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Anonymous No. 16174227

Why are human babies so difficult to raise?
In most species, most animals grow up quickly and become adults in less than a few years.
Why does it take 2 fucking decades to turn a baby in a functional human being?
Is it because of brain size?
Is it somehow related to how large AI models take much more time to train?

Anonymous No. 16174239

In Judaism you become a man when you're 13, and girls become women when they're 12.

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Anonymous No. 16174244

>Why does it take 2 fucking decades to turn a baby in a functional human being?
It didn't use to take so long.

Anonymous No. 16174246

Head to big. Early birth required. Second part of pregnancy is external.

Anonymous No. 16174330

A decade is still too long

Anonymous No. 16174350

Funny, I read pretty much the same thing a little earlier in Pliny the Elder.

>SUCH then is the present state of the world, and of the countries, nations, more remarkable seas, islands, and cities which it contains.1 The nature of the animated beings which exist upon it, is hardly in any degree less worthy of our contemplation than its other features; if, indeed, the human mind is able to embrace the whole of so diversified a subject. Our first attention is justly due to Man, for whose sake all other things appear to have been produced by Nature; though, on the other hand, with so great and so severe penalties for the enjoyment of her bounteous gifts, that it is far from easy to determine, whether she has proved to him a kind parent, or a merciless step-mother.
>In the first place, she obliges him alone, of all animated beings, to clothe himself with the spoils of the others; while, to all the rest, she has given various kinds of coverings, such as shells, crusts, spines, hides, furs, bristles, hair, down, feathers, scales, and fleeces.2 The very trunks of the trees even, she has protected against the effects of heat and cold by a bark, which is, in some cases, twofold.3 Man alone, at the very moment of his birth cast naked upon the laked earth,4 does she abandon to cries, to lamentations, and, a thing that is the case with no other animal whatever, to tears: this, too, from the very moment that he enters upon existence.5


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Anonymous No. 16174355

It takes two decades to turn a human in to a 'functional member of society' because that requires the snuffing out of biological imperatives in favor of submission. Other animals don't have to be content while sitting behind a desk optimizing resources for someone else. The natural instincts must be subverted at every stage of development to produce the desired outcome.

Anonymous No. 16174374

It's brain size and brain complexity.
The brain does not stop maturing until you're in your twenties.

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Anonymous No. 16174379

It takes two decades to train and can only work four decades in the best scenario. True humans lived 900+ years, ape hybrids rarely reach 100 and most of them are unable to work the last decades.

Anonymous No. 16175010

Its more profitable to the fewer this way to have a dumbed down consumer class who spends other people's money instead of letting kids learn trades early.

Anonymous No. 16175011

>Other animals don't have to be content while sitting behind a desk optimizing resources for someone else.
Yes they do, they are called beast of burden and their desks comes in the form of collars and harnesses.

Anonymous No. 16175013

*Meant to say from Pliny. The book is Natural History, which was the closest thing to an encyclopedia the Romans and subsequent middle age scholars had.

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Anonymous No. 16175089

>Why are human babies so difficult to raise?

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Anonymous No. 16175093

Yes, beasts of burden are slaves, basically. So humans are born to slave for one another, likewise. Wow, totally worthy of existing. /s

Anonymous No. 16175096

>boohoo if I have to be a slave to myself, I might as well be a sexy slave girl who has to constantly bitch about everything

Anonymous No. 16175103

>I might as well be a sexy slave girl
Live your life as you wish, person. Good luck with everything.

Anonymous No. 16175105

How surprising that you actively endorse your own subtext. Let all the luck be with you, annoying "sexy" slave lady.

Anonymous No. 16175118

Unironically why would anyone want to have kids? People here say it’s important to continue your lineage, but why?

Anonymous No. 16175120

So that intelligent life continues to exist in the universe. However, if you're sub 98 IQ I don't think your genes should survive to the next generation.

Anonymous No. 16175125

Intelligence isn't heritable, most "geniuses" have retarded children.

Anonymous No. 16175126

butterfly detected

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Anonymous No. 16175255

>Why are human babies so difficult to raise?
It's just god working in mysterious ways. kek

Doann_Goddess No. 16175271

It may be physically funktional, but not psychologically

Anonymous No. 16175447

we keep young people in a state of prolonged adolescence because older generations want less competition for jobs and housing

Anonymous No. 16175451

>intelligent life
>the human race

Anonymous No. 16175495

because we are extremely complex and need a lot of information to become adults
most mammals just need to know to avoid danger and how to find water

Anonymous No. 16175500

>2 fucking decades
lolwut? Wipe their asses for 5 years, pack their lunches for another 10 then throw them an allowance now and then until they leave. How tf is that hard?

Anonymous No. 16176645

I wonder what this looks like

[math] sum_(i=1)^n i^3=((n(n+1))/2)^2 [/math]