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Anonymous No. 16174048

>summer holidays approaching fast
>won't be able to study anything because of summer depression just like last year
>wont have the comfy uni library to study in at home
its so over, summer holidays shouldnt even be a thing. my productivity goes down the toilet during summers

Anonymous No. 16174090

>summer depression
Many people get Seasonal Affective Disorder in the wintertime, but this is the first time I hear this in the Summer.
Summertime is incredible for me, I wish it'd last forever, so what's bad about it for you?

Anonymous No. 16174186

maybe you should try talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16174253

I stay at home away from university during summers and its really boring and dont really leave my house

Anonymous No. 16174272

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media