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๐Ÿงต Lev Landau

Anonymous No. 16175012

Are people from Azerbaijan typically high IQ, or was he just a rare exception?

Anonymous No. 16175055

Soviet education uplifted millions and created a generation of genuises even in shitholes like Azerbaijan and Romania.
The triumph of capitalism over communism is the greatest tragedy in human history.

Anonymous No. 16175063

Perhaps the real communism was all of the good textbooks that we met along the way?

Anonymous No. 16175130

Haha, with the US being the scientific powerhouse of the world the irony just oozes from your post

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bad schools.png

Anonymous No. 16175142

American education is only good at concentrated elite institutions. In general, students are either intentionally dumbed down into being good goy-cattle consumers or are literal sub 80 IQ retards in capable of grasping basic mathematics.

Anonymous No. 16175175

US is only good at importing talent and geniuses because it is the center of global economy, crazy fool

Anonymous No. 16175176

lmao Azerbaijanis are nearly as dumb as Kyrgyzstanis

Anonymous No. 16175179

Hmm, I wonder what was different about this one?

Anonymous No. 16175693

soviet education was mostly wasted, i have seen what russians study in high school, it is impressive, and all for nothing. Its as if they are forced to waste their lives in pointless activities

Anonymous No. 16175694

Why you think it's wasted? it gottem to space.

Anonymous No. 16175695

I'm not much of a tankie but the USSR definitely had pretty incredible math and physics education given their much more limited resources.

Yes, the US ultimately won out, but at a much higher cost and with a much less rigorous approach to many STEM topics.

Anonymous No. 16175777

>Niggers are stupid
Woah!? No way??!

Anonymous No. 16175789

You dont need to force an entire population to study topology to get to space, and space is on its own a waste. Bottom line: Russia is poor despite having smart and educated people and resources. Because everything gets wasted. People study shit they cant use for anything in practice, it just makes them spend time at school with nothing real to show for it

Anonymous No. 16175795

>people from Azerbaijan
he was probably an ashkenazi jew

Anonymous No. 16175830

You think Americans have lower standards for educations is what makes them richer?

Anonymous No. 16175839

It is a more efficient use of time to just go to work and not go to school if you are just going to be a laborer. I dont think thats the reason for why america is richer, since americans are also forced to finish high school. Its a waste of time to study hard and also a waste of time to do whatever it is americans do in their teen nigger pens.
But at least some americans get to use what they study, while russians do not. And thats just one type of waste in russian society, everything in russia gets wasted. For instance russian women get pregnant to get abortions, marry to divorce, their whole life is just doing pointless things before they die

Anonymous No. 16175868

>from Azerbaijan

Anonymous No. 16175896

>Landau was born on 22 January 1908 to Jewish parents to cope?

Anonymous No. 16175899

No, and that guy was Jewish. Ashekanzi Jews have an average IQ of about ~108 (relative to European 100, and world average of about 85).

Anonymous No. 16175904

>Are people from Azerbaijan
typically no
the Azerbaijanis itt are double anarchic in a sense

Anonymous No. 16175915

>Are people from Azerbaijan typically high IQ, or was he just a rare exception?
Lol, no. You could raise a Jew in Somalia and he still probably be more intelligent than your average Goy.

Anonymous No. 16175936

How are they sooo good at physics? Does spinning the dreidel stimulate the mind in ways we're not aware?

Anonymous No. 16175939

So you're saying if a pig is born in a stable it doesn't become a horse?

Anonymous No. 16175956

he wasn't azerbaijani
like, not even an azerbaijani jew whose family had been there for generations, his parents came from belarus