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๐Ÿงต Quantum Electrodynamics is a fraud?

Anonymous No. 16172826

Is he right, anon? Video:

Anonymous No. 16172888

>Quantum Electrodynamics
Is a hack, not a fraud. A hack comparable to a ghetto fix: Is not elegant, is not meant to be the definitive solution, is just what our limited understanding can provide right now.

Anonymous No. 16172903

> Is he right
No. Such calculations are done with computers today and give even more accurate results.

Anonymous No. 16172946

>Such calculations are done with computers today and give even more accurate results
that doesn't invalidate anything he said in the video tho

Anonymous No. 16173372

Nobody cares about that highschool teacher. He gor publicly humiliated by Edward Witten

Anonymous No. 16173587

Midwitten got humiliated by reality and string theory is a waste of time and paper

Anonymous No. 16173703

Not watching that. If you have a paper for me to read, I'll read it.
Can you rewrite that in English?
Qed isn't string theory

Anonymous No. 16174154

1950? I thought it was calculated first in 1948 by Schwinger, based on the ideas of renormalization of Baron Ernst Carl Gerlach Stueckelberg von Breidenbach zu Breidenstein und Melsbach. Feynman diagrams are just a shortcut to write integrals easier, but the real challenge was always how to evaluate them and not get infinities

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Anonymous No. 16174509

Feynman diagrams show explicit evidence of FTL particles, yet nobody ever acknowledges this

Anonymous No. 16174512

>evidence of FTL particles
explain please?

Anonymous No. 16174566

Squiggly lines = light
Arrows = electron
The electron is moving a greater distance than the photon does in the same amount of time

Anonymous No. 16174589

I don't believe the distance in the diagram is meant to be taken in a literal sense

Anonymous No. 16174601

The vertical axis is literally time. It clearly depicts an electron emitting a photon, delfecting to the right, emitting another photon, deflecting to the left, than recapturing that same photon in the time it took to deflectits way through space.

There is no way of formulating this without either A) acknowledging FTL or B) gaslighting with "muh mathematical abstraction"

Anonymous No. 16174605

Show me the electron moving faster than light in real life

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serious challenges.png

Anonymous No. 16174655


Anonymous No. 16174666

Electrons are invisible numbnuts