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🗑️ 🧵 Scientifically speaking

Anonymous No. 16175417

Can you die from a knee on your neck/shoulder? It seems like the police actually do this quite a lot, and people don’t normally die from it.

Anonymous No. 16175421

>Can you die from a knee on your neck/shoulder?
It seems highly likely since evolution put them as far from the shoulder as possible.

Anonymous No. 16175425

yes you can, easily too
and the dumb argument that people use "HE HAD FENTANYL IN HIS SYSTESM THATS WHY HE DIED"
i don't care, i am on blood thinners
if someone stabs me i will die, does that mean it's my fucking fault?

Anonymous No. 16175442

If what the police did was just the standard protocol then neither is that his fault, chill mate.

Anonymous No. 16175454

People have survived the most unlikely incidents. Meanwhile others have died in the most unlikely fashion. Its a normal distribution, tallied up. While most people die from threats with average danger to life a few die from the most unsuspecting events and few die from events that one can hardly imagine anything survives because those are rare.
It can lead to interesting legal battles, I remember one where the defendant was defending against murder or manslaughter charges. The defendant punched the victim, the victim went down, smacked his head et voila.

Anonymous No. 16175487

standard protocol would be to call an ambulance the moment someone passes out and not crush his neck to death

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Anonymous No. 16175930

Anonymous No. 16175942

threadly reminder that st. floyd was shown on camera literally saying that he couldn't breathe while sitting alone in the back seat of the cop car with not a single hand or knee on him

Anonymous No. 16175967

Fuck off bitch. That coon wasn't an innocent little girl. That jiggaboo was evil, a drug fiend like all those porch monkeys. Watch the security cameras, that jungle bunny was high as hell.

Anonymous No. 16175977

I didn't realize standard protocol was to knee on the neck for 7 minutes after he passed out, after EMS checks he has no pulse/tells you to get off his corpse
Even if it was fentanyl, cops are supposed to issue narcan, not sit on them until the drug kills them lmao

Anonymous No. 16175993

At worst it should have been a manslaughter conviction, if that. The jury was terrified of what would happen to their homes and what would happen across the country if they didn't return a guilty verdict. It was a gross miscarriage of justice. I thought lawyer Nelson did a bang-up job.

Anonymous No. 16176001

>"I can't breath" is heard from inside the cop car
Yep that knee sure did it.

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Anonymous No. 16176839

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floyd chauvin oxy....jpg

Anonymous No. 16176876

>Chauvin demonstrates full awareness of what he's doing to Floyd
>still doesn't let up until minutes after Floyd is dead

Anonymous No. 16176964

>”Can you breathe?”
>”Oh. You can breathe then.”
This isn’t rocket science, it’s actually taught on day 1 of any kind of first aid training. The Chauvin case is impossible to discuss without first clearing out simple misconceptions. Big Floyd’s breathing was not physically cut off.

Anonymous No. 16177348

are you retarded? not that anon but i almost died once from a pulmonary elmbolism and i couldn't breathe
but i was still able to fucking talk for a few minutes before passing out
holy shit you are a retard

Anonymous No. 16177748

>i couldn't breathe but i was still able to fucking talk for a few minutes
no that doesn’t make any sense, and I 90% think you are lying. in the 10% event that you actually believe this nonsense, let me remind you that Big Floyd did not have any rare health problem like Embolism, he was strangled through the back of his shoulder by a routine wrestling move that police use all the time on perps like him

Anonymous No. 16177759

>Can you die from a knee on your neck/shoulder?
Yes, but you have to first take a lethal overdose of fentanyl, and you have to be black, and the knee has to be white.

Anonymous No. 16177763

>Any time a criminal says they can't breathe, the police should just have to let them go.

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Anonymous No. 16177770

>Can you die from a knee on your neck/shoulder?

People need to use their bodies more. This sort of shit is the direct product of terminally online retards that don't even understand the basics of how they're alive. If only your parents signed you up for martial arts.

Anonynous No. 16177773

Better a guilty man walk free than an innocent man die before he has the chance to go to fucking court, dipshit.

Anonymous No. 16177775

>I want to rape women and get away with it.
If Floyd wasn't a fucking worthless drug addict thief, he would still be alive. Nothing of value was lost.

Anonymous No. 16177833

damn, if only there were a way for 4 men to restrain one man without kneeling on his neck... I guess that's too bad

Anonymous No. 16177837

you’re off script. the courts are racist, remember?

Anonymous No. 16177948

>Can you
of course, the vid is proof. The only reason he was caught is because it was all on video, and the video was released to the public. The only time cops are responsible for your safety is when you are detained by them. Floyed was cuffed and face down and Chauvin kept his knee on his neck and repositioned his knee several times to keep his knee in a particular place on his neck even after Floyed stopped breathing, and failed to check on him, therefore he is guilty even if there were other contributing factors.

Anonymous No. 16177968

scientifically speaking is it a good idea to restrict the breathing of someone who says he can't breathe?

Anonymous No. 16178191

the question is not whether Big Floyd died with a knee on his neck area. the question is whether it’s even possible for a knee to kill you that way. it is hard to reason a priori about physiology, some kind of experiment or stats would help a lot here. if “is that even possible” is ever answered in the affirmative, we can continue asking questions such as: where did 4 policemen even get the idea to hold a guy this way? it seems as though they considered it a normal way of restraining someone. but if it was a normal thing, is/was it part of their official procedure then? what are the stats like on how many people die in restraint? it must be low, or else they would have stopped doing it and never considered it normal. and certainly “I can’t breathe” is self-contradicting

all this is pure a priori reasoning, which is why I would like to see experiments and stats. but the a priori reasoning seems to come down strongly on the side of the policemen. how would you answer these points?
what about an innocent policeman?

Anonymous No. 16178194

Standard protocol is to restain an indiviual who is resisting. Ambulance arrived later on site

Anonymous No. 16178495

I don't think you care about any of that, I think you are just pretending.

Anonymous No. 16178641

No, but being on a lethal dose of fentanyl could.

3 scenarios for saint Floyd of Fentanyl:
On drugs, not arrested = he lives
Not on drugs, arrested = he lives
On drugs, arrested = he dies

My bett's on the combo that took him out.
Chauvin's lawyer should of demonstrated his innocence by getting 4 blokes to sit on him for 30 mins to see if he dies.
He lives, innocent, he dies, guilty.

Anonymous No. 16178644

Get rid of cops, replace them with privately owned firearms. I can now shoot thieves to death. Happy?

Anonymous No. 16178741

Chauvin's department was taught the position that floyd was held in to be a safe one. Therefore Chauvin shouldn't be expected to believe Floyd's unresponsiveness to be caused by his position. Instead Chauvin likely thought Floyd's condition was a result of the drugs he was clearly on.

In this mindset, why should Chauvin get of Floyd? What good would it do if the position he was being held in was not the cause of his unresponsiveness?
You may suggest to render aid. If drugs are what's doing it how is an average IQ cop going to remedy that? You're grasping at straws to suggest cops should give as many fucks as would be needed to even potentially assist Floyd. If you want that sort of care, you'd never have enough police nor money to do anything.

Alternative of course is to let everyone carry guns and shoot who they want.

Anonymous No. 16178744

>the vid is proof
Quite a few people replicated the position without any injury. This disproves your proof.
Chauvin was found guilty to prevent another multi billion dollar riot by communists.

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Anonymous No. 16178755

>Can you die from a knee on your neck/shoulder?
Only when the knee grows.

Anonymous No. 16178760

>Chauvin's department was taught the position that floyd was held in to be a safe one.
Except if you look at the training manuals, it isn't the position they have been trained to use.
Clearly the poor innocent pig learned it wrong.

Only police can employ the dregs of society, because everyone worth a damn does something better.

Anonymous No. 16179299

>I hate the police
what kind of criminal activity are you involved in that makes you fear the police so terribly?
is it drugs or child pornography?

Anonymous No. 16179447

i just do not trust them and why would you?

Anonymous No. 16179473

for the final time , this hold is something that police officers are trained to do, it does not cut off enough blood supply to kill a normal person, also if a person can tell you they cant breathe, odds are their airway is not blocked,

The truth about this incident, is that mr.floyd had advanced heart disease and potentially had a lethal dose of fent in his system, along with amphetamines. this in combination with the negligence of the officer inquestion , failing to call an ambulance right away when the victim was clearly incapacitated and excessive use force, lead to the death of mr. floyd, this should be obvious to anyone who is familar with the technique used , the coroners report and the toxicology.

Anonymous No. 16179547

is that a joke? pardon me, i have Aspergers and sometimes cannot tell.

i am asking two questions. the first is whether it is possible to be killed by a knee in this position. the second is whether this knee hold is/was a recognized police procedure at that place and time. these questions are related, because if it was police procedure then it probably does not cause death very often, if at all. all 4 policemen are acting as if the knee hold is police procedure, so I suspect it probably is. from this I reason that the knee probably did not kill Big Floyd, and even if it contributed, the policemen had a good reason to expect it would not.

both of these questions and their offshoot questions should be easily resoluble with a few documents and maybe some experiments, like: in a carefully controlled setting, a subject lies down, a knee is placed upon him in various ways, and he begins to holler like Big Floyd. monitor his vital signs and abort if there is any danger. of possible, reproduce the study in disinterested lands such as China and Russia

Anonymous No. 16179801

For the final time, no it isn't.
The knee hold was performed improperly, the hold does not involve putting a knee on someone's neck, but rather their back, near the center of the shoulderblades.
Either the cops were not trained properly, too incompetent to perform the hold correctly or they did it for some other reason.
All of these options are roughly equally bad.

Anonymous No. 16179802

Why do you keep calling him "Big Floyd"?
That seems like an odd nickname to use. I wonder where you got it from.

Anonymous No. 16179817

>Why do you keep calling him "Big Floyd"? That seems like an odd nickname to use. I wonder where you got it from.
it was his preferred pronoun when guested a mixtape with DJ Screw:
i believe it was also his preferred pronoun when having sex on camera for but I have not viewed those videos, and am less confident in that claim

Anonymous No. 16179819

There's a certain amount of emotionality to this, but think about it if someone were to place their knee on your neck - for me at least it sounds quite terrifying and beyond just being vulnerable, my arteries and throat are being compressed forcefully. Would that alone be enough to kill me? obviously not, I think any reasonable person could understand that, but there's a clear crossing of a boundary into brutality here. I think that's where the discussion is truly taking place, and what was on the minds of the jury. It just gets extended into murder/manslaughter because it had to, there was no fucking way Chauvin was getting away with that, the riots would have been insane

Anonymous No. 16179823

Thank you for confirming that you are just here to signal that you don't like black people.
After all your kind are the only ones who still can about this

Anonymous No. 16179825

Technique learnt in israel

Anonymous No. 16179831

im sorry if i have offended you. my problem with is not that it features black people, but that it is pornographic in nature. i am, however, an avid fan of hip hop culture, which is how i know of the DJ Screw mixtape. again, sorry if you were joking. i have Aspergers syndrome and do not always pick up on that. not to be rude, but my original questions remain unanswered

Anonymous No. 16179832

He thought he'd get away with it and he probably would've. The Minneapolis police department aren't exactly what you'd call good guys. They are very violent and the department has received many complaints about the conduct of their employees, but hasn't taken any action to reign them in. This was known even prior to this death.
The fact that Floyd died meant someone had to take the fall to let them keep brutalizing people and it's the guy who did him in who has to take it, of course.

Anonymous No. 16179837

Is this what you think passes for comedy?

Anonymous No. 16179846

i think i see. you are not interested in engaging with ideas. actually “trolls” are venerated on this website, and I do not regret getting taken in, i can take a joke. but if you want to engage with my two basic questions from long ago, that would also be welcome. otherwise i will lurk moar and listen to some classic Screw Tapes. btw did you know those are a pun on CS Lewis?

Anonymous No. 16179905

I think it's safe to assume that is the case for pretty much every police department, just to varying degrees. It leads into an interesting conversation in my opinion, something that's extremely difficult to get into for most people so I keep my mouth shut, but - why are police officers so likely to use violence disproportionately compared to what the situation requires.
There's lots of answers here, the bog standard stuff such as them being racist or power hungry or whatever, which has a kernel of truth. There's the other side where probably every cop learns about times when their fellow officers were being too lenient and were shot or run over or whatever, making them more cautious. A higher level of caution around black people seems totally logical as they are in more potential danger when trying to apprehend a black person. Not in a way that is racist, but in a way that maybe black people are more fearful for their life and more likely to feel backed into a corner, etc, there's lots of reasons why that might be the case. There's an interesting discussion there I think but it won't happen for obvious reasons, so we just revert back to this state which neither the cops nor public are happy with violence application

Anonymous No. 16179912

It seems like the respective officer put his knee directly on the nigger’s carotid triangle , whic cut the blood supply (oxygen too ) to the brain, which induces a state of hypoxia.

Anonymous No. 16179928

From the thumbnail, I thought this was a dyke cop with big fat titties. How can science explain that?

Anonymous No. 16179935

If you can get enough air to SHOUT that you can't breathe over and over at maximum volume, it means you can breathe. If he really couldn't breathe he would have been pushing out progressively softer, wheezier words while audibly struggling to get air into his lungs.

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Anonymous No. 16179947

>but hasn't taken any action to reign them in
The phrase "rein [someone/something] in" is an analogy to the reins used to control a horse.

Anonymous No. 16180847

>very violent
Isn’t that what’s being disputed in this case?

Anonymous No. 16181581

You write like a literal women, faggot.
>it sounds scary!
Don’t care.
>there was a clear line crossed
The only clear lines here would depend on the answer to OP’s questions, namely can this move kill people, and is it something ordinary that police do.
>the riots would have been insane
This is problematic for two reasons. 1: No, the justice system should not be based on violence and intimidation. 2: ZOG could have ended the riots instead of causing them, just as they are ending the spontaneous anti-ZOG campus protests today.

Anonymous No. 16181593

george floyd was officially listed as a covid death because he died in 2020 and had respiratory symptoms
not even making this up lol

Anonymous No. 16181604

>Only police can employ the dregs of society, because everyone worth a damn does something better.
Correct. This is why we should replace police with privately owned unregulated firearms. Shoot at your discretion.

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Anonymous No. 16181832

As sad as this death was at least NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife. So this person is literally in paradise now. Indeed, NDEs are seriously irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us all because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they should not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it:

So every atheist or materialist or agnostic would be too if they had an NDE, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"I'm still trying to fit it in with this dream that I'm walking around in, in this world. The reality of the experience is undeniable. This world that we live in, this game that we play called life is almost a phantom in comparison to the reality of that."

If NDEs were hallucinations then extreme atheists and neuroscientists who had NDEs would agree that they were halluinations after having them. But the opposite happens as NDEs convince every skeptic when they have a really deep NDE themselves.

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Anonymous No. 16182048


Anonymous No. 16182530

just as interesting as the fentanyl is the norfentanyl

Anonymous No. 16182623

i had an NDE and i still have doubts about the afterlife because i have autism
why am i like this

Anonymous No. 16182652

He overdosed on fentanyl.
The cope is unreal.
All the blacks have figured this out but are embarrassed at how easily they were toyed with.

Anonymous No. 16182655

I think youve confused cause and effect here.
The drugs were already restricting his breathing and that position doesn't restrict breathing.

Funny how badly blacks seethe at having been toyes with so easily.
That's right. I believe you are black.

Anonymous No. 16183088

the fact remains that floydd was on a good deal of fent. Fentanyl kills by messing with your breathing. What did saint george die of? Fucked up breathing.

Absolute best case you could say fentanyl floyd died from a combo of being on fent while restrained.

Anonymous No. 16183096

scientifically can you assign the cause of death to the restraint alone when you've got evidence he was struggling for breath before subjected to the restraint, and that he was above the lethal does of a drug which kills by locking up your breathing muscles?

Anonymous No. 16183103

It's quite the predicament for me: on the one hand I hate niggers, but on the other I hate cops.
Truly, there could be no good outcome of this altercation.

Anonymous No. 16183214

You know what they say, the enemy of my enemy is mah nigga.