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🧵 MYTH DEBUNKED: STEM doesn’t actually pay more than any other old degree

Anonymous No. 16175505

All those listicle bullshit articles that show engineering at the top and liberal arts at the bottom of the payscale?

Complete bullshit.

When proper controls are applied, namely gender, educational status, and full time work status, the value of an engineering degree over any other generic degree is a few thousand dollars a year at the median. Lmfao. A generic liberal arts degree holder that’s a dude makes just as much as a generic dude with an engineering degree. All that struggling…for nothing. Engineering also has DRAMATICALLY lower pay ceilings, so even if you start out slightly higher, all other degrees pass you up in just a handful of years while you’re capped out at your 103k Mechanical Engineering job. Lmfao.

This also fails to mention that engineering grads often take an extra semester or two to even get their degree, so they’re instantly starting in more debt and they’ve missed a year of earning.

Maybe all you super start “STEM geniuses” shouldn’t have trusted CNN articles to tell you what degrees are good and what degrees aren’t.

Anonymous No. 16175587

Not everyone studies a STEM degree for money dumb poltard.

Anonymous No. 16175607

Imagine being this butthurt because you are filtered out of stem by highschool math and physics topkek

Anonymous No. 16175670

what does it mean to apply educational status as a control here?

Anonymous No. 16176373

It means when you compare to people with the same educational background as you, instead of being a STEMcel that spent 5+ years in school and comparing your income to fast food workers and social security earning 95 year olds

Anonymous No. 16176389

It doesn't matter because I have too much ass burgers for business or polsci or whatever.
But yes definitely over saturated tho.

Anonymous No. 16176466

Honestly at the end of the day you have to love what you're working on to stay in the game. If you don't love engineering don't do it. You're never going to make the higher rates of pay. It's that simple.

Anonymous No. 16177570

imagine being this butthurt because you're being given good advice about career choices and that good advice calls into question your infantile "but muh soience is more fun" attitude.