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🧵 Quantum consciousness was just proven

Anonymous No. 16174099

Determinists in shambles

Anonymous No. 16174103

Sabine is just pandering to her far-right conspiracy-minded audience

Anonymous No. 16174104

Why are gen xers like this? They seem to gobble this shit up more readily than anyone else.

Anonymous No. 16174106

so what you're saying is that she's /ourgirl/

Anonymous No. 16174109

Probably true

Anonymous No. 16174110

>consciousness is "far-right" now
That's a whole new way of saying you're an NPC.

Anonymous No. 16174115

You just proved my point

Anonymous No. 16174120

>Determinists in shambles
Is quantum randomness awareness? Are random quantum outcomes "reasoning?, "thinking", "deciding" or just... randomness?
Awareness would have to break the laws of physics, it would have to do something unexpected by physics. One would have to "decide" against the machinery of the brain. Not just in unexpected, irreproducible fashion, each time, but also in a logical sense, not like pellet clouds being shot at a screen.
In other words, as per my view, randomness is not reasoning or deciding in a willfully way, it's just what it is: quantum randomness.

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Anonymous No. 16174122

prove that you could have done otherwise.

Anonymous No. 16174135

Materialism is a serious mental illness.

Anonymous No. 16174156

Everything depends on quantum mechanics at the smallest level so of course it impacts the brain. What a fucking non-statement to make.

Anonymous No. 16174166

>Everything depends on quantum mechanics at the smallest level so of course it impacts the brain.
>what are emergent properties

Anonymous No. 16174171

I noticed this too, but she has to fit a concise statement in the thumbnail in order to attract more normie cattle.

Anonymous No. 16174172

Depends on how materialism is defined, innit? Everything becomes material once we know it well enough. But it'll never be the cutting edge of knowledge.

Anonymous No. 16174177


Anonymous No. 16174178

>brain really uses quantum effects
but everything uses quantum effects? you can't build a castle without any bricks.

Anonymous No. 16174197

>Everything becomes material once we know it well enough.
No, not necessarily.

Anonymous No. 16174206


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Anonymous No. 16174212

>omg, my brain, it feels so big!!!
>its full of so much schizo kike jargon and fancy basedence polysyllables
>oh no
>i can't hold it in any longer
>i'm gonna…

Anonymous No. 16174228

Scientific discoveries illustrate relational and casual ties between variables and often times undercover entirely new variables. Trying to force these discoveries into some creed of materialism is an impulse that belongs to a prior era in which scholastics and other religious intellectuals tried to pretend as though they already had total knowledge of the Universe and therefore any novel information had to be contorted such that it could fit into their worldview somehow (this is basically how Occam's Razor came to be. Since he ultimately posited a single entity, "God", as responsible for everything his explanation of any truths would ultimately be correct since it's all downstream of that single entity which to him was apparently superior to positing multiple entities). "Materialism" along with every other metaphysical theory has no place in a discourse surrounding the scientific method and its fruits. Materialism is an unfalsifiable and inexact doctrine which relies on a falsifiable and exact method. Whenever there's some new revelation regarding the fundamental particles and fields that comprise reality, materialists will simply include those under their banner of "materialism" despite the fact that they never predicted those particles or fields and that could never discover them through their impotent philosophical "studies" which just consist of baseless musings put onto paper.

Anonymous No. 16174234

>schizo kike jargon
Of all the 20th physics concepts Quantum probably has the least Jews involved. Only ones I can think of are Born and Pauli. Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Dirac, Planck, de Broglie and Bell were all not Jewish

Anonymous No. 16174248

FURTHERMORE, quantum effects are discretely random, in the sense that each observation is random, but the overall group behavior of the particles isn't: it is DETERMINED by a probability wave function that can calculate and define.

Anonymous No. 16174346

You're right in exactly that materialism is ultimately unfalsifiable and poorly defined. It's very questionable what the usefulness of the idea is. Either you observe or you don't. You rationalize or you don't. But does a useless model mean it's not true?

Anonymous No. 16174373

>it would have to do something unexpected
For example collapsing the wave function?

Anonymous No. 16174387

Here's my model: All animals are elephants. Under my model, the word "elephant" is defined as "organism classified in the kingdom animalia." If something is an animal, we will name it elephant. It's true by definition, but it's utterly useless and no one should ever use it for anything.

Anonymous No. 16174396

Right. But what if we define everything as immaterial? Simulation, solipsistic dream, a flow on consciousness, some kind of immaterial energy. Details don't matter. We define it all immaterial. Doesn't the same problem persist?
And if it does persist, what makes a dualistic view any more reasonable than either monistic view?

Anonymous No. 16174406

gen x ers need something to live for, as their jobs suck, kids suck, skin wrinkling, less and all the psychological problems built up over the years become more permanent
in the past they would have turned to religion
now there's no religion except netflix ideology which is obviously empty money-grabbing
so seeking a new religion

Anonymous No. 16174409

>what makes a dualistic view any more reasonable than either monistic view?
It allows us to accept there may be some things we can never measure in a material way and that it may be possible for something to be greater than the sum of its material parts. Allowing there to be a category for phenomena we observe but can't explain in material terms creates more open-mindedness and can improve our willingness to study things in different ways. Materialism alone just acts as a limiter to human thought and consideration; if something can't be explained in material terms it simply can't exist and we ignore it.

Anonymous No. 16174418

Okay. That's reasonable. Have a nice day. It's been a while since I was this satisfied by an answer. I've become more of a pluralist due to this conversation.

Anonymous No. 16174443

>muh falsifiability
Kill yourself. Modern science like string theory has moved beyond dumb popper's falsifiability

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Anonymous No. 16174476


Anonymous No. 16174491

Read some philosophy after dumb popper. It's easy to show that no scientific theory is falsifiable

Anonymous No. 16175147

>For example collapsing the wave function?
the act of observation and "collapse" is curious indeed, but we're not even sure what it means outside of the mathematics yet. There's some 13 interpretations of the phenomenon out there.
We're not even sure of what exactly can collapse the wave function. Can non-cognitive agents do it as well and it's just an illusion of our perception? Who the fuck knows.
No, it doesn't prove agency, but it is determinable through mathematics.

Anonymous No. 16175458


Anonymous No. 16175501

wow what a fucking misleading title

let me save you all 7 minutes:

> scientists discovered photoelectric effect in certain proteins common in the brain

Anonymous No. 16175584

>she has to fit a concise statement in the thumbnail in order to attract more normie cattle.
There's a great solution for that:
>Don't recommend this channel

Anonymous No. 16175620

That's pretty much popsci in a nutshell and why popsci was a mistake.

Anonymous No. 16175654

That's not what the video is even about. You're the real popscis here

Anonymous No. 16176014


Anonymous No. 16176136

Holy shit so OP is lying again?