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Anonymous No. 16175091

I was thinking earlier, and how come there's absolutely no attempt or research on using biological metamorphosis as a medical tool?
Now, I'm not saying it's a simple matter, but think with me here. If we understood all the genes and metabolic pathways involved in the process we could, arguably, use it as a medical tool. That's a monumental task, mind you, but I have never seen anyone talking about it.
Since other animals are capable of it naturally, there's no reason we wouldn't be able to induce it in an artificial manner. Hell, amphibians don't even go through the pupa stage, and they suffer a complete change to their morphology. Can you imagine the applications?
So why the hell no one ever talks about this?

Anonymous No. 16176385

The human form is already perfect and doesn’t require metamorphosis. The real money is in taking limb regeneration genes from amphibians and lizards, and bioluminescence to create rave babies.

Anonymous No. 16177414

some native american (among other) practices can mimic
sweat lodges and fasting come to mind

Anonymous No. 16178083

Its not going to be of much use in humans

Anonymous No. 16178144

>Can you imagine the applications?
No, I cannot. As animals whom do not metamorphose ourselves, explain exactly what you are imagining possible, please.

Anonymous No. 16178261

In metamorphosis, the original body dies inside the cocoon, and is nutrients for the second being such as the butterfly. So to cure someone by metamorphosis, you essentially have to murder them first.

Anonymous No. 16179104

Not necessarily. Amphibians, for example, go through the process without a cocoon, which is the road we should explore.

Even if we don't do crazy shit like "I want a new pair of arms" or whatever, it could be a powerful tool to fix malformations and damaged organs or tissue. Not to mention the plastic surgery industry would go through a complete revolution. Dominating this tech, coupled with gene therapies, would mean people can choose to look however they want, regardless of getting it bad in the genetic lotery, gestation issues, mutilating accidents or deforming diseases.
If you want to go the crazy shit route, everything would be reversible too. You can get a new pair of arms, and then lose them after a few months, etc etc

Anonymous No. 16179117

It's basically the magic pill to fix injuries of any kind, even after they have closed. Which is why I'm surprised we don't even see this kind of thing on sci-fi franchises to heal a character that had a severe burn, lost an arm or anything in between.

Anonymous No. 16179174

> we don't even see this kind of thing on sci-fi
We'll if you're a writer you have the opportunity to give it a try.

Anonymous No. 16180119

Would it even be all that practical, if possible at all?

Anonymous No. 16180619


Anonymous No. 16180833

Well, it's hard to know with certainty. But seeing as there are vertebrates that go through the very process naturally, I don't see why we couldn't eventually replicate it in other species in an artificial manner.
Of course, it's no simple matter, but I anticipate it being possible eventually.