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🧵 Nuclear?

Anonymous No. 16174975

I’m thinking of pursuing a career in nuclear engineering as an electrical engineer. I’m worried that nuclear won’t ever take off given the regulations that severely inhibit it; but I believe it’s the best way to replace fossil fuels. Am I cucking myself by not going into something like renewable energy systems or smart grid instead?

Anonymous No. 16174981

Nuclear's not going anywhere, and if anything I anticipate that qualified nuclear engineers will be in even more demand in the future: Countries currently axing their nuclear power and even a lot of their education programs for nuclear engineering are going to be bit in the ass another five or ten years down the line when our politicians finally figure out that you can't power an 21st century technological society on fucking windmills.

Anonymous No. 16174992

That was my reasoning as well. I currently work for a consulting firm which specializes in interconnecting PV, wind turbines, battery storage, etc. I’ve learned a few things about our current power Infrastructure and I’m not convinced we’re going to be running on a bunch of volatile generators. But I’m not worried given the current political sentiment on nuclear power generation. I don’t want to finish my master’s and be fucked because I specialized in an area with no future.

Anonymous No. 16174994

*Correction, I AM worried about the current political climate on nuclear power generation

Anonymous No. 16175052

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

Anonymous No. 16175094

Be prepared for it to be really, really boring