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Anonymous No. 16173273

AAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEOH, let me get a thread up. these five niggas
>newton (corpuscles)
>huygens (waves)
>de broglie, schrodinger, einstein (unification)

all really told you that there is no limit to the distance light can travel? and you believe there is no limit to the distance the human eye can see? so you can see the moment of creation of the entire universe? now im no astrologist, but that sounds like some shit you make up when you don't know what to put down because your science experiment done blown all the fuck up.

and if the universe had no beginning and an infinite past light cone, you could see all the way into forever? with just your eyes? you can see forever with your eyes, that's just how light works? foolish.

Anonymous No. 16173418

It makes more sense when you take into account the quantum mechanical point of view. The photon remains in an indefinite state for billions of years until its wave function is collapsed by a conscious observer. Effectively we are retrospectively shaping the past with our consciousness.

Anonymous No. 16173420

>limitless distance to light.
Read a book