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๐Ÿงต DARK MATTER SOLVED. It doesnt exist. New model match observations

Anonymous No. 16173224

Lambda-CDM model overturned. Drak matter doesnt exist. And the universe is actually 26 billion years old.

New model cooked up last year pass test after test matching observation of JWST. New latest paper testing observations:
Origanl paper of the model

Who now gonna belive some imaginary nigga matter that we cant see but "absolutly" exist according to schizos

Anonymous No. 16173232

Learn how to spell and punctuate you quadruple nigger.

Anonymous No. 16173247

im esl retard
do you feel proud after making your worthless comment?

Anonymous No. 16173257

>covarying coupling constants
i.e. 'let's solve the dark matter conundrum by just assuming G, c, and h can arbitrarily fluctuate by however much is necessary to eliminate the need for dark matter while ignoring the myriad of other effects this would have on the physical world'

Anonymous No. 16173278

yeah way more plausible that the numbers are fixed because ..... God?
why those specific numbers? why are they so special?
the constants varying on top of eliminating dark matter eliminate the need of an inteligent designer chosing the specific values and the retarded fine tuning argument

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Anonymous No. 16173282

The only explanation that makes sense are billions of advanced civilizations hidden in the void. The forest is dark and full of terrors.

Anonymous No. 16173308

>bot post off-topic

Anonymous No. 16173421

>Rajendra Gupta
what if dark matter is poo hidden in loo?

Anonymous No. 16173688

>why are they so special?
they're not, our mind just interprets things as such, in our quest for meaning.

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can it.jpg

Anonymous No. 16173985

I'll let someone else answer this in the best way possible that I could find

Anonymous No. 16174629

this midwit what no idea of what he talk about 90% of the time

Anonymous No. 16174664

>New model cooked up last year pass test after test matching observation of JWST.
Nope. The test is nonsense. He assumes all galaxies always had the same size, despite the fact that they have a finite age. It is as stupid as assuming all people have the same height and therefore disproving euclidian geometry.
Garbage assumptions in, garbage results out.

>Drak matter doesnt exist.
His model doesn't explain rotation curves, galaxy clusters, structure formation, the cosmic microwave background or big bang nucleosyntheis. It explains none of the key tests of dark matter. He literally looked at one single test and then when off to the media to sell this shit to gullible people like you.

And what is this new model? He has taken out dark matter and now needs tired light and caring fundamental constants. Removing one assumption and replacing it with 2 more is not an upgrade.

Anonymous No. 16174670

Can't make this shit up

Anonymous No. 16174684

Don't let dark matter sneak up on you.
CMBR is made up.

Anonymous No. 16174703

>CMBR is made up.
This is flat earth level reasoning>>16174670
. The CMB definitely exist, has been. Studied by hundreds of instruments. It has also been used as a backlight to discover hundred of confirmed galaxy clusters, which would be impossible if there was no CMB.

Anonymous No. 16174712

>muh age of the universe
>muh dark matter

Whatever, the significance of these topics for our lifes is basically zero.

Anonymous No. 16174726

>actual low iq comments
go back turning burgers and wagying your life away. I know thinking take too much brain power for you

Anonymous No. 16174728

sorry hun occam razor favor the new model over the imaginary nigga matter

Anonymous No. 16174734

Nope. It has more assumptions and has less explanatory power.

Anonymous No. 16174736

no. requiring that the fundemental numbers of the universe stay constant over billions of years is a unwritten assumption

Anonymous No. 16174744

What actually matters is the number of free parameters. That is how complexity is defined in terms of statistics, how flexible is a model to fit any data. Fixing something at some value does not give your model any freedom. But if now you fit for that as a free parameter the model is more flexible, more complex. Then you add a time depence, that's two parameters (at least).
And you skipped over the point that he also needs Tired Light, which has no physical basis either. His mode combines expansion, tired light and varying constants. It is totally overcomplicated.
And there are measurements of the fine structure constant in the past which indicate very little change could have happend.

Anonymous No. 16174757

>Tired Light, which has no physical basis either
completly wrong

Anonymous No. 16174760

So what known mechanism can cause redshift without scattering the light in angle or having wavelength depence?

Anonymous No. 16174791

so this model has to explained how that mechanism work but for the lambda cdm model we just have to accept dark matter exist without knowing at all what is.
sound like double standards to me

Anonymous No. 16174836

model deez nuts

Anonymous No. 16174943

You are TOO FUCKING STUPID to have a normal conversation like a normal fucking person and we don't have a microscope powerful enough to measure your tiny fucking balls attached to your deformed dick you utter nepo retard cunt.

Anonymous No. 16174962

NTA but there's a difference between a model that relies on some material that affects things in ways we already understand and completely new unobserved, unjustified physical interactions. Nobody has to ask why dark matter makes galaxies rotate faster because the reason already exists in our current understanding of gravity.

Anonymous No. 16174964

>The only possible need for their to be consistent intrinsic qualities in our universe is MUH GOD
That has nothing to do with this. If there are no intrinsic qualities in our universe and any fundamental constant could change at any moment for any reason then we might as well take all of science and just throw it in the fucking trash, because any fucking second the Planck constant could apparently just double and all normal atomic and nuclear reactions in the Universe could suddenly stop working.

Anonymous No. 16174965

Also still NTA, model deez nuts

Anonymous No. 16174974

ok so what actually is dark matter
you can't just say you understand how it generate gravity without knowing what it actually is
Is it a particule? radiation? some new thing?
we actually know next o nothing about it

Anonymous No. 16174976

>any fucking second the Planck constant could apparently just double
not if it happen on cosmic time and the other constant change proportiannaly to keep interaction working the same way time and distance change to keep the speed of light the same in all frames

Anonymous No. 16174983

>so what actually is dark matter
we don't know - it's a placeholder for something that might exist and would explain a lot of things very simply, but which we haven't yet discovered (if it does exist)

Anonymous No. 16175210

It doesn't have to be known for certain but you can't even give an example mechanism of how it could work without violating basic physical laws. On the other hand there are multiple detailed dark matter candidates which are still plausible, e.g. axions and sterile neutrinos.
Remember that tired light is a century old idea. In that time people have still never come up with any serious hypothesis. Much longer than peole have been looking for DM.