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🗑️ 🧵 List what science currently does not know?

Anonymous No. 16173969

I'll start
Why we're here
Whence we came
Wither we go
Does science even know anything of value?

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Anonymous No. 16173974

>List what science currently does not know?
No, don't be silly. The list is as vast as the universe has atoms interacting, it might just never end and be an infinite set of questions.

Anonymous No. 16173982

>Why we're here
>Whence we came
>Wither we go
Meaningless questions. Next.

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kurt godel albert....jpg

Anonymous No. 16173993

Fuck off you profane pencil pushing little piggy
The adults are talking

Anonymous No. 16174002

>what science currently does not know
How many genders there are

Anonymous No. 16174004

Gödel looks like such a nerd. How the hell did he get a wife? He's supposed to be an incel like me.

Anonymous No. 16174005

Take your meds

Barkon No. 16174008

What humans are
What morality is
What Earth is
What stars are
How it all began
Other dimensions

Anonymous No. 16174009

You're a joke

Anonymous No. 16174014

Superadvaned aliens set up a receiver so it lines up with Earth and our sun. Neutrinos capture information. They travel from the sun, through our Earth, and are collected by the receiver. The receiver collects the captured information from the neutrino and sends the data back to the alien civilization. The alien civilization are then able to recreate our world within their own, without the need to travel

Barkon No. 16174021

Science criminals have set up petty laws that make it seem like things like morality is NOT science, and this is enforced. The stupid run science. Most of not all science articles are stupid. Including sfg thread where the aim to populate mars in a mini with a tent and some seeds.

Barkon No. 16174029

Id rather get my science news from Cult of Passion's rants than off a cesspit like nature or science journal where the rabid left force their stupid profiteering scams upon us subliminally while posting dormant useless theories that the mentally enslaved students celebrate