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Anonymous No. 16174631

Is biology (not biophysics or biochemistry) a real science? Just seems like it categorizes and names things.

Anonymous No. 16174787

What biology doesn't ultimately involve biophysics or biochemistry? You mean taxonomy? (Which is admittedly kinda soft, but still ultimately involves both.)

Anonymous No. 16174937

>biology (not biophysics or biochemistry)

what the fuck is this supossed to mean?

Anonymous No. 16174957

You could say that of any field that doesn't involve some form of calculation, including much of chemistry. I have been wondering recently why is it that biology and chemistry seem to attract so many women while physics is the exact opposite (even math attracts more women than physics).

Anonymous No. 16175525

Why are americans so obsessed with blacks, that isn't healthy

Anonymous No. 16175546

Yes it is unfortunately a real science. It enables many low IQ retards to hold that title

Anonymous No. 16175548

it's still above psychology in term of being a real science. cheer up!