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Anonymous No. 16174359

Why aren't metaphysics considered scientific on /sci/? Physicalism is a dead end.

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Anonymous No. 16174364

Philosoplebs have been cucked out of their own field by mathematicians and physicists. You need to know at least formal logic, quantum mechanics, relativity, stochastic processes, game theory, theory of computation, information theory etc etc before talking about metaphysics. If your idea of metaphysics relies on a computable, deterministic universe with local hidden variables in absolute time then it is simply factually wrong. Philosoplebs are not even aware anymore of all the established facts and proven theorems contradicting their bullshit.

Barkon No. 16174375

And this is a mental slave and or slaver posting is military enforced propaganda which he profits off socially and financially

Anonymous No. 16174383

They are. The Theory of Relativity is accepted despite never being proven.

Anonymous No. 16174449

>The Theory of Relativity
Which theory of relativity? The general one or the other?

Anonymous No. 16174455

Physicalism is a metaphysic and it is the one held by most philosophers and almost all scientists

Anonymous No. 16174526

>Physicalism is a metaphysic
In English, doc.
>held by most philosophers and almost all scientists
This doesn't say anything. All I'll say is physics is metaphysics, but metaphysics is not physics.

Anonymous No. 16174537

My English was perfect, you just have reading problems

Anonymous No. 16174538

metaphysics aren't considered science because you can't use scientific method to answer metaphysical questions.
it's called "meta" (aka "after") physics for a reason.

Anonymous No. 16174544

ESL detected

Anonymous No. 16174555

Do you ever wonder what makes the scientific method itself possible? That's what metaphysics are all about.

Anonymous No. 16174561

It's called Metaphysics because Aristotle wrote some books after his Physics book and his students didn't know what to call these books

Anonymous No. 16174564

the scientific method accept a certain metaphysical view as an axiom and try to answer questions from there. it doesn't and it cannot answer metaphysical questions.
only philosophy tries to (but failed to) answer metaphysical questions.

Anonymous No. 16174565

>it's called "meta" (aka "after") physics for a reason

Anonymous No. 16174570

laugh all you want retards.
solve physics completely before attempting harder problem morons.

Anonymous No. 16174577


Anonymous No. 16174579

You are even more ignorant than the pleb you're replying to.

Anonymous No. 16174591

tell me then, cattle brain. show me my ignorance. don't insult and run away like the little maggot you are.

Anonymous No. 16174788

Cuz >>>/his/ exists.

bodhi No. 16174812

this board is the lowest of the low plebians, they dont know anything outside 101/102 level undergrad textbooks and they barely understand any of that

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Anonymous No. 16174816

I have six books of euclid written in my own manuscript, I have proven myself and am absolved of your charge

bodhi No. 16174824

I said the "board" not everyone on it. If it was completely hopeless and filled with nothing but fools I wouldnt be here (most likely. I do enjoy trolling morons though. it is one of the simple pleasures)

Anonymous No. 16174826

Can you mathematically explain that with set theory