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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16173093

It's natural not to eat meat, fish, poultry.

The so called "science" made us believe otherwise.

Anonymous No. 16173095


Anonymous No. 16173096

t. shill from the meat industry

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This is what peak....png

Anonymous No. 16173100

No thanks, I prefer hamburgers.

Anonymous No. 16173103

Here's a little experiment YOU can do at home (with parental supervision).
1.Go outside
2.Survive on plants alone for 3 years
3.(Hard mode) No insects.
4.(Extreme mode) Above 40 degrees Latitude

Anonymous No. 16173104

great Science you have there

Anonymous No. 16173107

Anthropology is a fake science that always just justifies prevailing sociology trends. In the Soviet Union, they taught that cavemen were communists. 30 years ago, cavemen were hypermasculine hunters and women were gathers. Now, they tell us women and men both shared all the work equally and that homosexuality and transgenders were common.

Anonymous No. 16173108

It would be more accurate to compare it Mediterranean diet instead of vegan diet.
Eat your veggies anons

Anonymous No. 16173111

Why do all these modern studies ignore the behaviors of tribal societal in modern times or in recent times (past few hundred years) where detailed records of their behavior exist?

Anonymous No. 16173116

It's pretty obvithumans were built to eat fish, fruit, and nuts. It's too bad nuts taste like shit and red meat is delicious.

Anonymous No. 16173171

>not natural


Anonymous No. 16173187

Key word mostly. They would go long stretches with no meat than eat a whole mammoth. Vegans get bent.

Anonymous No. 16173191

Don't forget that Native American tribes had dick-cut-off men who pretended to be women that were apex spiritual leaders everyone looked up to for support.

Anonymous No. 16173201

Because those chudfax are irrelevant you fucking white male

Anonymous No. 16173243

They are wrong.

Anonymous No. 16173248

>Popsci articles once again
As with modern humans it probably varied wildly depending on season, climate, location, culture, etc

Anonymous No. 16173261

Bugs are vegan

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Anonymous No. 16173264


Anonymous No. 16173277

cavemen were also racist, can we be racist again?

Anonymous No. 16173290

>study says something i don't like
>study says something i like

Anonymous No. 16173299

Take the aquatic ape pill, we were born to eat fish.

Anonymous No. 16173319

Vegetables aren't real, its just a marketing term invented so shills like you could be all like "make sure to eat your bitter, pesticide filled, round-up ready, petroleum necessitating, monsanto gmo seed grown veggies."

Anonymous No. 16173332

They were called hunters and gatherers for a reason. Meat was like a delicate thing to procure due to the amount of labor and sacrifices it took to get some. So the study isn’t exactly wrong about it, but it’s not like they ate fruits and vegetables because they want to.

Anonymous No. 16173361

You'd get hazelnuts, walnuts, beechnuts and acorns as the basic staple, then you could add anything else there is.

Anonymous No. 16173367


Anonymous No. 16173370

In the future everything published between 2010 and whenever this ends is going to be considered trash.

Anonymous No. 16173381

Sure. Everyone who puts in the work and presents their findings is wrong, because you don't like the findings. Meanwhile you don't put in any work, present no argument, you only have to disagree. Right ?

Anonymous No. 16173391

Why would I care what's "natural"? Eating meat is natural because I like it. If those cavemen were so healthy, why are they dead, huh?

Anonymous No. 16173511

No one implied (you) care about what is 'natural'. OP stated it was 'natural'.

Anonymous No. 16173610

yep, that's how we do archeology
decades old science
fun fact, your neolithic ancestors had mad jaw gains from literally grinding grains with their teeth.
+le chad jaw
-teeth are dust by 20
so go treat yourself to some raw wheat paleol bro

Anonymous No. 16173612

wasnt there some bullshit study that said women were ACTUALLY the real hunters that then of course was debunked?

Anonymous No. 16173616

What this means is that there were stretches of time when meat wasn't available, and neither were "animal products" because agriculture hadn't been invented yet. I think the pop-sci framing of "vegan" implies there was a conscious, ideologically motivated choice behind it.
But yes this common-sense conclusion is quite a blow to the pseuds who are desperate to believe that our "natural" diet is a slab of raw meat every day.

Anonymous No. 16173617

raging vegans

Anonymous No. 16173620

It's the way of nature. Just look at lions!

Anonymous No. 16173649

How does this relate ?

Anonymous No. 16173654

then why did they paint their caves with stick figures killing large animals?

Anonymous No. 16173656

The article resembles other biased, unscientific opinion pieces
in particular, the way it touches on a controversial topic, leads with "scientists find" but isn't even dated, and puts share links before the content- and the way it's doing its lap around the world posted as an image instead of a link. It smells. It has bad physiognomy

Anonymous No. 16173659

That's history in general.

Anonymous No. 16173673

what made you write this post and think it was worth anyone's time to read? kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16173694

It's "woke", you see.

Anonymous No. 16173695

Are there any monkeys or apes with a predominantly carnivorous diet?

Anonymous No. 16173701

no, that mean humans should also based their diet on fruits, barks and insects

Anonymous No. 16173712

you should stop wearing clothes because monkeys or apes don't do that.

Anonymous No. 16173714


Anonymous No. 16173730

Obviously, you, who has never eaten anything other than slopburgers and slopmeatballs everyday would start ro deplete the local wildlife

Anonymous No. 16173734

The appeal to nature is a fallacy either way, of course. But in terms of what we could expect primitive man to eat, the diet of apes seems like a close analogue, wouldn't you agree?

Anonymous No. 16173745

Not really, because we already have archaeological evidence and biological evidence on what primitive humans ate.
(primitive man: stop being misogynistic)

Anonymous No. 16173748

The diets of chimps and apes are quite different. Which one should we go with?

Anonymous No. 16173752

No because humans and chimps diverged 6 million years ago and we came down from the trees 3 million years ago and have been hunting and eating meat ever since. That's 120,000 generations, assuming a generation is 25 years.

Anonymous No. 16173753

I'm only talking about what could be expected before considering the evidence. If you have some evidence you'd like to submit, be my guest.

Pick whichever you think proves your point best and tell me the share that meat makes up of their diet.

>have been hunting and eating meat ever since
Begging the question.

Anonymous No. 16173759

The diet of early humans and their archaeological and biological analysis is standard knowledge and basic science. This is textbook material what humans ate as they evolved. You're feigning ignorance in bad faith or you're lacking in basic assumed knowledge required for serious scientific debate.

Anonymous No. 16173761

the only thing humanity can learn from history is that humanity doesnt learn from history

Anonymous No. 16173762

Did you reply to a wrong post, or what the hell do you mean?

Anonymous No. 16173767

nta but
>hazelnuts, walnuts, beechnuts and acorns as the basic staple
is a retarded statement

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Anonymous No. 16173769

yes, and it's not the first study showing this.

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Anonymous No. 16173771

>3.(Hard mode) No insects.
>4.(Extreme mode) Above 40 degrees Latitude
the study says "mostly plants", so minimal animal protein was included in the diet.

Anonymous No. 16173772

>great Science you have there
hey, at least the anon reads, don't discourage him.

Anonymous No. 16173774

and what plants were those "mostly plants"?

Anonymous No. 16173775

I read your post, thank you anon.

Anonymous No. 16173777

>the study says "mostly plants", so minimal animal protein was included in the diet.
so it's the same type of diet as any long term vegan eats
they all cheat and eat some animal foods in order to not die
or rather they call it a "plant based" diet

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humans frugivores.jpg

Anonymous No. 16173779

yes, we know better now

Anonymous No. 16173780

>and what plants were those "mostly plants"?
You're requesting info that I do not have, the anon did not tell us, and maybe the article itself does not say it.

Anonymous No. 16173781

plants arent food to humans

Anonymous No. 16173782

>ok so caveman diet was plant based but we don't know what plants they ate but trust us it was plant based
wow great science

Anonymous No. 16173783

>they all cheat and eat some animal foods in order to not die
not true, strict vegans do not eat any animal products, but they have to take B12 supplements, or eat that one type of algae that has B12, I forget now... chlorella? Spirulina? one of those.

Anonymous No. 16173784

>wow great science
I'm just telling you the facts, I haven't even read the supposed article the OP refers to.

Anonymous No. 16173785

ah the trusted academic source of [email protected]

no need to cite anything

inb4 muh common knowledge

Anonymous No. 16173786

>plants arent food to humans
sorry, I'm not engaging with a 13 year old

Anonymous No. 16173789

is it wrong?

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Anonymous No. 16173791

>conveniently forgets stomach acidity

Anonymous No. 16173796

I'm just an interested lay person Kramering into the thread. You're ascribing ulterior motives to me which to me seems to suggest that you're quite emotionally invested in this for some reason.

Anonymous No. 16173797

This board is really obsessed with vegans for some reason. Can't stop bringing them up.
Ironic, considering the stereotype.

Anonymous No. 16173798

Time spent eating

>1-1.5 hours every day
>Once every week
>Once every 4 days to two weeks
>16-18 hours every day
>7 hours every day (43-55% waking hours)

Anonymous No. 16173800

Project more vegan

Anonymous No. 16173801

Case in point: I'm not vegan
Had some Korean bbq chicken just the other day

Anonymous No. 16173802

if that's humans on a modern grain and meat-based, or heavy on the animal protein diet, sure, I believe your chart. Can you find an equivalent chart for different types of diets?

Anonymous No. 16173804

sure let me google that for you sir

Anonymous No. 16173807

We can claim whatever we want on the internet anon.
Now go back to your reddit and onions lattes.

Anonymous No. 16173809

I know, people put far too much emotion into these conversations. Their diet is part of their identity and those intolerant enough to other people's preferred dietary choices feel a need to defend it.
I love meat too, I can't feel well inside without my once-per-week huge steak and french fries fix, but I'm not going to cry about veggies and what not, or start insulting people, or take offense as the science shows us we had some serious wrong assumptions about what we have been eating all these past decades. I learn as we find out, and I adjust how I can.

Anonymous No. 16173812

We're omnivores here anon. Sorry to disappoint your expectations. :)

Anonymous No. 16173813

Fuck off vegan SCUM

Anonymous No. 16173814

Well, yes, I can easily claim I'm not vegan, because there's no conclusive evidence either way. Your word against mine.
However, you can't claim not to be obsessed with vegans, because your behaviour clearly shows otherwise.

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Anonymous No. 16173816

I understand, I too don't have much time myself, but the internet is full of charts and diagrams like these. I don't know exactly how accurate this one is in particular, I wouldn't put too much faith on it, but it is well know that what you eat affects your stomach acid production, any doctor will tell you that basic fact, so it is only obvious that if you eat a salad with minimal dressing is different from eating hot dogs, steaks, and burgers (which I fukken love to eat).

Anonymous No. 16173818

There's no obsession with vegans when the headline topic says in bold "mostly vegan diet". You're just going off topic anon.
If you're not vegan just say you're not and move on.

Anonymous No. 16173820

>We're omnivores here anon. Sorry to disappoint your expectations. :)
You didn't disappoint! :)
I'm an omnivore myself, just not every day, about one day per week.

Anonymous No. 16173822

>it is well know that what you eat affects your stomach acid production
is it really?

Anonymous No. 16173823

Dude, it's a talk about food, take it easy.

Anonymous No. 16173824

>is it really?
Yes. People with acid reflux have to be particularly careful with foods that stimulate acid production, like tomatoes, garlic, or strong spices. I myself I'm very sensitive, I have to mind that for dinner or I know I won't be able to sleep, such is the heartburn.

Anonymous No. 16173836

>There's no obsession with vegans when the headline topic says in bold "mostly vegan diet".
Yes, this thread and how many others? What did you think I was getting at?
>You're just going off topic anon.
I don't see how I am. You decided to make this personal with your baseless speculation and blatant projection, but I was talking about the diet of primitive humans up until that point.
>If you're not vegan just say you're not
I did. One of us couldn't move on.

Anonymous No. 16173839

Anon, stop getting offended at online posts.

Anonymous No. 16173844

>baseless speculation and blatant projection

Anonymous No. 16173849

you should mail sayaman and ask him if its wrong

Anonymous No. 16173855

just because you produce more acid (which I doubt what whatever) doesn't mean it is more acidic

Anonymous No. 16173871

Exactly, and so therefore I was hoping we could find a chart specifically comparing stomach acidity depending on diet.

Anonymous No. 16173872

I'm not a biologist, so I wouldn't know if that infographic is wrong, so therefore I asked you.

Anonymous No. 16174060

well I would check the sources of the infographics as any other scientist without domain knowledge would, IF THERE WERE ANY

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Anonymous No. 16174068

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 16174084

I agree, it should have references. I was hoping a real biologist would jump in and help, since, though I'm not a biologist, I am a scientist and I did study some biology in college. That infographic doesn't seem to say anything blatantly wrong as far as my knowledge goes, but expertise would be welcomed.

Anonymous No. 16174093

Instead of pointing out presumed similarities that, in your mind, would make this article 'unscientific' and 'biased' by association, you surely can provide an argument that demonstrates how THIS particular article is the above. I'll post the link again:

Anonymous No. 16174129


Anonymous No. 16174182

The study (helpfully linked here >>16173381) doesn't say that. It relates a combination of changes that are environmentally linked to the adoption of more locally sourced plants for nutrition as part of a gradual adoption of a sedentary lifestyle for a specific archaeological site in Morocco. This is completely rational, given that usage of available resources to survive is sensible, especially in a somewhat arid climate. More importantly, this also doesn't suggest that they ate a vegan diet — the standards of journalism being literal gutter-trash is the obvious culprit here. According to the study, "Our TLS estimations for Taforalt based on δ15Nbulkof +4.2‰ and +2.5‰ could therefore suggest a plant food intake of about 50% in the Taforalt human diets." Make of that what you will.

Anonymous No. 16174187

I agree it doesnt sound wrong, all the more reason to be sceptical about missing sources. its honestly the first time I read that humans are frugivores and frugivores in general ngl. I didnt think thered be such a huge difference between herbi and frugivores.

I have never felt that humans are made to eat fruit primarily.

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the real paleodiet.jpg

Anonymous No. 16174279

you'll enjoy this:

Anonymous No. 16174282

if we listened to women we'd still be apes

Anonymous No. 16174318

get your head out of your ass, son

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I can't even.jpg

Anonymous No. 16174321

>we'd still be apes
he doesn't know we're apes

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vegan tribe.jpg

Anonymous No. 16174446

If you actually read the paper, it says "A tribe" was found to have had a mostly vegan diet. Not that all tribes of that time were, just this one. Part of the way they knew they were mostly vegan is their teeth were full of cavities which is unusual for humans of that period.
So yes, it has been proven that at one point in time that there was a tribe that was vegan, they had terrible teeth, and they died out. Somehow this means that modern humans should become vegans.

Anonymous No. 16174470

Is this possibly that tribe that was found to have subsisted on raw acorns?
The ones with absolutely fucked up jaws and teeth.

Anonymous No. 16174486

Thread posted on /sci/, it takes twenty hours before someone reads the actual paper and points out the misleading headline.
Thread posted on /ck/, it takes thirty-one minutes before someone reads the actual paper and points out the misleading headline.
Bravo /sci/, bravo!

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Anonymous No. 16174584

Anonymous No. 16174614

>grapefruit limes lemons
How retarded do you need to be to believe that?

Anonymous No. 16174633

no scientists didnt find any caveman, or a cave, i dont trust confirmed scammers (covid19)
proof or gtfo

Anonymous No. 16174638

>Scientists find some bullshit that fits the current anti-meat propaganda.
Great. Because in the past, scientists found, that human teeth, stomach, and intestines are optimized for meat consumption.

Anonymous No. 16174644

Friendly reminder that modern hunter gather societies like the Hadza eat ZERO vegetables, simply because they literally don't exist for them. They consume meats, a lot of honey, and any fruits they can forage like berries. Vegetables are a modern luxury that taste like shit and have nearly zero nutritional value as far as macros are concerned.

Anonymous No. 16174658

interdasting. so they have tubers available, which is, in any given season, less than 25% of the biomass they return home with to eat. men and women in the hadza also ranked tubers as their least preferred food, opting instead for honey, baobab, berries and meat. so hunter gathers really only ate veggies as a last resort. as you said because they lacked nutritionally content, and likely as a consequence weren't preferred. vegans eternally btfo

Anonymous No. 16174663

You can take my potatoes when you pry them from my cold, dead hands

Anonymous No. 16174685

leave them in the sun for a day before eating and your wish shall be granted

Anonymous No. 16174692

The device youre using to post is modern luxury and didn't exist for the majority of human history. No co-evolution took place.
>Humans aren't made for internet.
>Internets must be bad.
>Netizens btfo.
Great thinking there chap.

Anonymous No. 16174704


Anonymous No. 16174719

You're learning. The Internet has atomized and destroyed human social cohesion. I don't even know who the fuck you are, couldn't care less if you were hit by a bus tomorrow, and yet we're socially connecting. The human brain didn't evolve to build connections it doesn't give a fuck about.

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ayyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao.png

Anonymous No. 16174908


Anonymous No. 16175019

This is a shit tier scientific study, reported by an even shittier pop journalist. I could go through it, but I think I'll just go eat my steak dinner instead with some cheese after.

Anonymous No. 16175083

>How retarded do you need to be to believe that?
I didn't, if you read what I wrote. I specifically said I wish to find more and verify it further.

Anonymous No. 16175085

that annuls your entire post. We're talking about the ancient past, not modern tribes.

Anonymous No. 16175087

lol, I know, therefore my comment

Anonymous No. 16175313

>be grug
>bad time hunting and fishing
>eat shitty berries and nuts to not foreversleep
>we vigaan tribe now says tomorrow bluhair shaman
no fair

Anonymous No. 16175435

The anon is brain-dead. It's terminal.

Anonymous No. 16175448

Modern hunter gatherers are the best window we have into the ancient past.

Anonymous No. 16175522

Is modern day “science” trying to make people dumber?

Anonymous No. 16175526

Even Reddit is calling BS

Anonymous No. 16175547

>Antivegan has antivegan perspective
I wouldn't call that "reddit" calling bs.

Anonymous No. 16175552

>the study says "mostly plants", so minimal animal protein was included in the diet.
This is the key. Both sides, USA-style retarded "carnivores" and strict retarded vegans are retarded. One should eat a bit of everything, as un-slopified as possible, without exaggerations. And yes, of course "mostly pants" by weight.

Anonymous No. 16175558

>And yes, of course "mostly pants" by weight.

Αnonymous No. 16175563

>Anthropology is a fake science that always just justifies prevailing sociology trends. In the Soviet Union, they taught that cavemen were communists.
Sounds plausible, but is there a source I can look at?
>30 years ago, cavemen were hypermasculine hunters and women were gathers. Now, they tell us women and men both shared all the work equally and that homosexuality and transgenders were common.
Are they really saying transgenders were common among cavemen?

>Don't forget that Native American tribes had dick-cut-off men who pretended to be women that were apex spiritual leaders everyone looked up to for support.
Really? When did they start saying that?

Anonymous No. 16175564

The whole concept of a "caveman" diet is so ridiculous. You're talking about 2 million years of history across the whole planet. The only thing we can ascertain about human diets is how we've evolved to be generalists.

Anonymous No. 16175591

If you actually read the study its one group of cavemen in a small geographical area right before the invention of agriculture ate a varied diet including meat, grains, vegetables.

Anonymous No. 16175602

Don't know about them doing penis removal but in recent years lots of media sources, including entertainment, have made claims that there were commonly transgender Native Americans and Vikings in documentaries and shows.

Anonymous No. 16176414

Why doesn't every animal evolve to be a generalist?
It's a midwit answer along the same lines as "Humans evolved intelligence to adapt to their social groups"

Anonymous No. 16177324

You're a golem.

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Anonymous No. 16177367

fundamental reading

Anonymous No. 16177425

all plants contain all amino acids in varied amounts
all greens can convert to short chain fatty acids in the colon
plant based keto requires less protein input
less resistance since the body is 'cleaner', less energy expenditure

our tastes are just very far

Anonymous No. 16177474

I don't remember the details but something about this study is bullshit

Anonymous No. 16177490

>all plants contain all amino acids in varied amounts
no there are a few that lack certain AA the bigger issue is the ratio of various AA is very different to animal requirements meaning that they have to eat higher quantities of otal protein to achieve the same growth rate because of the limiting AAs
>all greens can convert to short chain fatty acids in the colon
no, human hind gut fermentation is limited
>plant based keto requires less protein input
nope, see one
>less resistance since the body is 'cleaner', less energy expenditure
what does this even mean to you?

Anonymous No. 16177529

>all plants contain all amino acids...
do you have an idea how many amino acids are out there ? The aminoacids that make up a human are a mere subset of those and the ones deemed EAAs again are a subset of the later. And no, very few plants even contain all EAAs, let alone all human AAs (none does), let alone ALL AAs. Crazy.
>idk about the greens converting to short fatty acids I could see that
the remainder is utter trash again

Anonymous No. 16177749

You sound fat.

Anonymous No. 16178598

cease thine gaslighting.

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Anonymous No. 16178602


Anonymous No. 16179347

you have meat the whole year
fruits and vegetables only some months
i doubt they eat grass like cows all day


Anonymous No. 16179745

The research paper was about one specific population at one specific place during one specific time period. Authors made explicit reference to the fact that it sheds light on the diversity of different subsistence strategies used in different places.
Why can't retards tell the difference between research and clickbait headlines about research?

Anonymous No. 16180428

>mostly vegan
That like being mostly a virgin or mostly not pregnant. Such conditions are either/or.

Anonymous No. 16180452

i like how you all melt down at the fact that hunting for literally every meal is the most inefficient thing a nomadic tribe can do. its way easier to have most people gathering plants and have a couple people hunting in the background. 75% plants 25% meat. this is how uncontacted tribes work. stop being robots

Anonymous No. 16180480
