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Anonymous No. 16174053

why has this shit not been done yet?
seems pretty simple desu, it's just metal and electronics, can't be that expensive.

Anonymous No. 16174059

>Numerous technological challenges still remain, however.

Anonymous No. 16174071

Why haven't you done it if you think it's so easy and cheap?

Anonymous No. 16174073

I suspect one important reason is that most people are very opposed to the idea of uncontrollably spreading fission products anywhere in the sphere where earths gravitational influence is dominant.
The only other option would be to get this contraption far enough out by conventional means to begin with and I suspect it's heavy. Maybe, if the need for a certain range and speed arises, this might be feasible but aparently no such requirement that neccessitates the effort has risen.
Also other fission drives have been tested. They worked satisfactorly in the scope of the experiments and were subsequently abandoned.

Anonymous No. 16174126

Lol no. That design has a bunch of micron thin disk spinning fuck fast through some fucking powerful magnets. It's really hard to get the fission fragments out of a solid material, maintain a self sustain fission reaction, and direct them.
NASA had or has a project on this that proposed solving the problem by embedding aerogels on fissiles, but I'm not sure how it went
They exit fast enough to leave the solar system, not an issue