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🧵 altered evolution theory

Anonymous No. 16173977

what if we didnt evolve from frogs?

here's my take on it:

1. frog like creatures rise on land maybe 400 million years ago, directly evolved from fish

2. fish who gave rise to amphibians also stayed in water.. for 50 million years

3. 350 million years ago a NON AMPHIBIAN fish rises to live on land, he is the actual ancestor of lizards, crocodiles, mammals, birds

thus frogs were a dead end right from the beginning, its amazing they survived to this day

Anonymous No. 16174038

>'what if' thread
do you mean a fish that is not amphibious, as in amphibious fish ?
How does it survive 'leaving the water'.
Typical 'what if' thread

Anonymous No. 16174101

>what if we didnt evolve from frogs?
We evolved from an amphibian, not necessarily a frog, that's far too specific to know (so far).

>a NON AMPHIBIAN fish rises to live on land
how, like a lungfish? Like a mudskipper?

>he is the actual ancestor of lizards, crocodiles, mammals, birds
okay, and how do you think an animal in-between a fish and a reptile would look like? (some fish, especially the most primitive kinds, like eels, lungfish, hagfish, and lampreys, have no scales, mind you, they have smooth skin just like... amphibians)

I like you hypothesizing, nice.

Anonymous No. 16175226

>what if we didnt evolve from frogs?
We didn’t. Frogs are derived amphibians, they came much later