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Anonymous No. 16173544

>There is more diversity within races than there is between races
What does this mean? And why is this used to disprove the existence of race?

Anonymous No. 16173589

It shows that the classification into "races" based on outward characteristics is an artificial one, based ultimately more on social and cultural conventions than biological reality.

Anonymous No. 16173835

This post again, did you not get your answers last time?
Trolling isn't allowed here, you know?

Anonymous No. 16174131

I'll bite

black male, white male

white male, white female

between which pair is more genetic diversity?

Anonymous No. 16174328

That statement is regarding the variation of genes on chromosomes. What it ignores is allele repeats and epigentics.

Anonymous No. 16174376

As opposed to inward characteristics like personality?

Anonymous No. 16174380

The debate on the existence of races is boring and obsolete. It doesnt matter. Within a single family you can find subhumans and gifted people too, good looking and smart people can have a retarded brother or sister. Point is, you can call for eugenics and the culling of inferior people regardless of a concept of race.
People will naturally otherize others over the slightest difference, like some theological disagreement over a random biblical passage.

Anonymous No. 16174388

Within the Dutch you have 170 IQ geniuses and 50 IQ retards. But the average IQ difference between Dutch and Pygmies is only 40 IQ points. Now let them in, goy

Anonymous No. 16174395

The claim here is that there is greater genetic variance within your phenotype than there is between the averages of your and another phenotype.
The reasoning behind the race argument is that genetic differences between races ought to be greater than within one race. Thus there can not be a race that satisfies the claim mentioned above.

Anonymous No. 16174403

My best guess is that this was an ANOVA test done to detect racial differences, and they didn't find any. I don't know what study they are refferring to and what was being measured. It seems like races can be biologically validated with with PCAs done on SNP data. Don't know what the input matrix exactly is though even though the meme is spammed here daily.

Anonymous No. 16174435

It's nonsense. A group can have a large amount of variation within it and still have an identifiable characteristic that differentiates it from another group.

Imagine a box full of dice. All dice have a random number of sides and are marked with a random combination of letters and numbers. If the dice are either made of metal or wood a magnet will sort them just fine.