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Anonymous No. 16175180

>potential energy
Yeah no... this is actual bullshit

Anonymous No. 16175184

>filtered by high school physics
potential energy is just the energy that an object could potentially have. For example I could drop a bowling ball from the roof of my building, so a bowling ball has at least that much potential energy

Anonymous No. 16175187

There is no unambiguous way to define it; the only thing that we can agree on is the change in potential energy from one moment in time to some later moment in time

Anonymous No. 16175190

> potential energy is just the energy that an object could potentially have
So, your example is a good starter to build some intuition on gravitational potential energy but your beginning statement is wrong.. like it's really stupid I laughed reading it

Anonymous No. 16175193

>dude, le energy builds up from like... arbitrary proximity to gravitational bodies!

Anonymous No. 16175196

I want to add that PE is, at least what is considered in classical mechanics, the energy associated with the distance between objects that attract/repel via a force that also depends that distance

Anonymous No. 16175198

>change distance between objects
>magical force magically transmits magical energy

Anonymous No. 16175202

PE is just time travel

Anonymous No. 16175203

incorrect, by moving the objects apart, you are storing energy, by allowing them to move themselves toward eachother it is simply releasing that energy, this is not unlike winding the spring in a mechanical clock.

Anonymous No. 16175204

So you're just creating energy out of nothing?

Anonymous No. 16175208

the energy required to love them apart is equal to the energy released when they return , no energy is created or destroy

Anonymous No. 16175261

But if space keeps expanding, the potential energy they are gaining keeps increasing out of blue.

Anonymous No. 16175267

that expansion doesnt overcome gravity on a local scale , so it is irrelevant to this example.

Anonymous No. 16175276

it's because it doesn't have sound foundations.

Anonymous No. 16175280

The concept of energy as a whole is difficult to define concretely, it just works.

Anonymous No. 16175288

Energy is not conserved in expanding space.
Expansion of space even "destroys" energy through redshifting light

Anonymous No. 16175335

Is there another place energy isn't conserved?
Could you harness energy from the expansion of space?

Anonymous No. 16175371

Imagine struggling with concepts like spacetime curvature.

Anonymous No. 16175432


Anonymous No. 16175440

Congratulations anon, you've broken the matrix.
The big energy is just using "potential" energy to hide the fact that energy is not conserved, and could in fact be created out of ether.
I would love to tell you more about the people behind this whole conservation of energy bull shit, but too bad we are on a blue board.

Anonymous No. 16175954

The important part is the "conservation" one: you have a number of measures and their sum is always conserved. This is what allows you to build things that work, or to get a Nobel prize if you can prove that the law is sometimes broken.
The names for the various parts that make up the sum make no sense at all and are mostly due to historical superstitions and misunderstandings.
Welcome to science.

Anonymous No. 16177019


Anonymous No. 16177076

He's perfectly correct, potential energy is defined by an object's position in a force field and says how much kinetic energy it could *potentially* gain by that. One cannot measure potential energy itself.
It's something like "overall effort to change motion"; or what's conserved because physical laws don't change with time. Otherwise things would just start/stop moving for no reason because it's later.

Anonymous No. 16177090

I think PE understanding is actually a racial issue

Anonymous No. 16177162

Like all human understanding energy is merely a model. A good one. People understood momentum m•v for a long time but soon figured out it alone can not explain the behaviour of bodies alone. They would first believe they were looking at a property intrinsic to the object that changed how momentum affects the object. But soon they figured it out, 1/2 • m • v2 , is equal for two bodies that can do the same amount of work. In retrospect its not too surprising, since d/dv • 1/2 • m • v2 would be m • v .

MerLynn No. 16177618

>>potential energy

this INHERENT Energy in all matter is the SOURCE of Electricity

Anonymous No. 16177924

>Expansion of space even "destroys" energy through redshifting light
No it doesn't, it just increases the time it takes for the em wave to travel resulting in lower energy transmission per unit of time, which causes the wavelength to appear longer even if it really isn't, all electromagnetic waves have the exact same energy, the only difference is whether that energy is delivered in quick, compact, high energy packets like gamma rays or slow, dilated, low energy packets like radiowaves