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Anonymous No. 16174716

>2000 + 24!
>still biologically mortal

Its not happening is it? None of us living today will be living to see his 200th birthday

Anonymous No. 16174735

life expectancy in many first world countries ironically went down.
we have peaked.

Anonymous No. 16174967

needs more financial backing for faster research

Anonymous No. 16174991

There are almost certainly life extension products available , that are not public, i wouldnt expect them to ever hit general availability as the social consequences would be severe , maybe even catastrophic

Anonymous No. 16175077


Anonymous No. 16175109

Why would you, seems torturous

Anonymous No. 16175155


this was published in 2012, up to 24% increase in lifespan in mice, its a pretty simple modification. I find it hard to believe that nobody is selling this and other such products off the books.

Anonymous No. 16175169

Not only that. We are’t getting anything. Look around you. This is the best technology gets, this is the best society gets, this is the best life gets.

Anonymous No. 16175186

>muh elites
Yeah, yeah whatever.
See you faggots on O'neill cylinder 543 in 300 years.

Cult of Passion No. 16175227

Im over 300, Ive said asuch for years, Ive got the credentials and citations to back it up.

Idk...maybe immortality isnt for unserious creations....

Anonymous No. 16175277

> I am such an important person that I have to be eternal.
Stupid narcissist bitch lmao

Anonymous No. 16175291

That's a large number

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Anonymous No. 16175314


Anonymous No. 16175416

Longevity research? Sorry, bigot, Mbungo needs his food aid.

Anonymous No. 16175420

And yet, if biological immortality was possible you would be first in line. Curious :)

Anonymous No. 16175428

the way immortality will happen is that your life expectancy will keep increasing faster than you age till you live forever
it's probably gonna be a few more generations before we reach that point

Anonymous No. 16175561

If you’re not a narcissist than prove it by killing your self

Anonymous No. 16175562

>it's probably gonna be a few more generations before we reach that poin

So close yet so far

Anonymous No. 16175571

We're already very close to life extension tech. We can do it with animals now which means we can do it with people in 20 odd years

Anonymous No. 16175585

Why 20 years if we're "close"?

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Anonymous No. 16175649

1. Create a genetic clone of the patient in utero
2. Down regulate the HOX-genes that start head segement development (no head = it’s not a living being that can suffer which means no ethics problems)
3. Birth headless clone, keep it alive with hormones and IV nutrients
4. Transplant patient head onto headless clone OR take vital organs as needed
5. Voila biological immortality if brain repair/rejuvenation is also fixed.

Not to mention the giant industry this will spawn, and the money governments will save if people can work for longer.

Anonymous No. 16175753

Imagine being around in the 60s and living until today. All the things that were promised and we've got... the le internet. Fucking nothing has changed.

Anonymous No. 16176040

You mean everyone's gotta box in their pocket that links them to pretty much all the knowledge of mankind, allows them to instantly communicate and share visuals with anyone in the world, take pictures and record video at a higher resolution than the most advanced giant cameras and film machines of the 1960's, and has more computational power than all the computers in all the world of the 1960's combined?

That "le internet"?

Granted, all we use it for is cat videos and porn, so as you were.

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Anonymous No. 16176084


Anonymous No. 16176099

Who will perform 6+ billion surgeries every 100 years?

Anonymous No. 16176112

Whoever gets paid? This would be such an insanely huge market, every single human alive would want a piece and would save money to get some.

Anonymous No. 16176113

50% of the workforce will work in medicine and healthcare.

Anonymous No. 16176459

creating such a monstrosity is still a huge ethical problem and gigantic resource drain, though it may beat other ways of treating disease.

imo prevention and letting people die is way cheaper and that's why we, in the year of our lord 2024 still do it.

Anonymous No. 16176821

>Ethical issue
Why? It causes no suffering.
>But it’s LE icky!

>Resource drain
No? It’d be a massive industry. Pay privately, live longer and live to pay taxes another day. The economic incentives are very good here.

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Duttons dysgenic ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16176939


Anonymous No. 16176966

>still a huge ethical problem
how so?
>gigantic resource drain
That's why this hypothetical procedure, along with the rest of healthcare should all be privatized, if that's how someone chooses to spend their money it's not waste.

Anonymous No. 16176968

Your doctors are literally not smart enough. It's a species-wide problem too, which is why you have retards discussing conspiracy theories in this thread but we've been losing the "war on cancer" longer than any of them have been alive.

Anonymous No. 16177133


> The techies may answer that even if almost all biological species are eliminated eventually, many species survive for thousands or millions of years, so maybe techies too can survive for thousands or millions of years. But when large, rapid changes occur in the environment of biological species, both the rate of appearance of new species and the rate of extinction of existing species are greatly increased.[22] Technological progress constantly accelerates, and techies like Ray Kurzweil insist that it will soon become virtually explosive;[23] consequently, changes come more and more rapidly, everything happens faster and faster, competition among self-propagating systems becomes more and more intense, and as the process gathers speed the losers in the struggle for survival will be eliminated ever more quickly. So, on the basis of the techies' own beliefs about the exponential acceleration of technological development, it's safe to say that the life-expectancies of human-derived entities, such as man-machine hybrids and human minds uploaded into machines, will actually be quite short. The seven-hundred year or thousand-year life-span to which some techies aspire[24] is nothing but a pipe-dream.

Anonymous No. 16177269

>till you live forever
Do you and other IFLS soijaks even realize it's mathematically completely impossible to live forever?
That statement is equivalent to the statement "In a billion years, I will never, not once, suffer a fatal accident", which is completely mental.

Anonymous No. 16177945

Ray Kurzweil is a delusional boomer trying to cope with his impending death