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๐Ÿงต Study Groups - College

Anonymous No. 16173134

I plan on going back to college after a years long hiatus. When I go back, I want my GPA to be as high as possible. I even plan on taking adderall occasionally to help me study, especially when I'm having difficulty focusing. One thing I remember going back to high school is the fact that I often got a much lower grade on my test, even after studying, because, even though I carefully read through all the material, they still expected me to read this other bit of material or even do my own research in addition to the material in the chapter we were going over. I don't want to have such experiences ever again. I figure the only way to avoid such scenarios is to have multiple study buddies whom I contact on a regular basis and do work with. We would make sure we're not missing any homework or failing to go over material we need to learn to pass the test. How do you go about getting such study buddies, and what things should be periodically discussed and reviewed?

Anonymous No. 16173136

foreskin status?

Anonymous No. 16173137

I have one. My Mommy didn't let them mutilate me.

Anonymous No. 16173140

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16173142

This is the only place I really go to post at. I deleted all my social media profiles. I still have a few, but I deleted all my information on them, and they only exist for contact. I also like having access to the private accounts of girls I liked in middle school and high school.

Anonymous No. 16173222

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