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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172848

How important is it to have a good, attentive and caring mother in terms of human developmental psychology?
Is it possible to be a successful scientists without having started off being cared for by a responsible and diligent mother?

Anonymous No. 16172863

Idk what made you join a cult of personality centered around an orange conman

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16172920

>Is it possible to be a successful scientists without having started off being cared for by a responsible and diligent mother?
i'm not going to be a scientist ever, but have as a fentanyl chemist enough understanding of science to say that i think not. there's a lot of confidence to be lost in thinking your mother did not nurture you the right way or made careless, unnecessary mistakes that caused a permanent decrease your life quality. either you're thankful to her and admire her, which gets you a lot of confidence or you despise her and suffer self loathe. in my case, the trivial things were fine. i went through the oedipal development the right way and my parents were and are still married. yet some of her actions and how they tie into her character are enough for me to think of her as a disgusting animal. i don't think i can be competitive against someone with the same iq that has their mothers support. i feel inferior, like i have to cut all the corners possible to find a niche where i can hold my own.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16172970

What's up with those /pol/cels starting another personality cult?

Anonymous No. 16173513

>successful scientist
no such thing, successful people don't end up as nerds. science is a hobby, not a profession. people with responsible intelligent mothers would be steered aware from considering science as a profession

Anonymous No. 16173518

It was never a profession.
Once the requirement to put food on your table by publishing became the norm the whole thing became a theater.
A clown show.

Cult of Passion No. 16173586

Quiet, Obahamist.

Cult of Passion No. 16173588

>Once the requirement to put food on your table by publishing became the norm the whole thing became a theater.
No....once you ALLOWED lying in allowed lying in science.
>I dont lie though.
Literally...unironically, blame your sister and mother.

Cult of Passion No. 16173590

>"Trust the science by people who dont know what science is." - Heather Heying
They dont do "science"...and you cant tell the difference...
>It was never a profession.


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Cult of Passion No. 16173591

>Cultural Scientist
"I...rather like the sounds of a technical lexicon and all of that, but they dont really believe in objective reality, do they?!"

Anonymous No. 16173592

Middle was raised by a man though. We ALL know.

Cult of Passion No. 16173598

>Heather Heying
Pearly Things, theyre always tomboys, masculine women to say "Hey, this thing here..."

What women dint get while simultaneously pushing is that there is more than two voice in the "gender war" and they learned that the hard way, by replacing themselves with their own vote.

It cut off its own head, Ive encountered this possibility in my mind palace runninf theoretical problems following one point of chnage to the next.

I get back to an original location and the original way I got to that point is invalidated by the nature to which I arrived there. A misalignment of convertions...a snake game snake that ripped itself.

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Cult of Passion No. 16173599

This can happen in Evolutionary terms as well, not just Memetic.

Make a species unable to decern its own Path (terrifying prospect, flying blind in existence).

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Cult of Passion No. 16173602

>flying blind in existence
And each "band/freq" reinforces the others by implying from and to, hence "Shadow Calculate" the missing one.

A successful scientist is one that forces the other scientists to follow suit because their ways are simply ineffective.

>Im specifically talking to you, Medical Science....coof yourselves.

Barkon No. 16173605

Go go go go go

Anonymous No. 16173795

Your schizophrenia is showing.

Anonymous No. 16173826

>How important is it to have a good, attentive and caring mother in terms of human developmental psychology?
For one's future mental health, fairly important, but it can be compensated if you have other close caretakers who are.
>Is it possible to be a successful scientists without having started off being cared for by a responsible and diligent mother?

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Cult of Passion No. 16173827

Your lack of a doctorate in Psychology is showing...

This is a /science & math/ - board.

Not a "I have an emotional based opinion." Thats for established cranks, AKA Not (You).


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Anonymous No. 16173828

>successful people don't end up as nerds
>science is a hobby, not a profession