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🗑️ 🧵 Why STEM?

Anonymous No. 16174875

Why did you choose to study a STEM subject?
From a financial point of view, it makes no sense unless you study cs (hated by the pretentious nerds of this board) and live in the US, otherwise you'll make as much as finance/econ grads if you studied that or any engineering degree.
You are wasting the best years of your life grinding assignment after assignment while your hairline keeps receding due to stress, meanwhile other college students are living the moment.
You think you'll make great contributions to humanity, but then realize that as an engineer you'll work a boring office excel job, and as a hard science grad you'll need a PhD and then deal with the bureocratic hell that is publishing.
Personally, as someone who excelled in math at school, considered studying finance but then decided for cs in hopes that one day I'd be able to leave this shithole and move to a better country

Anonymous No. 16174884

>irrelevant time wasting question
>lust provoking image

Anonymous No. 16174892

STEM will not get you a girlfriend
There are no girls in STEM you can get.
STEM Stacy's are there to prove a point about gender. She has no interest in the course material and dates only humanities or business Chads.
Girls in STEM for legitimate interest are rare but are still only banging non-STEM Chads.
Even when you graduate and earn a respectable income you might get a used up Stacy who just wants money.

Anonymous No. 16174901

>ashamed of answering the question

Anonymous No. 16174903

1) Job Security. Once you know enough it makes getting rid of you extremely painful. Business and finance guys are the first ones to go when layoffs happen
2) self employment opportunities. My laptop is my only business expense

3) engineering is easy. If you’re poop socking to “grind assignments” you fucked up somehow

4) Econ/finance is soul crushing and limited in geographic locations. I can get dropped into virtually any city in the US and get an engineering job.

Anonymous No. 16174907

Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD who came to earth and died for the world, so that may have eternal life. Three days later GOD rose Jesus Christ from the dead. He promised that whosever believes in Him, He promised them eternal, when the ask Him for it.

Anonymous No. 16174915

3rd world shitskin mentality: You can't study something just because you enjoy it. It has to make you to earn a lot of money with as little effort as possible. I feel sorry for the people who fell for the CS meme. It should be a nightmare to be around this type of people whose sole purpose in their life is getting a 6 figures job in faang.

Anonymous No. 16174926

That's literally the same thing humanities majors say and STEMcels shit on them kek

Anonymous No. 16174927

Stemistas can also leave their countries and go to where work is. It makes sense in capitalism to go where the capital is. Its a global trend too, to leave villages to go to the big city.
Likely caused by the same economic force that encourages the formation of regional industrial hubs. Its not only the CSs that migrate. Who can actually stay in his hometown and work in his field except common laborers? Any specialist will where the customers are, and customers will also go to where the specialists are, so everything concentrates
For CS that would be California

Anonymous No. 16174928

>You can't study something just because you enjoy it.
Nobody enjoys studying, or working. It can give you some satisfaction sometimes, but no one likes it in general

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Anonymous No. 16174931

What is it anon?

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Anonymous No. 16174978

>while your hairline keeps receding due to stress
speak for yourself
>while other college students are living the moment
I never understood this argument. Yes, the classes I took were more difficult and it took more time to do the work for them, but I still had time to go to lift weights in the morning, hang out with my friends after class, and fuck the redhead with the big ass that invited me to her parties on saturdays.
> I'd be able to leave this shithole and move to a better country
Fuck off pajeet, we're full.

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Anonymous No. 16175097

>Why did you choose to study a STEM subject?
Because ever since I was a little boy I was curious and fascinated about the cosmos and existence. I am obsessed with comprehending the natural world.

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Anonymous No. 16175100


Anonymous No. 16175279

Lmao even if you didn't mention that you're a third world parasite trying to infect a first world country, it was so obvious that shit smelling brown hands typed that post. Even the picrel is a cherry on top kek.

Anonymous No. 16175324

If you're getting filtered by university assignments to the point of not being able to enjoy your life you are a midwit and should just drop out as you have no future.

I did my degree because it was fun. I got a good job because I did well and am not socially inept.

Life is easy when you are not a midwit in STEM.

Anonymous No. 16175331

>Nobody enjoys studying
Thats not true, a lot of people are serial studiers. I know people who have many degrees just because they enjoy studying shit.

Institutions like the OU here in the UK are filled with adult learners who are doing degrees just for the fun of it.

Personally I have 2 undergrad degrees (BSc in Physics and LLB in Law), and a masters (MSc in MechEng).

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Anonymous No. 16175354

>Why did you choose to study a STEM subject?
Because i find it interesting and enjoy spending my time with research.
>From a financial point of view
I don't care about money. If i make enough to provide a good life for my family, i'm content. Which i do, and am.
>You are wasting the best years of your life grinding assignment after assignment
Is that what you think a STEM degree is? I spent most my uni years in a wetlab. I met my now wife in a lab practical. I made good friends with shared interests in these classes. I spent my uni years doing cool projects, fucking my girlfriend, and playing DnD with my friends. No possible life could be more cozy.
>other college students are living the moment.
And 5 years later, i have savings and a kid and a nice flat and i'm buying a house with a huge yard next year. Meanwhile the people who were living in the moment are grinding for a career in some corporation.
>You think you'll make great contributions to humanity,
I don't expect to be great, that's not why i do this. That's not why most scientists do science. We do it because we enjoy it. That being said, i have developped several diagnostic and forensic methods that are becoming commonplace in hospotals and forensic analysis labs. I'm quite proud of my contributions.
>you'll need a PhD and then deal with the bureocratic hell that is publishing
People talk mad shit about publishing, but it's not that big of a deal. It's stresfull i guess, but not any more stressfull than any corporate work.
>Personally, as someone who excelled in math at school, considered studying finance but then decided for cs
Good for you buddy, CS is actually quite interesting. You do sound bitter though, hope you get over your insecurities about your major.
>in hopes that one day I'd be able to leave this shithole and move to a better country
That shouldn't be too hard. Just get a job in the country, and build up some savings beforehand to make the move less stressfull.

Anonymous No. 16175357

>has no counter arguments
>just insults
great opinion from an intellectual.

Anonymous No. 16175380

I was a loser and it was the only way I could feel speshul. I can "do" STEM while most people can't! Wow! What a great feeling! And I was good at it. Oh man, it feels so great being on top of some underclass that cannot "handle" STEM. Lol!

Anonymous No. 16175401

I like STEM fields. I can easily afford to study whatever I want.

Anonymous No. 16175503

both pajeets

Anonymous No. 16175542

Whoa that heater has some stylings on it

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Anonymous No. 16175559

I enjoy it. Couldn't decide between physics, chemistry, math, electrical engineering, CS, or even what university I wanted to stay at. I spent 7 years transferring through 4 different universities in the US until I finally obtained a bachelors in math. Kinda lame since I was only a few credits away from getting a bachelors in everything else, but at least those last 90 credits were near entirely in math and I ended up taking everything the university had to offer there. School is pretty easy, I'm not sure who is losing hair over studying undergraduate content, nothing is even happening until you're doing research I think.
Probably going to NEET it up now unless a job really calls to me. No one really cares about guys with degrees in math and I'm too low IQ for higher up stuff. Maybe take up piano, been learning music theory. Can't tell notes apart aurally, but the entire music theory system seems incredibly simple.
Everything I've learned is mainly for hobbies. Machining parts for my car, 3D printing crap to make life easier for me, that kind of thing.

Anonymous No. 16175567

>Why did you choose to study a STEM subject?
Because it's something I enjoy doing enough to do it every day.

>From a financial point of view, it makes no sense
Certainly there are careers that will earn more, but this one earns well enough for me and is something I actually enjoy doing.

>You are wasting the best years of your life grinding assignment after assignment while your hairline keeps receding due to stress
Sounds like a skill issue.

Anonymous No. 16175679

>know people who have many degrees just because they enjoy studying shit.
these people are just afraid of working and want to be teenagers forever.

Anonymous No. 16175699

I'm an engineer that means I solve problems.