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Anonymous No. 16174144

Can /sci/ deboooooooooooooonk this flat earther? Why is the laser still visible 21 miles across the Great Salt Lake?

PS, I'm not taking sides here I'm just genuinely curious about the truth and I want to know if these flat earth videos can be deboooooooonked. I'm not a scientist or a mathematician or any of the sort by the way, which is probably why these videos seem very convincing to me.

Anonymous No. 16174151

not going to watch 13 minutes of schizo babble. The answer is going to be one of the following
1) they don't understand math e.g. their calculations are wrong and the video proves them wrong
2) they don't understand elevation and one or both sides is high enough to be visible which really is just variation of the first. e.g. the video proves them wrong
3) there's refraction or some such going on.
4) they just faked it
Pick one of those and it's probably correct, chances are quite high that more than one is correct simultaneously.

I'm sure if you are actually genuinely curious you can figure out which one it is by watching the video.

Anonymous No. 16174161

Thank you for our input. I am inclined to believe you're correct however I'm looking for more tangible and specific information that can be given to disprove this experiment.

I myself skimmed through it however they claim the fact that a laser can be seen across the lake disproves that the earth is round. This experiment was conducted at night so I am curious as to how that may affect refraction since there's very little light. Refraction is the only thing I can infer that may be causing these results, either that or incorrect math. Flat earthers often claim that the curvature causes the horizon to drop eight inches for every mile when standing on foot however I believe the truth must be more complex than that.

Anonymous No. 16174170

They give coordinates in the video.
41.037384, -112.278569 has an altitude of 4203 ft
40.736869, -112.211345 has an altitude of 4199 ft
They're 21 miles apart which means there should be a curvature drop of over 200 ft, well beyond the meager 5 ft difference between the two points.