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Anonymous No. 16173329

Why can't we just reverse engineer the brain? It's not like we have a shortage of brains or anything

Anonymous No. 16173334

certain forces are preventing us from doing so

Anonymous No. 16173358

Brains are gay

Anonymous No. 16173363

Just run the brain backwards, see what happens.

Anonymous No. 16173386

Not enough money and also morally unethical.

Anonymous No. 16173396

What if we did, and found out African brains are inferior? We can't have that.

Anonymous No. 16173402

Yeah bro, let's just let evil humans have the ability to violate even the mental privacy of the innocent. Maybe we can even make people we don't like experience eons of hell in their minds!
Perhaps we could even control people's minds, or become the gods of their consciousnesses!

What a wretched idea. I hope humans go extinct before we gain the power to violate people's minds.

Anonymous No. 16173446

we already did

Anonymous No. 16173462

Hybrots are when we grow brains inside of electronics sensors and motors as the control unit.

Anonymous No. 16173464

Your mind has clearly already been violated so hard you are kvetching over a bunch of supernatural nonsense to the point you are trying to will yourself out of existence.

Cult of Passion No. 16173469

Its easy if youre the performing doctor. I can even modify the system

Ive added so many horsepowers its crazy.


Cult of Passion No. 16173470

Whorsepowers, from Babylon, or whatever.

Anonymous No. 16173479

it would lead to advances in artificial brains and brain transplants which might cause problems around identity and property.

Anonymous No. 16174322

we are doing that, ai and transformers like chatgpt is what you get when you reverse engineer the brain

Anonymous No. 16174437

If you believe it is so easy then explain how to do it, step by step.

Anonymous No. 16174498

Google is trying to do that RIGHT NOW. The connectome of the human brain has been mapped out, is public knowledge, and now the only puzzle is figuring out how to jumpstart it

Anonymous No. 16174838

>Brain is made of X and Y arranged a certain way
>Make thing out of X and Y arranged a certain way

Anonymous No. 16175122

we're doing that too, been doing that for a while, actually.