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🧵 Does early access to digital media actually make kids stupid?

Anonymous No. 16175516

> Have a group of friends, all with kids 3-5 years old
> One of them does not allow access to any digital media. The kids just have books, arts/crafts at home, and go to daycare without access to a TV.
> Family is constantly made fun of for being the weird ones.
> These kids are basically little geniuses. Speaking well above their age level, writing, and starting to read by themselves. Cognitively much more advanced than their peers and it's obvious as fuck.
> Everyone else let their babies and toddlers watch shit like Cocomelon and Blippi on YouTube all day. Access to iPads since birth. Never went to daycare or Pre-K, just stayed at home while moms fucked around on social media all day.
> Their kids are all basically retarded. One cannot talk at 5 years old. One of them just screeches at people and can't sit still. Another one just stands there and shits in his pants whenever he wants. One is in kindergarten and cannot count to 10. Parents about to pull her out and homeschool because they don't "trust the system"
> What the hell is going on? I was raised on TV and always made fun of parents who were anti-tech, but this is making me reconsider all that.
> Are modern parents just lazier and stupider than previous generations, or has tech gotten more dangerous for little minds?

Anonymous No. 16175524

Google it, retard

Anonymous No. 16175535

Bunch of bullshit Reddit threads from moms who defend it and just say their kid is behind, and some obscure academic studies that are still debated. Retard.

Anonymous No. 16175578

>Another one just stands there and shits in his pants whenever he wants.
omg he's literally me

Anonymous No. 16175590

Yes, just look at the zoomers who browse this board

Anonymous No. 16175599

My nieces and nephews are going to be stunted as hell, I'm witnessing this shit evertime I visit them. And, yes, it's because parents are getting lazier or they're too overworked to give a damn anymore.

Anonymous No. 16175614

>or has tech gotten more dangerous for little minds?
(dumb video game video but it makes a solid point)

Minds need to be "fed" a good diet of information to grow properly.
Most "media content" being made these days is made to be as click bait and engaging as humanly possible. It's the equivalent of eating raw sugar or candy.
It's not that it "rots your brain" as boomers use to say, but rather there's nothing there to actually stimulate the brain. Unfortunately we've learned this is the best way to generate more views which is what all content creators care about these days cause that's what the system rewards.

Anonymous No. 16175624

One has to be retarded to come of age in the 21st century, be exposed to things like social media, vidya, youtube, 4chan, addictive online stimulation basically, and not realize that this technology is a disaster for the human brain.
I'm just glad I had no computer access for the first ~10 years of my life. Unfortunately I still had tv and nintendo. Overall there's nothing information technologies have done for me that books, newspapers and letter-writing wouldn't have done 1000x better. Just endless trash lodging itself into one's memory.

Anonymous No. 16175625

none of that happened

Anonymous No. 16175663

Instant satisfaction fries brains and mobile phone is all about it. All traditional puzzle, toys, games, book reading and writing ultilize senses and memories and cultivate habit and teach principles, not tuning in like a golem.

Anonymous No. 16175677

What the fuck is a ipad? We use a apple vision

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Anonymous No. 16175702

The iPad itself isn’t the problem, the problem is what you choose to do with the iPad. You must guide your child in the right direction.

Anonymous No. 16175708

baby's learn the most from human interaction

its fucking sad that people will just hand their kid an ipad over interacting with them

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Anonymous No. 16175751

>One of them does not allow access to any digital media. The kids just have books, arts/crafts at home, and go to daycare without access to a TV.
>One is in kindergarten and cannot count to 10. Parents about to pull her out and homeschool because they don't "trust the system"
Kinda hard to separate inherited intelligence from induced retardation in such cases. Retarded parents are more likely to neglect their children and not understand the value of encouraging creative and intellectual pursuits while also not understanding the value of things like discipline and adequate nutrition.

Anonymous No. 16175755

>It's not that it "rots your brain" as boomers use to say, but rather there's nothing there to actually stimulate the brain.
I like how you have so much cognitive dissonance over your parents being right about something that you have to bring up boomers out of nowhere and desperately pick at semantics just to claim they were wrong.

Anonymous No. 16175771

>Another one just stands there and shits in his pants whenever he wants.

Anonymous No. 16176021

>Another one just stands there and shits in his pants whenever he wants.

Anonymous No. 16176024

kek, this

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Anonymous No. 16176266

>out of nowhere
The saying "x rots your brain" has existed since the 1600s and been applied to all forms of media, starting with books.
It's like a mind virus it lays dormant in the back of ones subconscious, subtly warning them of danger, guiding to stay away from mind numbing media content that's sensational but intellectually dull. I think it's a very important phrase considering how long it's been in use and strikes at the heart of what OP is talking about.

Whether they were right or wrong was not the point I wanted to make, and misses the point entirely. I think it's little bit of both cause some media is intellectually stimulating while others are not. The point is if you're aware of the danger, you can avoid it seek out "good" media content, or at the very least be able to recognize the "bad" type when if or when you encounter it.
I think maybe the problem today is media content creators must go through a 3rd party that often rewards the creator for making intellectually dull but sensational content. The system has been designed to reward them for this. Why is that?

>I like how
I like how the only thing you responded to was the use of the word boomer as if you were some Pavlovian trained internet troll that activates when hearing your trigger word

Anonymous No. 16176277

it might not necessarily be the pipeline of
not watch brainrot -> smart,
it might be:
the parents are smart + pass down good genetic material to the child + do not let the kid watch brainmelt.

Anonymous No. 16176506

Makes me wonder what makes literature so good as a form of media? Is there a better more stimulating form of media than both literature and tiktok?

>inb4 human interaction
But I guess that isn't 'media'

Anonymous No. 16176526

I think hard videogames are better for the brain, but books r good because you have to be actively participating. You have to read which is a focused activity and not passive.

Anonymous No. 16176604

It's all about moderation. Letting your kid play with your phone or tablet once in a while is fine. Same with watching TV, playing vidya, yadda yadda yadda.

The problem is the parents who sit their kids in front of a TV for six hours a day or put them alone in a playroom as soon as they get home, throw a tablet in, and close the door. There's a lot of kids from Gen Alpha who are gonna be borderline retarded because of that shit.

Anonymous No. 16176950

I'm in general agreement with you
However the use of the word boomer is a problem if you want to make your point.
Avoiding trigger words is a necessary component of attempting to elucidate an NPC.
It was your error.

Anonymous No. 16176953

Words literally create reality. The same thing is different, repeat IS DIFFERENT, if described using different words.
Books are filled with words and no TV or non word medium will ever.

Anonynous No. 16176960

>Avoiding trigger words is a necessary component of attempting to elucidate an NPC.
Nta but why would you waste time on educating lesser adult minds. You should just try to scam them out of their money.

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Duttons dysgenic ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16176970

Environmental and genetic factors are making everyone dumber. The genetic factors are more important and will eventually collapse civilization if eugenics of some for isn't started.

Anonymous No. 16176972

>Why do my LLMs and kids have no semantic knowledge wtf

Anonymous No. 16176986

I wasn't the one responding to an NPC.
Good question.
But if he must I'm explaining how things work to him so he can avoid the frustration of getting btfo by a triggered NPC.

If you say boomer, nothing else you said matters at all.
Same as if you say capitalism.

Anonymous No. 16176987

wait why is the entire post formatted with >s?
is this just a copy pasted post from some other board?

Anonymous No. 16177013

yes. keep kids away from screens until 14. they need to experience the world quite literally and not from a screen

Anonynous No. 16177015

Boomer, capitalism. What are some other words to watch out for?

Anonymous No. 16177112

It's audience dependent.
Never say Trump, Biden, communism, or capitalism if you want a conversation to go anywhere with a person you don't know well.

It's possible to use these words in discussion, just not with random people. These loaded words mean more to them than you could ever imagine.

The word Trump means 7 billion different things and each of those things has incredible depth of symbolism and conceptualization to each person.

To communicate, you must use words that have the most agreed upon meanings possible.
This is why medical terminology is so specific.

Saying certain words conjures worlds of meaning to certain people at certain times.

The actual "official" definition is out the window once someone has been programmed.

Anonymous No. 16177116

If it is bad for adults imagine how bad its for children that are still developing their brains.

Those parents will reap what they are sowing when their children dont know how to socialize and are lazy.

Parents nowadays are lazier than previous ones because society gets more and more degenerate and stupid with each generation but boomers were also lazy and stupid letting their children play video games and be on the internet all the time.