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Anonymous No. 16172846


Anonymous No. 16172851

Its the same like claiming physics isnt math.
It is correct.
But just like you need math for almost anything in physics you need math in statistics.
Math itself isnt an application of math.

Anonymous No. 16172895

it's got numbers in it so it is math

Anonymous No. 16172905

Engineering is maths. Physics is fantasy

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Anonymous No. 16173033

>hey, kid
>why don't you study statistics?
>please spend several years and thousands of dollars at our school
>you'll get a paper that says "i know how to do math that can already be done in microsoft excel"

do statisticians really?

Anonymous No. 16173036

How difficult is it to create a chart without using mathematically, definite concepts?

Anonymous No. 16173044

It's just like every other applied math discipline (e.g., Engineering, Computer Science, Physics).

There's differing levels of mathematical development needed for different sub-fields. If you are getting into mathematical statistics, you will likely end up doing a pretty thorough course in measure, functional analysis, and algebraic geometry/smooth manifold topology. I'd call this pretty close to mathematics.

If you are doing more "application" oriented work, you probably won't need much of the real sophistication required for more general approaches to statistics. It all just depends on what level of depth you want to pursue statistics.

Anonymous No. 16173337

true randomness is impossible.

statistics is not math.

Anonymous No. 16173341

Probability is math, statistics isn't. IQ: 300

Anonymous No. 16173365

You use math to create and manipulate statistics. Math is the tool. It's like saying, "Carpentry isn't hammers." True, but hammers are often involved in the process.