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🧵 How do you define a shadow?

Anonymous No. 16175459

>A shadow is the result of the absence of light in a certain area due to the interposition of an opaque object. Therefore, a shadow does not have a physical composition of its own, since it is not composed of matter or energy itself.
>It is important to note that a shadow has no mass or substance, since it is not composed of material particles. Furthermore, it does not have its own energy, since the light energy that generates it comes from the light source that illuminates the object.

So it is not physical? It's not real? Should we talk about "no-light" instead of shadow?

What about ideas or abstract concepts? Are those physical or real?

Anonymous No. 16175466

Meanwhile physicists will talk about "holes" as if they have a positive charge and flow like a singular positive charge.

Anonymous No. 16175569


Anonymous No. 16175581

Maybe you should try getting some holes in your life

Anonymous No. 16175640

It’s an absent existence, the same way cold is the absence of heat, or how holes are an absence of mass, or how magic is an absence of understanding, agreement, etc.

Something can definitely ‘exist’ due to a vital lack. Nuance.

Anonymous No. 16175657

so what are ideas? some sort of brain product but phisically?

Anonymous No. 16175660

This has to be the most retarded post ever made on /sci/

Anonymous No. 16175714

They’re literally your neurons firing lol. Every thought you have has a background to it.

Anonymous No. 16175752

the neurons or their processes are the producers but not the ideas themselves