street drugs.

Anonymous No. 16230949

>Jordan Peterson is a better druggie because he uses high-quality benzos
The cope is getting insane

Anonymous No. 16230960

Yes, getting addicted to prescription drugs is more reasonable than getting addicted to cheap street fentanyl like leftist hero Saint Floyd. He also went out of his way to end his addiction which you junkies never do.

Anonymous No. 16231041

Fentanyl is a prescription drug, retard.

Anonymous No. 16231048

>street fentanyl
>prescription drug
How many illegal drug dealers do you know who require a prescription before they'll sell you their shitty cut drugs?

Anonymous No. 16231494

>How many illegal drug dealers do you know who require a prescription before they'll sell you Adderall?

Anonymous No. 16231522

You clearly don't understand what street fentanyl is. It's not the clean stuff you get from a pharmacy.

Anonymous No. 16231534

have you cleaned your room today?

Anonymous No. 16231564

>peterson understands human motivations
Maybe he did at one point but he has literal brain damage now.

Anonymous No. 16232069

You don't need credentials to call out obvious academic lies and agendas.
You don't need to be a master chef to know you've been served shit.

Anonymous No. 16233779

no he doesn't, stop projecting your own personality on everyone else, thats what low iq ppl do

Anonymous No. 16233857

Yes, it is fake and gay. Peterson now works for The Daily Wire, which is controlled opposition, but he still has some good takes from time to time. His demolishing of Destiny was glorious.
He's as sharp as ever, which you'd know if you ever bothered to actually listen to what he has to say. Stupid hivemind-parroting leftist.

Anonymous No. 16233866

"Misinformation" is an Orwellian word. All it really means is "ideas that are inconvenient for TPTB." See all the "misinformation" that was actively suppressed during the scamdemic that ended up being revealed as true. At this point, if mainstream media platforms label something as misinformation, you should assume it's accurate until proven otherwise.

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Anonymous No. 16234953


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Anonymous No. 16235822

>At this point, if mainstream media platforms label something as misinformation, you should assume it's accurate until proven otherwise.
They shill zany ideas like flat earth and aliens and to try and discredit and mischaracterize anyone who claims that what they label as misinformation is true.

Anonymous No. 16235894

Yes, glowies will also poison the well to discredit anyone who sees through the lies. They're crafty fucks, I'll give them that.

Anonymous No. 16236932

>They're crafty fucks
they have manuals and guidebooks for these kind of things, they're not independently thinking up new ideas and tactics.

Anonymous No. 16237860

I swear it's almost as of big oil came up with climate change, and possibly stutnex/3mile Island

Anonymous No. 16237863

You're a retarded. Gay nerd get fucked..... by a dude queer homo. Lol wasted gg no re

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Anonymous No. 16237870

The audacity...

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Anonymous No. 16238419


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Anonymous No. 16239356


Anonymous No. 16240608

neurolinguistic programming is powerful stuff

Anonymous No. 16242282

We have been "7-10 years away" from a climate catastrophe since 1983, yet no such catastrophe has ever taken place

Anonymous No. 16242476

not everyone enjoys being covered in leaves and pollen all the time, so keep your plants the fuck away from me.

Anonymous No. 16242530

7-10 more years

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Anonymous No. 16243718


Anonymous No. 16244700

I hope a kudzu vine strangles you in your sleep

Anonymous No. 16244730

Even if this were true we are currently cutting down forest at an accelerating pace so it's moot.

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Anonymous No. 16245864

you have no idea whats going on outside of your urban shithole because you never leave it. you have zero appreciation for nature outside of abusing it for it's virtue signaling value.

Anonymous No. 16245889

>post industrial revolution forests

Anonymous No. 16245897

>greening doesn't count, becuz le humans exist
Well then anon, you go first.

Anonymous No. 16246021

>forests growing back after we cut them down means that CO2 magically forces people to stop harvesting timber
Why are you so stupid?

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16246047

Why does this moron still pretend like he's some dangerous anti-establishment figure? The guy works for big jew.

Anonymous No. 16247129

Why does it upset you so badly to see that nature is currently flourishing and is healthier than it was in the past. If you're supposedly so concerned about the environment, why doesn't it make you happy so see dramatic increase in global vegetative growth?

Anonymous No. 16247133

Saar, please redeem 1 rupee
t. Exxon

Anonymous No. 16248318

So you can't explain why it upsets you so badly to see that nature is currently flourishing and is healthier than it was in the past even though you're supposedly so concerned about the environment. Why doesn't it make you happy so see dramatic increase in global vegetative growth?

Anonymous No. 16249733

They also have massive profit motive.

Anonymous No. 16251119

>t. butthurt urbanite

Anonymous No. 16251238

Whatever happened to HAARP? Did that conspiracy theory become obsolete?

Anonymous No. 16251895

>i'm too stupid to understand science, so it's wrong
please go back

Anonymous No. 16252039

Go back and listen to his old lectures, and you'll change your mind. He still has his old points that he recites from memory, but all the new thinking he's tacked on is unironically just a regurgiatation of common, retarded talking points, combined with a lot of reeing. For example, look at his conduct in the Destiny interview. He mentions excess covid deaths like it proves something specific, in the way that a lot of common retards do. Old peterson wouldn't just blindly accept that something is caused by a single variable whgich conveniently fits a political narrative

Anonymous No. 16253068

telling that they can't answer this question

Anonymous No. 16254348

>common, retarded talking points
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
The sky is blue
>NOOOOOO!!!! You can't say that!!! Its too common!!! I'm a super special unique snowflake so everything common is bad!!!!

Anonymous No. 16254352

t. sub 60 iq

Anonymous No. 16256083

>didn't use a meme arrow
that means you say that and you are that

Anonymous No. 16256244

The problem isn't forest or nature, the problem is greedy capitalists sitting on hordes of wealth that they stole from indiginous people and pocs. Climate change is just a side effect of that.

Anonymous No. 16256249

You don't even know the definition of "reserve" in this context. You shouldn't be asking about feelings either.

Anonymous No. 16256705

The fuck?
Just call your self a communist if you hate capitalism so much. People like you ruin environmentalism as you only use it as a vector of attack against capitalism instead of an end goal in of itself. Greens are often called watermelons, green on the outside red on the inside...

Anonymous No. 16257660

Proof that everyone who claims to be concerned about global warming is lying and just using the global warming meme as an excuse to justify their own greed and their political power grabs.
Jordan Peterson is right about you people, your ulterior motives for your fake environmentalism are transparent.

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Anonymous No. 16258433

Compelling argument against climate hysteria skepticism. I still don't believe in AGW. Sorry.

Anonymous No. 16258436

He was trained at that propaganda base where all "white nationalists" come from in canada.

Anonymous No. 16258441

I'm from the midwest and I assure you, suburban retards are the most unhealthy fat slobs in america. They're also BY FAR the most delusional and psychopathic.

Anonymous No. 16258443

Sensitive about your weight there, fatty? You know you can just not eat bacon, fried chicken and biscuits and gravy 4 times a day, right?

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Anonymous No. 16259123

Anonymous No. 16259134

The rainforests one was right though. Most people have no idea how badly america and its pet thirdies have absolutely erased rainforests on this planet.

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Anonymous No. 16259230

That's not what those citations say. But then again, I found a statement of a similar wtf nature on NASA's own site.

Anonymous No. 16259247

It literally says water vapor is not a driver of climate change, as if all climate change is manmade. It's like the "immunity only comes from vaccines" bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16259249

Also leave it to NASA to write something retarded like that.

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Anonymous No. 16259257

Yeah, I'm not arguing with you. But it *appears* to be a shitty truncation of something somebody offered on the talk page and then "backed up" with citations that don't really say that.

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Anonymous No. 16259264

They know what they did.

Anonymous No. 16260285

How did the climate change before people were around to cause it to change?

Anonymous No. 16260312

Variations in the sun's output, orbital mechanics, and various feedback loops at different points in time that changed the composition of the atmosphere over thousands of years. It wasn't water vapor doing it.

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Anonymous No. 16260340

It's been long-known to just be an excuse to promote bigger government, higher taxes, and less rights. Al Gore made a fortune after his movie came out because he invested in a ton of "green" companies before releasing it.

How many of their doomsday cult's dates have come and past? "Just 2 more weeks and the world will end because climate weirding" (they actually called it that at one point, climate weirding, but it wasn't trendy or fear-mongering enough).

Besides, their whole worldview isn't founded on the Word of God. They can't even explain why we're here without some absurd fairy tale like the dumb big bang theory of abiogenesis and spontaneous generation, a miracle but with no miracle maker. It's not scientific, it's a self-refuting and unsustainable belief system they have.

They can't explain why anything is, or why we are; and they try to tell you they know the world will end in 5-10 years if we don't obey their demands. This isn't even getting into all the left-wing lunatics who start forest fires which some politicians then blame on their climate alarmist nonsense. You know, combine those two thoughts and a lot of them are basically eco-terrorists, trying to promote fear and terror to reach their political goals, and if their words aren't to make you fear enough and vote for them and capitulate to their demands, they'll go start fires.

What possible argument do they even have? It's not like they've ever apologized for all their failed doomsday prediction dates. But they still keep using the same narrative to try to get your votes or support or capitulate to their political demands. I'm tired of hearing their nonsense and lies.

Why don't you ever lambast China for their pollution? Move there and protest.

There's a reason you don't get your kicks and giggles from acting retarded, because eventually you just end up making people who are actually retarded feel welcome.

Anonymous No. 16261725

how come all of those processes ceased to exist in the present day and now human activity is the only factor considered in climate science?

Anonymous No. 16261838

>human activity is the only factor considered in climate science
righties are so credulous lmao
some talking head on the tv told them climate scientists don't consider these factors and they actually fucking believe it, and don't even question how retarded that is because it fits their preconceived notions

Anonymous No. 16262571


Anonymous No. 16263784

notice how belief in global warming always is just a mask for political desires.

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Anonymous No. 16263797

All of them are taken into account. What gave you the idea that they weren't? Try reading up on some of these things and note pic related.

Anonymous No. 16263984

>What makes climate scientists an authority on the concept of "how do we rank order the benefits and drawbacks of higher CO2 levels"?
Kek, you cannot really be this retarded

Anonymous No. 16263986

There is no real argument. A straight up lie is not an argument. He makes an assertion, he needs to back it up, and he can’t.
He is also by now widely known to peddle in lies, so attacking him when he lies and lies is valid, as he has nothing to offer in terms of a scientific discussion, he is doing it for political brownie points with the right-wing retards.

Anonymous No. 16264069

Pretty boring debate since it is tracking to be solved by prices alone. Fossil fuels simply aren't going to be competitive in the future. Are we gonna have "plant food" cults that burn shit in the future?

Anonymous No. 16264387

>lets just assume no air friction
If this actually the case then its either malice or retardedness. I could believe climate "scientists" are that ignorant but come on.

Anonymous No. 16264439

Incorrect. Massive government investment in fraud companies is merely shifting costs to price tags you don't see, but which will harm you in the future.
This is not the first of its kind with this business model.

Anonymous No. 16264455

Doesn't make them authorities on assigning value to the benefits and drawbacks.
Do you claim there are ZERO benefits to a warmer, wetter, higher CO2 world?
If not, how do you weight the value of each benefit, of each drawback? These aren't empirical, objectively determined questions, they rely on subjective, qualitative valuation.
A travel agent can tell you the cost and itinerary of different vacation packages, but they can't tell you the "correct" or "optimal" one. That would depend upon what you value.

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Anonymous No. 16265497

>Do you claim there are ZERO benefits to a warmer, wetter, higher CO2 world?
CO2 doesn't cause global warming. They've been shilling all these great changes for nearly half a century and so far the only measurable change is that nature is healthier because plants are healthier. The climate now is the same as it was in the 1980s

Anonymous No. 16265728

>Denying excess deaths
And I'm supposed to care about your opinion? Lol
We've known for fucking years at this point that the jab increases risk for myocardial infarction, and there were plenty of young, otherwise healthy people dying for years. Now we have excess deaths confirming what all the "conspiracy theorists" have been saying all along. I have quite literally never heard a better alternative explanation for these deaths, including from you. You think you're wise because "we haven't considered all the variables" but in reality you aren't even having an honest discussion on the topic. If you really cared about excess deaths, you'd investigate it further and come up with alternative explanations.

The fact that Peterson is aware of excess deaths and repeats it is somehow a point against him in your mind? Hilarious.

As for the idea that he's not as sharp as he used to be: you clearly haven't watched any of his interviews. He's often bringing up new discoveries in various fields and he has clearly studied and understands them well enough to articulate complex thoughts about them. The only way to deny this is if you're either biased against him or you've only watched cherrypicked clips of him circulated by dishonest leftists. Either way, you're a drooling, derailing retard.

Anonymous No. 16265736

Btw, with regard to the Destiny interview specifically, it was Destiny who was repeating political talking points like a fucking robot, not Peterson. Peterson actually surprised me by going full conspiracy theorist on climate change and on covid. Destiny was literally repeating all the propaganda we heard for years about how the jab was safe and effective (even though he had no counter nor explanation for excess deaths; he just fucking dismissed them because he "wasn't aware of them") and about how people who didn't get the jab deserved to die (obvious shaming tactic to increase rates of acceptance) and how it's a "proven fact" that climate change (what happened to "global warming?") is real and man-made and we DEFINITELY need to enact all the measures globohomo wants like making everything electric andeating less meat. Destiny is a fucking mindless mouthpiece for the establishment and Peterson, flawed as he is, did a great job pushing back on all his pre-programmed rhetoric. And Peterson did so on the spot with obvious critical thought. If you can't see that, you're hopeless.

Anonymous No. 16265762

Peterson is part of the atheist system. He has no solution to offer and he is a plant. Peterson is the kind of guy who writes self help books to convince himself that he has the right ideas about life, rather than to really help anyone else.
I ditched the 12 rules when he started talking about salvation through god, personally. it's a book by a man born in a society fashioned by atheists for 300 years, and indeed is a generic teacher bug in some atheist university after the atheists revived the greek one to larp and also to build some fake intellectuel lignage lol, and who got depressed and turned drug addict because ''his'' wife died and who's daughter turned as usual into a whore.
Fatherless 20 yo atheist men are so lost in life they would listen anybody telling them what to do , especially if the guy puts on some mild authoritative mask as an attempt to make people believe he knows what he's talking about lol. Anyway, his advice is limited to ''clean up your room'' ie what atheist parents have been saying for over 50 years because they have nothing else to say as part of their educative plans lol. His audience is of young white men wrapped around his finger, there is something coincidentally feminine about how he does this; essentially he says very little but a lot and he peppers it with hysterical breakdowns to arouse sympathy. Is Peterson an intentional homosexual gateway? The 'daddy figure' ...fucking hell...For those who don't know, the most 4chan book of all time is 12 Rules for Life. It embodies the core impulse of 4chan, which is traditional larping without any real life experience. That's why Jordan Peterson is considered a dad figure, because he embodies this pretend play spirit of false authenticity in his own life. He talks obsessively about war and conflict, while never having experienced it.

Anonymous No. 16265765

He idolizes free market enterprise, while from a country with a very robust state sponsored welfare system and schooling system, which paid his salary. He obsesses over traditional values such as dignity and stoicism, while being a nervous wreck over the smallest things, such as having to delete a tweet.
Jordan Peterson is the right wing zeitgeist. A permanently triggered manchild who complains constantly how immature the dreaded esjaydubblejoes are.

Anonymous No. 16265906

>with a very robust state sponsored welfare system and schooling system
Canadian healthcare, infrastructure and housing market are all collapsing under the endless demand placed upon them by unlimited mass migration lmao
It was only robust whilst the population was growing organically and stably.

Anonymous No. 16265934


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Anonymous No. 16266741


Anonymous No. 16266849

That's not censorship. The antidote to stupid speech is more speech, which is exactly what youtube did in this case. Jordan Peterson is the censorious one here.

Anonymous No. 16266883

Global Warming is caused by overpopulation in China, India, South America, and HAARP controlled by Mossad. It's that simple people. Get a clue.

Anonymous No. 16267794

people listen to peterson because he says things they haven't heard before

Aside from your dumb ass openly admitting to confirmation bias, I'm not denying vaccine involvement in excess deaths. I'm just saying that past Peterson would explicitly deny single variable explanations for patterns found in a very general stat. It's something he brings up, for example, when Cathy-Newman mentions sexism as the only cause of a wage gap between men and women. Maybe it's true, but there are many other factors involved. The same is so obviously true of excess-deaths. He's simply regurgitating and isn't actually doing any of the thinking previously available to him. I've consumed an embarrassing amount of peterson content from then and now. He's a shadow of his former self, even his sellout post-quora self.

Anonymous No. 16268194

>your dumb ass openly admitting to confirmation bias
Never happened. You're delusional.

As for the rest of your response, sometimes a single phenomenon has a single cause. Again, I'll gladly listen if you have any alternative explanation for excess deaths, but you haven't provided any. Seems like you're nitpicking over something that isn't even relevant. I don't even see the point of this tangent.

I also believed he wasn't as sharp as before immediately after he came back from the medically-induced coma or whatever it was. And for a while there, he probably wasn't. But he seems sharp now, and the only explanation other than him still having his mental faculties would be if he were reading off of cue cards. And that just doesn't comport with his off-the-cuff performance in certain interviews, including the Destiny one. He's clearly updating his views in real time and thinking critically about certain issues. His interviews about trans issues and the birth control pill come to mind.

I think the carnivore diet probably helped his brain heal from whatever problems he was having. But I'm just speculating.

Anonymous No. 16268210

Jordan Peterson is just about the furthest thing from a real scientist

Anonymous No. 16268229

Nope, you are.
And he is now much closer to being a true scientist than when he was sperging on bible and marduk at the same time.

Anonymous No. 16268543

I watched his recent podcasts and he's actually lost his marbles lol. It was funny to laugh at him talking about postmodernism in like 2018. Now I just feel bad for him.

Anonymous No. 16269974

He only upsets you because what he says about your ilk hits way to close to home for you

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Anonymous No. 16271076

so your belief in global warming is based on your jealousy of people wealthier than yourself and has nothing to do with science